[3.4] Fire Nova Mine - Perfect League Starter - Low Budget - FAST - HC Viable
Going to be my first league start. Just started playing a few weeks before the end of Breach. This looks like a very promising build to start off on. Going to try it out.
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" That's cool, hope you'll enjoy this build :o) Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
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Thank you so much for your clear explaination! I'm really looking forward to take this one to start in 2.6.0
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thanks for the guide/Build i will use it on 2.6 Legacy League.
edit: i think that build got a huge nerf cause GGG dont care about trap/aoe i saw some videos about flameblast and his aoe radius goes down from 112% -> 53% ;/ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dreadmoon2291#0603 เมื่อ 27 ก.พ. 2017 11:54:46
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Was thinking on trying this build on 2.6 but after this https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1838713 , i'm just not sure anymore. Any opinion on how bad the new nerfs will be for this?
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Pre 2.6 radius with 40% increased radius + 44% from 11 mines : total 84% radius. (achievable with skilltree alone. No gear necessary).
30*1.84 = 55.2 'length unit' final radius Post 2.6 radius with 6*8% + 2*10% increased Area from tree + 88% from 11 mines: total 156 % increased Area (again, no gear necessary). base Area of fire nova mine : 30 * 30 * 3.14 = 2826 'area unit' area of fire nova after increase : 2826 * 2.56 = 7235 'area unit' Conversion to radius : squareroot( 7235 / 3.14 ) = 48 'length unit' final radius. Final result: New fire nova mine will be shorter by 13.2% A very consequent nerf, but the build remains manageable. edit: Another way to look at the change. The new radius will be as if you were only taking 60% increased radius with current value. We will lose ' 24% increased radius of area ' on the tree, for as many skillpoints. Again, consequent, but manageable. It may very well double cleartime though, since we will be well below the screenwide threshold. Meaning clearing one screen or one huge pack might very well take two complete detonations rather than one. Still my personnal choice for SSF, but I am not bothered by slower cleartime. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย polimeris#6053 เมื่อ 27 ก.พ. 2017 13:51:35
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" Thank you, i want play SSF next League with that starter build. |
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" Thank you very much for this post. I hope your math is right, since I was very worried myself about the new AoE , I put your post on the frontpage. If it's really only 13.2% less then I guess I will stick to FNM as SSF HC build next league. Thank you for calculating it out :o). Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
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Thanks for calculating the new ranges, so far it seems pretty doable still.
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I had an idea on how we could improve the build.
With the recent AoE changes, how about ditching most of the templar tree and just go for zealots oath + life cluster, and going full crit? We take out controlled destruction and replace it with the inc AoE gem. This way the AoE should be close to old values: " So with the new values on the passive tree we would miss out on 26% AoE by ditching the Templar site and gain 49% AoE with the Gem. (+23% AoE). As polimeris said we will lose 24% AoE (which lowers the total radius by 13.2%). So this would mean that we would be at 49% (lvl 20 inc AoE) - 24% (2.6 nerf) - 26% (ditching templar AoE) = -1% . We barely lose any noticable amount AoE anymore. What we lose: controlled destruction gem 20/20 = 44% more Spell Damage (10% inc spell damage from 20 qual controlled destruction but we gain 10% area damage from qual of AoE gem so they equal each other out) 40% life 30 flat life 12% all res 1% life reg 29% spell damage 20% area damage 10% ele dmg and 4% cast speed What we gain: Same Radius Values as pre 2.6 Nerf (+13.2% total radius in the end) 18 Points to spend somewhere else in the tree -> crit We get rid of the downside of the Controlled destruction gem which is + 100% critchance I imagine the new tree looking like this: poeurl.com/4Am We would not only get a lot of crit + crit multiplier but also free power charges. I took the hybrid life/Es wheel (Melding) which gives us 15% life so that we only lose 25% life + 30 flat life overall. What you guys think about this idea? I know many guys unlike me are really good at math so it would be awesome to figure out if this change would improve this build in the end or not. I can't tell myself yet if this change is 100% worth it but let's find out. What's sure though is that we will lose a bit of defense, so we might have to aim for a belly of the beast, which would bring us back to old life values and would also give us 50% Life Flask Recovery Rate (which is pretty beastly,*huh*) What you guys think about this idea? Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย KikosLive#5411 เมื่อ 27 ก.พ. 2017 16:14:39
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