(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)

What should i upgrade next?

I feel my damage (especially KB) sucks while clearing. POB says i have 174k Dps, with leveld up Gems its 181k.
Power Siphon DPS is 250k, but im missing the 4blue Chest (although POB says i lose DPS doing this)

SHould i just go for awakened Gems? Or did I do something wrong? I dont see where I could get alot more damage since this is barely enough to comfortably clear t10+ maps

The Character is Kirbeeback (https://pastebin.com/x1WJh4CV)
Kill all!
Oak is useless, Kraityn is not impactful and a jewel can do more than what Alira offers you.
cookiereloaded เขียน:
What should i upgrade next?

I feel my damage (especially KB) sucks while clearing. POB says i have 174k Dps, with leveld up Gems its 181k.
Power Siphon DPS is 250k, but im missing the 4blue Chest (although POB says i lose DPS doing this)

SHould i just go for awakened Gems? Or did I do something wrong? I dont see where I could get alot more damage since this is barely enough to comfortably clear t10+ maps

The Character is Kirbeeback (https://pastebin.com/x1WJh4CV)

Hi, looking at your character, there are a couple of places that can improve your dps.

1. Abyssal jewels are extremely important to this build, especially for KB dps, make sure you have good flat ele damage on every jewel socket you have access to.

2. Try to put all your resistances on your belt, boots, and shield, so you can get much better dps mods on your rings and amulet. You can also get attack speed easily on your shield. Good mods to look for on jewellery (in rank order):

a. tier 1 flat lightning
b. tier 1 crit multi (especially for amulet cuz you can get 35+ crit multi)/tier 1 ele damage with attack
c. tier 1 flat cold or fire, crit chance and increased ele/lightning damage

3. I suggest you add precision into your set up, with enlighten 4, you'll have enough mana for warth, precision lvl 20 and HoI, and that will allow you to drop accuracy mods on your rings for better dps mods, also open up the opportunity to use a wrath/precision two mod eye.

4. For power siphon, you MUST use a lvl 21 PS (very cheap) to get an extra projectile. And lab enchant for +2 projectiles is also important. You dont have energy shield on your gear so you shouldn't be using energy leech, I suggest you use this 6L (3B 2G 1R):
PS - Barrage support - Ele damage with attacks - (awk) added lightning - Ele focus - Slower projectile

5. If you are willing to sacrifice a bit life for more dps, you can take a look at new cluster notables, and get rid of all points left of point blank on your current tree.

You can also take a look at the gear/set up I posted on page 574. Some of these upgrades I mentioned could be quite expensive, but tbh this build does not have a good budget version.

GunFinX เขียน:

Essence crafted the above wand but not sure what the next step should be.

Annul and hope to remove Intelligence?

If you dont have much currency, you can stick with this for a while. But if you do have currency to burn, just keep doing the essense - annul thing until you hit a decent 3 mod wand and then multi-mod
how much accuracy do we need to hit the 90+%? precision lvl 20 alone enough? cant find matching numbers and cant be bothered to tinker with pob
cookiereloaded เขียน:
how much accuracy do we need to hit the 90+%?
precision lvl 20 alone enough?

I'm not sure how much accuracy do I have (and I don't have any accuracy mods on my gear) but your Precision normally won't be leveled higher than ~8 lvl. It can be leveled to 20 though it requires one or two enlighten 3-4 lvl linked to Wrath, Herald of ice and Precision for comfortable skill usage (aura calc link).

PoB community fork says I have 98% hit chance with Precision 7.
My Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SystemNick
I think, I've almost reached this "endgame setup" for build and can share what results can be achieved in a temp league by an average player. There is still a lot of things that can be improved like higher level (my char is currently 92), 21/23 gems or awakened supports, abyss jewels, corrupted blood immunity or a bit better gear pieces and so on. But damage output is pretty nice right now.

Done Sirus AWL 6 and I think it won't struggle on AWL 8. It can survive T16 delirium encounters with insane combined beyond, nemesis, bloodlines mods in influenced maps but its kinda risky and random deaths still occur. Small life cluster jewels, lagre clusters with jewel sockets, more life on gear/jewels or tinkering with other defensive layers may help.

My PoB Community Fork pastebin (Delirium 3.10)
https://pastebin.com/MsVDMuze (Boss config and flask setup)
https://pastebin.com/CgP51NxJ (Mapping)

Some screenshots for lazy asses like me

Boss calcs

Mapping calcs

Tooltips in game (not something u should rely on but still)

Standing still unbuffed in ho with auras on

Movement speed 31%

Flasks enabled in ho (mapping setup)

Movement speed 186% (Phase Run on)

My gear





I swap Stibnite flask for Wise Oak


4 in tree, 1 in belt

Cluster jewels

Don't wanna refund passives to link my the only one cluster jewel. It's nothing special. I focused on close single target damage.
Base gives 10% increased projectile damage from small passives, has notables Eye to Eye, Repeater, has 1 jewel socket (I socketed abyss jewel there). I also lucky vaaled it and got 1% lightning penetration. Wiki (Ctrl+F notable names).

I looked for desired mods here.

You can tinker with lightning damage base, it also has not so bad ele damage notables. I don't have enough passives to mess with large cluster jewels without dropping some core built-in notables but there should be some good replacement.

I would like to hear some advice on surviving crazy content like 100% delirium maps or last waves in simulacrum (have not tried it yet with this build). Except crafting helm "#% phys damage takes as ele damage" that's won't save from most oneshots anyway. Having ~4750 life feels a bit fragile. You can faceroll random beyond bosses on T16 leaving them no chance, fully clear map in 2 mins and than one little mistake like stucking in a small mob pack for a second or not dodging rare abyss mob attack is punished with death.

I also wondering wtf is wrong with mob Ancient Wraith.
Links: poedb, wiki (not the actual mob, wiki doesn't have exact variant).
I've met this thing in Azurite Mine (weapon node, ghosts spawning from graves) and it seems like its spells cannot be evaded/dodged or idk. Flasks on (of warding too), always moving but recieve significant amounts of damage. It fcking kills in seconds. They have lightning resists, yes, but I still one-shot them. And they 2-3-shot me. Nasty thing.
My Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SystemNick
I invested almost 30 ex in Kinetic Blast/ Power Siphon Pathfinder and it does not work. :/ My chracter is very weak.

My PoB is: https://pastebin.com/nqdqd0HZ

Could anyone give me some tips so it is able at least to clear well maps? At the moment I'm strugglingg with T9 maps, lol (just alchem). Am I doing something wrong with this type of wand character? It's my first time using such weapon.
gabarunes เขียน:
I invested almost 30 ex in Kinetic Blast/ Power Siphon Pathfinder and it does not work. :/ My chracter is very weak.

I didn't notice anything completely wrong with your char. It should do well at least in yellow maps. Standard boss config with in-battle buffs shows almost 1.7 mil Power Siphon DPS. 4.7K life isn't too bad too, same as mine.

You can drop Dying Sun and most of sources that give increased flask effect (some tree nodes and conqueror's potency). It depends on personal playstyle of course but I use in this slot life flask of staunching (bleed immunity) and definitely recommend to have one. Build is fast af and sometimes I have a split second to heal when bleeding.

Get watcher's eye.

Get atztiri's step with enchant. A really, really, I mean really expensive and well crafted rare boots with tailwind and elusive can be a better option for dps (still with enchant) but still can lower survivability.

Get tombfist or very good gripped gloves.

Get rare wand (always check diff in PoB first, only really good wand can significantly increase dps).

Get CWDT if you die a lot.

Get flame dash or other movement skill additionally to phase run. Helps a lot. I don't like running around cliffs/gapes. Also rescues when you get caught in the middle of the mob pack.

A little but still valid source of DPS is elemental/attack quality on rings, amulet and belt.

You can try dropping all the left part of passive tree and replace it with 1-2 better cluster jewels.

Upgrade pantheon powers.

Keep all your flasks all the time up. I usually keep up only jade+stibnite and use diamond when approaching a pack. Vessel of Vinktar is a nice boost for bossing and I prefer not to spam it carelessly while mapping (50% increased damage taken is a big risk when you can clear screens of trash mobs without it anyway).

Check map mods. Ele reflect is instant death obviously. No leech same (haven't tried myself but think so). Lowered/no regen is pretty doable but just be cautious with our own blood rage and burning/caustic ground. Mobs ele resist, stacked added ele damage and crits can be nasty.

Maybe look how ppl play evasion/PS builds on youtube, idk. I thought I'm playing wrong at first but this build requires some practice and doesn't forgive mistakes. I just got better at playing it with some time. It's very intensive, fast cleaning build with one condition: everything is assembled and done right. Right positioning, timed attacks and even fleeing when needed are important.
My Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SystemNick
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย _SystemNick_#6240 เมื่อ 21 เม.ย. 2020 15:49:14
gabarunes เขียน:
I invested almost 30 ex in Kinetic Blast/ Power Siphon Pathfinder and it does not work. :/ My chracter is very weak.

My PoB is: https://pastebin.com/nqdqd0HZ

Could anyone give me some tips so it is able at least to clear well maps? At the moment I'm strugglingg with T9 maps, lol (just alchem). Am I doing something wrong with this type of wand character? It's my first time using such weapon.

The most important thing your build is lacking is flat ele damage.

Two changes to fix this easily:
1. Craft or buy a decent rare imbued wand with t1 flat lightning damage, decent crit and attack speed.
If you choose to craft, spam deafening essense of wrath on a lvl 80+ crusader influenced imbued wand, look for decent mods such as attack speed, crit chance, lightning res penetration, crit multi, etc. If you hit 2 other good mods beside the guaranteed flat lightning damage, try to annul the trash mods, and multi-mod the rest. (You should anoint wandslinger on amulet as it gives better dops than prism weave, and if you have that, spell damage will also be a good mod on your wand)

2. Abyssal jewels are extremely important to this build, try to get as much flat ele damage on those as possible, flat lightning is best, but cold/fire also works. Priotize your tree to get jewel socket first, you dont need the four points at Graceful Assult cluster, Precise interception is also not impactful. Get a tombfist with +crit chance implicit, and socket in a murderous eye.

These two should fix most of your dps. Besides, you can get a watchers eye (expensive), switch dying sun into atziri's promise for higher dps, and if you are willing to sacrifice a bit life, you can use some new dps nodes in cluster jewels. Also, power siphon playstyle need some practice, it is pure single target, so u need to clear all trash mobs near boss to deal actual dps on boss.

You can take a look at the gear/set up I posted on page 574, that's capable of doing Sirus A8 and simulacrum 20/20.



