[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

g00fy_goober เขียน:
Mutasyon เขียน:
decyphier เขียน:
if VP stays the same as the image going around, ST will still fair better than a lot of other builds as it's a ranged skill

one thing I know for sure is it'll handle all maps fine still, but endgame bosses will be a lot less facetanky

I doubt vp will stay the same a lot of build goes from other side of the map to other side just for VP. I think change will be better. I looked a lot of builds and nearly all of the builds that I considered uses VP.

Personally I think the issue is other defensive stats don't really count. Armor and evasion are both pretty bad, no matter how much you stack its not "good enough" for end game content. That is why every build uses vaal pact because you can't get anything else that sustains you at end game.

If they made armor/dodge/block/evasion or w/e else be able to sustain you for end game like guardians/uber atziri/shaper then ALL other content would be complete trivialized even more so than it is now. You could literally not get hit by any normal mobs/bosses in maps. Thus the only effective thing to do is give characters life leech.

Wow. Never thought this way. I hope they also bring back ES. Ive always wanted to play it but they nerfed it before I can.

I think the nerf on ES was too harsh.
Mutasyon เขียน:

Wow. Never thought this way. I hope they also bring back ES. Ive always wanted to play it but they nerfed it before I can.

I think the nerf on ES was too harsh.

Also agree it was way to harsh, especially ghost reaver itself
Hey g00fy, thanks for thie build. I managed to finish all the end-game grinding (finally got to 40/40 on Harbinger) using this build although my gear/DPS is no where near what you had previously but was still able to grind all the guardians/kill shaper (got starforge :D)/atziri. Cheers!
kazafz เขียน:
Hey g00fy, thanks for thie build. I managed to finish all the end-game grinding (finally got to 40/40 on Harbinger) using this build although my gear/DPS is no where near what you had previously but was still able to grind all the guardians/kill shaper (got starforge :D)/atziri. Cheers!

Grats man, glad to hear!
Hey. Just hoped in to tell You, that after harbringer 40/40 + few hh im going with Your build AGAIN.

IT was propably the most fun I had in poe ( mby on par with essence drain )

Thanks and hope You will keep this updated ! Especially considering new skill tree + incomming patch notes.
g00fy thank you for the build :). This has been the most fun league so far for me. I've been lucky and achieved 70K dps in h/o and if nothing changes I will play with this same build in the Abyss league.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Naeblis79#4631 เมื่อ 4 ธ.ค. 2017 10:02:28
Tran555 เขียน:
Hey. Just hoped in to tell You, that after harbringer 40/40 + few hh im going with Your build AGAIN.

IT was propably the most fun I had in poe ( mby on par with essence drain )

Thanks and hope You will keep this updated ! Especially considering new skill tree + incomming patch notes.

Awesome to hear! Plan to run it in abyss league myself. No idea on what patch notes/tree changes will bring but we shall see.

Naeblis79 เขียน:
g00fy thank you for the build :). This has been the most fun league so far for me. I've been lucky and achieved 70K dps in h/o and if nothing changes I will play with this same build in the Abyss league.

Glad you liked it!
VP nerfed to ground. build still viable?
bring back the state of the game in 1.3 vaults of atziri patch
oldmunchi เขียน:
VP nerfed to ground. build still viable?

Obviously I have no idea until its tried. It definitely seems like a big nerf to ALL builds, and ALL builds will be a lot less face tanky. Just GUESSING at certain things I think would happen because of this change....

- Melee builds suck even more now
- All non meta builds will suck even more now
- End game content will become even harder and even less people will be able to do them
- Between 3.0 and 3.1 ES was ruined, and VP was nerfed along with slayer, which will lead to zerkers and their warcry instant healing being #1 this league

So all in all I can't say for sure but might have to invest MORE into leech to try to even things out bringing down damage and life some which may be the intent I don't know. Or turning everything into kiting wars and trying to manually avoid getting hit from everything. My problem with this is it pigeon holes even more builds that aren't considered "OP" or "Meta" and destroys any build out there that still even considered trying a melee build.

But this is just conjecture until league launch...
Hi g00fy, any thoughts on the impacts to this build from the patch notes? Will you be updating this guide to 3.1? :)




