[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Hey Mika,
How are you enjoying the league so far? I've been slowly struggling through it with ED + Cont but it feels a bit painful atm. I'm going to try and just rush getting some golem jewels and transition to a golemancer ASAP. I hope that will feel better. I was looking at the new skills and the exposure mechanic from Wave of Conviction looks kinda neat. Enemies get -25 resistances from whichever element they take the most damage from. The spell is physical with 25% converted to fire & lightning. I figure if we spec out of EE on the tree and use the Malachai's Artifice ring to proc EE instead then we can try and use wave of conviction to give fire exposure. I would accomplish this by running blasph + Flammability as this would debuff the enemies by just fire res making it so that pretty much everything should take more fire damage than lightning damage and so the exposure applied should always be to fire. Wave has pretty nice coverage too. The downsides are losing the lack of synergy which ele weakness has to group play and how it scales with quality. You also have to use the unique ring which is pretty meh. I don't see it as a truly endgame alternative but it might be a fun thing to get some extra -fire res into the build fairly cheaply until you start getting a lot more damage from OP items like +1 SotL, lvl 4 empowers and the like. Anyway, what do you think? Good idea or terrible!! |
" " Hello :) Yep, Chain is very expensive this league and low level Golems are not as strong as high tier Specters. It's better to buy lvl 20 Desecrate and Raise Specter and ask for portal to Shaper tier map. This way you can raise maximum level Specters which will carry you easily to T13+ maps. If you have the Chain already or the prices come down suddenly, you can also go for the amulet and use it. " Hi :) I have been enjoying doing the Acts once again and not really focused on league mechanics yet. At least we get access to it often and it does not seem as grindy as some earlier mechanics. Hope you are enjoying league as well ^^ My only fear is that the areas don't have other than normal monster packs, which means that Temporal Chains will make league content easy once again. Syndicates are back as core mechanic this time, and the fights have been very interesting. The idea seems interesting but quite complicated. Would't Avatar of Fire convert damage to fire and ensure you always deal fire damage to get right exposure? What skills / minion would you use to proc EE from artifice? using Light / Ice Golem takes one shooter away and other minions expect Specs tend to do only physical damage. Losing a rare ring hurts EHP / resistances / minion speed quite a bit. It can we worth testing it out as the ring costs next to nothing and tree remains about the same. I would say that the idea needs testing to see how well it works in practice. I'm interested to hear about the results if you decide to test it out ;) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
If i wanna get golems goin, any point in ditching zombies and getting only 2 golems?
" HEllo, just check my profile my last season champ 'kGLAaSSCmANONi' is kind of what you need ;) Hello everyone, enjoy your Golem line up, in golem we trust <3 <3 Gl all x) One more time, epic job by mika ;) |
" Hi Mika, Thx for the response. Wow, I hadn't considered going Avatar of Fire at all. That makes so much sense and could certainly be a great way to guarantee fire exposure!! I think that my build will be less affected than the std 4 fire golems with TV spectres. I frankly only ever play the Elementalist golemancer variant so I always have 4 fire golems, 1 lightning and 1 Ice. So for me putting the lightning golem into the Malachai's Artifice ring doesn't lose me anything DPS wise. Like you say, I end up having to use the unique ring which is a little garbage compared to a really nice rare with legacy ES craft and Minion movement speed but, as you say, it could be viable early on in the league and probably even more useful for elementalist golemancers who either don't have DPS spectres or at least rely less on them for boss DPS. Then having something that could boost golem damage is arguably more beneficial providing surviveability is not impaired enough to stop you doing content. I'll certainly look to try it out anyway. I keep expecting EE to get gutted for minion builds at some point so getting an extra source of golem DPS could be useful for elemancers ( MUCH less useful for the main necro build). It's kinda like an "almost" free scorching ray totem at 8 stages for my elemancer though. Just transitioned to golems now - already league feels better despite golems being a little underpowered as I'm missing harmonies atm. Aiming for a MF spec atm. Currently life / MoM but hoping to go hybrid ES / Life when I can. |
" Hello :) I usually recommend going Golems when you can summon 4x Golems out. This makes sure that you have enough ranged minions to clear maps at same speed as with using Solar Guard Specters. Anima Stone with Necromancer or Occultist and the first Ascendancys with Elementalist both give you 4x Golems to make the switch. 2x Golems is very slow way to clear content. You can run 4-5x Solar Guard Specs for 2-5c cost and kill enemies much faster. " Thanks for support ^^ Kami's setups are very good so definitely worth checking out :) " Hey :) With Elementalist using extra Golems you don't really lose much expect ring slot. This makes it much more worthwhile investment. I'm always searching for extra DPS sources for the future is EE ever gets nerfed. Exposure seems great extra if we can get into the build with small sacrifices. Minions have been great especially now that we get Syndicates as core game mechanic. Minions can tank and kill Synds that would wreck many chars with atlas map entry level gear. Going MF is interesting idea. I have seen some MF setups with Golems in thread earlier and I have heard they work great with minions if you find balance in EHP / MF. I'm interested to see what your final setup will look like ;) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
" Hey Mika, Thx, I'll try to keep you updated as to how I get on. This is where I am currently with gearing:
Still a lot of pretty meh gear but I don't want to spend tons of currency upgrading it atm since I will be looking to go hybrid life / ES as soon as possible. Once I find a body armour that makes swapping worthwhile anyway. I expect though that it could be another week or two until prices come down on middling ES hybrid body armours that are 6-linked so I guess we'll have to wait and see. I tend to buy all the bits I will need before transitioning so will look to get the shield (which I probably won't be able to go necro aegis + Victario's charity as my build will likely be resist starved), belt & helm at the same time. League goals will likely be a nice shaped quant amulet and maybe a decent ES added rarity chest. My "main" golemancer in Std is a MF setup so both those things would work well for it. (Although I may stick with my double legacy bisco's for Std as an extra 10% quant there seems less useful). Saying that I don't think golemacers make the best MF'ers. They don't have either the speed or the clear of a fully kitted QotF TS Deadeye / PF. It suits my extremely lazy playstlye of just running alch'd yellow maps and still getting ok returns. But it's useless for bossing and like I say, not very good if you want to MF efficiently (and really MF should be done efficiently)! For that reason I tend to caveat going MF golems as not a good idea unless you (like me) really like the golem playstlyle and are just lloking to squeeze a little extra out of every low-tier map you run where you don't need a lot of EHP to map casually. Hope that makes sense....... Anyway, hope you continue to be well Mika and good luck in the league :) |
" Hello :) Golemancer gear prices have been lowering quite fast. I hope I can make some nice finds next week when I plan to gear for higher tier maps. I think you can get good EHP and resistances even with MF if you dont go too wild with quantity. Yep, Golems are not the fastest for MF but have their own play-style in everything they do. Relaxing and click-free is very nice especially in longer sessions. I got pretty nice Q / R in standard with my Golemancer when I used legacy quantity gem in Golems and let TC Specs deal most of the damage. I think I had over 100% Q / 150 R with legacy rings, amulet and some legacy MF gear. Thanks, league has been fun but client has been crashing for me and my friend. I really wish that GGG fixes this fast. Hope that your league will go well ;) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
The author, did what indicated in the guide, the totem does not appear. Raise Specter -> Minion Damage -> Minion And Totem Elemental Resistance Support -> Multiple Totems support -> What did I do wrong? did as indicated. |
" What exactly is your issue? Are you raising the correct corpse? |