[3.10] Bashtart's SPARK INQUISITOR * farming like a god! :)

What about duration? Did you experiment with that at all?
kadjrum เขียน:
Have you thought about going scion and using Deadeye + Inquisitor? Or do you feel that just going templar would be more powerful. Not sure if running scion would make pathing difficult but it would surely make flameblast toteming early on in the league difficult without easy access to ancestral bond.

No I have not really thought about it because Inquisitor is my eyes just the best overall for this build.

Melkrow เขียน:
What about duration? Did you experiment with that at all?

What exactly do you mean? In theory section I wrote a part about spark & duraction...
You did mention it but there is no increased duration on your tree or a gem. "The increased duration helps us..." not sure what u r talking about. It feels like you forgot to put Inc Duration gem in the links since that was in a paragraph that u r talking about gems.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Melkrow#0726 เมื่อ 3 ส.ค. 2017 11:58:15
Melkrow เขียน:
You did mention it but there is no increased duration on your tree or a gem. "The increased duration helps us..." not sure what u r talking about. It feels like you forgot to put Inc Duration gem in the links since that was in a paragraph that u r talking about gems.

Okay now I understand... yes at the start of the 2.6 season I had "increased duration" in my setup but a little later in Season I felt increased crit damage is just more effective. Increased duration might become again a viable option with spark threshold jewel... I updated my guide a bit... thanks for your comment.
Considering your build for league start, though I have a few questions about the passive tree. Do you think you picked up enough life nodes? Did you do the math, with how much would you end up? And do you think mana sustain will be enough for MoM?
WellSkilledNoob เขียน:
Considering your build for league start, though I have a few questions about the passive tree. Do you think you picked up enough life nodes? Did you do the math, with how much would you end up? And do you think mana sustain will be enough for MoM?

Hi there... I played around with path of building and had with really bad gear 4,3k life... i musst confess the beste balance between offense and defense I have to find again. So it might be possible that we have to take some additional life nodes. For MoM I guess yes but it depends also on gear etc.
Now that ES is nerfed we don't need ES on gear. That would open our helmet to be of another base.

How efficient is to replace the rare helmet with a


this doesn't give us life but it gives us 30 resist to every element

and our


with a rare ring

We can get more Lightning Spell Damage on the rare ring than on the unique one
we won't need the cold conversion to freeze because what freezes is our lightning damage
and because we didn't convert our damage we have a stronger hit of the same element and that means longer freezes
we could also get life, mana regen and resist on it

I'm curious about what the people think about this.
Link to the skill tree seems to be broken, any way to get it updated?
QuantumEchoEcho เขียน:
Now that ES is nerfed we don't need ES on gear. That would open our helmet to be of another base.

How efficient is to replace the rare helmet with a


this doesn't give us life but it gives us 30 resist to every element

and our


with a rare ring

We can get more Lightning Spell Damage on the rare ring than on the unique one
we won't need the cold conversion to freeze because what freezes is our lightning damage
and because we didn't convert our damage we have a stronger hit of the same element and that means longer freezes
we could also get life, mana regen and resist on it

I'm curious about what the people think about this.

Hey there...the threedragons is imo a good cheap option before we have the more expensive uniques... but Idont think it isthe better option for lategame because we would lose shock which increases our damage by a lot. To be sure the only way is to really test it... and I will do that as soon as possible. Thanks for your idea and tip :)
QuantumEchoEcho เขียน:
Now that ES is nerfed we don't need ES on gear. That would open our helmet to be of another base.

How efficient is to replace the rare helmet with a


this doesn't give us life but it gives us 30 resist to every element

and our


with a rare ring

We can get more Lightning Spell Damage on the rare ring than on the unique one
we won't need the cold conversion to freeze because what freezes is our lightning damage
and because we didn't convert our damage we have a stronger hit of the same element and that means longer freezes
we could also get life, mana regen and resist on it

I'm curious about what the people think about this.

Hey there...the threedragons is imo a good cheap option before we have the more expensive uniques... but Idont think it isthe better option for lategame because we would lose shock which increases our damage by a lot. To be sure the only way is to really test it... and I will do that as soon as possible. Thanks for your idea and tip :)



