[3.0, HC] Asta's Tanky 1H RT Raider [80-110k DPS /w Sunder, 24k+ Arm, 7k+ HP][Vids]

Balllllller เขียน:
What order would you take the ascendancies in?

Way of the Poacher
Avatar of the Slaughter
Rapid Assault
Avatar of the Chase
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Astarte911 เขียน:
Balllllller เขียน:
What order would you take the ascendancies in?

Way of the Poacher
Avatar of the Slaughter
Rapid Assault
Avatar of the Chase

Hey thanks for the reply!
added 2 vids (strand and poojoys)
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Currently 82 in SSF HC with your build and was wondering if you farmed cards for soul taker or not? Did you chance it?

I am currently using 2h axes because thats the 5L the game dropped me and debating farming alpha's howl and/or soul taker cards. Have never farmed soul taker card before so was wondering how bad/ok it is.
I think its easier to farm for Alpha's. I found my ST via a brodeal from Cadiro (5k coins i think), i wouldnt fix on a ST. Just take what the game throws at you.

If you play with a 2H Axe, i would skill little more life (jewels, 3 life node at duelist start)' cuz your base DPS is a lot higher, so you can skip some damage nodes.
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Any particular reason for running protector over warchief totem?
I was able to get this build to level 92 on Legacy HC.

REALLY fun build to play. Was easily clearing t15's with onslaught and other red maps twinned + onslaught. I ripped due to my own failure (spaced out in a breach w/ onslaught, the EshGod destroyed me in 3 hits. Must've been out of flask charges, shocked, and maybe cursed.) All in all if you're attentive then this build is an absolute monster to play.

The build absolutely dominates mid to early late game if you have the proper gear.

10/10 would recommend and will be looking forward to playing it again if 3.0 doesn't make drastic changes.

Will definitely be my first SSF build in the future
Hey, seems very nice of a build here! Atm lvl 81 hc legacy. Few questions: Since im choosing this build for a SSF 2week race and possibly 3.0 starter. While leveling and u dont have acces to englighten. U think u should equip hatred(plus some herald? maybe ash) or go with grace..?

And now that i bought enlighten lvl2 and got both equipped (luv the evasion rating bumbing that armor :D) theres a small annoying part that is the low mana left.. so when spamming sunder sometimes it run out of mana and my char start to run.. i tried to take the mananodes near the start area and that didnt seem to help. (I have the reserved mana nodes at the bottom of tree ofc) What u think is there someway to tweak or just getting used to "new" playstyle of not spammin that often sunder.. maybe enlighten lvl3.. ??

And just bought Ahn shield.. but why u want to use this shield, the 3% more all res? or there just is not anything better.?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย hovikeiju#6577 เมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2017 07:39:04

Wanted to thank you for the base of your build. A friend of mine helped me and we made some tweaks. Its running great and I am a super tank with 100-110k dps on sunder with 100% onslaught up time.


Tell me what ya think.
Still a good build in 3.0, so i just gave it a bumb. Gonna look next 2 weeks from time to time in here, in case some questions occur.
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.



