[3.10] Bashtart's SPARK INQUISITOR * farming like a god! :)
I've never leveled a CI character before and tbh. this is a very painful, painful, painful experience. I think I died... 20 times now from normal -> cruel a3. I can kill things with flameblast quite quickly but a lot of things hurt... I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or maybe I'm just not dodging attacks well enough...? also I know my gear blows, I cannot seem to find anything good... :/ |
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" You do not level as CI... you level as a life based character and later you switch. I guess your main problem is your defense ... skill out of "Vaal Pact" it does not help you with totems and you lose your life regen. YOu may want to check out this flameblast guide. It might help you... Today I leveled my witch with flameblast totem from 1 to 50 and I died like twice... what did help me a lot is temporal chains as active skill works really good with flameblast. You also need to get a lot of cast speed... it is a squishy build to level... so never stand still... put your totems down and run arround... I guess I will make a small video guide how to level with dual flameblast totem but it will take a while...my next project :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย bashtart#2403 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2017 14:36:25
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Hey, been enjoying this build a lot! Great thanks for coming up with such a nice build.
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Trombae/characters This is my character here. Can someone help me take a look and see how I can improve it? I have 3 free gem sockets on my weapon that I have no idea what I should add. Thank you! |
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" You don't have low level CWDT(+Immortal Call+Warlord's Mark+Enfeeble ... because you have temporal chains on hit on gloves) which is really important for your survivability. I guess your next goal should be a 6link chest... not the cheapest item to get :) Also your shield and your belt has room for improvement. |
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Quick Questions concerning the links
1. curse on hit / warlords mark / assassin#s mark / herald of ice I assume that the curse applied the two marks, and that you cast herald of ice pre combat, as it does not trigger off the curse on hit? 2. cast when damage taken (low)/ immortal call / warlord's mark / temporal chains This immortal call, warlord#s mark and temporal chains are supposed to trigger as often as possible whan damage is taken. if it triggers, doesnt the lower gem's warlord's mark in this setup "overwrite" the warlord's mark from the curse on hit setup? 3. cast when damage taken (high) / vaal haste / molten shell / ice golem with this setup you hope that if you take a lot of damage, you get out of the danger zone as soon as possible, and that the golem helps you to escape. when you put it like this, you can't activate the golem pre combat. how about putting a golem gem into the 2nd weapon slot, and swithching when possible? will that work? i guess i'll give it a try as soon is i am done with this. for a variety of reasons, though, i don't have this setup yet, but increased duration / vaal discipline / vaal disipline instead. not happy with it, i will give yours a try. if the ice golem idea i mentioned works, why don't you use this 4 gem slot to use enlighten / herald of ice / herald of thunder / discipline? if my assumption from above, see 1., is true, then you use two heralds and disciplin anyway all the time. so there's probably one or more mistakes in these thoughts. probably one that would explain why i never get any power charges with my configuratiuon. :-) perhaps you'll want to take a look at Analatmer, my char, and tell me where i am wrong and why. i'd be grateful. hm. and don't worry about the amulet, there will be another choir soon, hopefully, that i then won't vaal into oblivion. (hopefully) thanks in advance! |
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" 1. Herald of Ice (self buff) has a shatter effect when a frozen enemies is killed, this explosion will trigger curse on hit (support) which cast our two curses warlord's & assassin's mark. In your setup... you have two active curses and your CoH does nothing because you do not use an active skill...normal hits with herald of ice will not trigger curse on hit because a buff can not hit. 2. Yes it can happen that one curse will overwrite another... but that does not really matter. 3. Normally our golem is 98% of the time active... so I would not recommend to change it. 4. One more thing... use http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/ it really helps to understand the game :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย bashtart#2403 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2017 16:09:14
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" I can feel your pain, just now finely approaching the blessed 69. I leveled using Firestorm/Fire Totem so some of the things that I did may not pertain to your situation, but who knows it may help. So here are some of the things that I did. 1) Followed the OP paths for picking passive points but deveated where needed to also pick up some life. When I convert over at 69 I will need to refund around 11 or 12 passive points. Here is what I picked up. The three life nodes just below 'Retrebution' The 'Quick Recovery' cluster The 'Melding' cluster +30 strength to help out on attributes 2) Pick up the 5 jewel Sockets as soon as you can. I put a cheap '7% increased maximum life' in each one, plus some resistance if I could get it. I never paid over 1c for any jewel as I would be replacing them at 69. 3) I also used a Tebula Rasa for leveling which is fine for the low levels. But I would switch to a 5 link once you can get one. I found a 5 link white 'Chain Hauberk' which I used the essence that adds life. That and a little master crafting of resistances gave me a chest that I can use until the switch over. Plus as a bonus, the 5 link is easier on the mana pool 4) Keep you eyes out on poe.trade for some equipment with life. I never spent over 1c on anything and now at 64 I have just over 3K life. There are two exceptions to this. I had been looking out for a +140 resistance ring for the switch over. I found a lvl 48 one that meet this requirement and allowed to use it for leveling. Helped a lot with hitting my leveling resistance caps. Also I had some kick ass 'Winds of Change' that also helped out. I paid 5c for the corrupted gloves with the 'curse enemies with level 11 temporal chains'. It then cost me around 30c to get the sockets master crafted to the way I wanted them. Big shout out to 'Garnier' and his Master Crafting service for helping me out (he works for tips). 5) Normally when I level, I always seem to be under leveled for the area that I am in. In doing this character I made the effort to always be at least the area level or a little over. Caused me to have to farm a little, but I did not die as much. Plus I stayed away from the vaal side areas and did not go crazy on the legacy 'Leaguestones'. Hope this helps แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Skua99#1307 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2017 00:25:07
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I would like to share my experience with the build:
First of all, I would like to thank Bashtart for sharing this awesome guide. I am a newbie to PoE. I have only played this game for 3 weeks. For my first character I have decided to copy an established build to get to know the game. I have picked this build without realizing CI build is actually not really newbie friendly. I had a hard time leveling at first since I specced into full ES and CI without proper ES gear. But slowly I have managed to power through the hard part and get myself a proper farming gears as suggested. Since then I have been really enjoying this build and just after 3 weeks of playing I have managed to get all the suggested uniques (including Vinktar and Choir of Storm) and descent rares (my ES is 8.5k now with capped resistance). Now the toon has becoming a mapping machine and breeze through everything up to tier 13 (except elemental resistance map). I have yet to try tier 14 - 16, waiting to upgrade a few rares and then attempt those maps. The only change I did is using Atziri's Promise to supplement my Vinktar during downtime. My only question is any tips to attempt those solo bosses in tier 14+? Any skill gems can be used to push the single target DPS? Thank you again for a great build! |
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Just reached level 69 and have switched over to CI. Things seem to be working correctly except for one thing. I have 'curse enemies with level 11 Temporal Chains' on my gloves plus another 'Temporal Chains' on my low level CWDT. Should I replace the CWDT one with something else? To complicate matters the low level CWDT is on a corrupted item so its gets a little expensive to change socket colors (its doable but costs ~20c to change).
My second question is, what should I be looking at upgrading next. I am feeling good about my resistances as they are all over 169% in the hideout (lightning 221%) and I have 4.3K ES. I am guessing that I need to slowly start replacing my jewels as I only concentrated on getting 'increased freeze duration' and resistances on them. The other jewel attributes are mostly just trash. Thanks แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Skua99#1307 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2017 14:08:06
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" Look more or less in PoE there are two kind of builds... the first one is a bosskiller which is really good killing bosses... the other one is really good at farming but not in bossfights. The freezing spark inquisitor is a farming build... it also can kill high end bosses but there a builds which just can do it better. I really thought a lot about this topic... but as soon as I invest more in my bosskilling abilities I always lose clearing speed. I think about trying to add poison / chaos damage eather with support gems or/and with voltaxic rift / Drillneck (then we would have 60% chaos & 40% cold damage for freezing enemies)... but I have not tested it enough. You can try storm call, lightning tendrils or some other lightning skill. If you find a solution for this problem let us know :) " 1. I also have temporal chains on hit at my gloves and use "Enfeeble" curse instead of temporal chains in low level CWDT setup. Maybe projectile weakness would be another option if you do not want to change socket colors. 2. I would get a doryani'S catalyst next... its not so expensive and will increase your clearing speed and survivability. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย bashtart#2403 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2017 08:04:56
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