[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
" Those are basically perfect excamples for great rare rings on the build if you dont wanna run Soulmantle + Kikazarus. With those its possible to use Soulmantle and curse removal or just a rare or unique chest like a belly. Those are perfect for dps in a defensive setup! I would use em ;) Question: can i use those rings in the guide as an excample for rare rings? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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" Sure, u can. So i must level new character to test this build ^.^ |
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Just out of curiosity, what bandit option did you choose in beta? It feels like all of them may have 1-2 minor advantages, with none of the major ones really doing anything for RF totems. I ended up going double passive point as Chieftain. I guess I could see the Alira all res/mana regen (especially at lower levels) being beneficial, but the crit multi seems useless. The Kraitlyn dodge/movement speed (if you were going shield charge/berserker) is ok, but attack/cast speed seems useless. Oak with phys damage reduction, and the life regen is meh, and phys damage is completely useless.
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I picked 2 skillpoints as well.
alira seems like the most useless one for the build. Resists are easily capped with ssf gear because we can run 2 purity until weg get gear. manaregen is fine for mom, but basically just a low lvl clarity. Kraityn is good for clearspeed, dodge is never wrong. atkspeed is good for shieldcharge as well and the castspeed reduces the casttime of rf by like 0.02sec :P oaks 2% phys reduction + 1% liferegen could be used for a endurance charge which grants 4% reduction and 0.7% regen on a chieftain... or could be used for something else. The two skillpoints this early on help a lot reaching essential nodes like ancestral bonds, other totemnodes for the resists/life or the burning cluster faster. I like the flexibility of 2 skillpoints more than the choices https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Hey milky just wanted to drop by and say I love the build. Having tested a lot of builds and killed shaper with quite a few I am reallly surprised at how powerful this was leveling in beta. Unless there is a nerf looking forward to running this as my season opener post beta.
I especially loved the skill tree flowchart. It made it really easy to get the idea of what really helped the build and just jump in to try it out. Hardest thing was getting used to just dropping the totem and leaving having recently played warchief totems. It plays much faster since you aren't leashed to your totems. Thanks for the guide!! -Seefour |
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Thank you :)
I am always a bit surprised to resd about warchief and flameblasttotems as great leaguestarter (i've played both as well), but warchief always felt clunky and flameblast pretty slow without investment in the gear. I understand when people dont like the playstyle and prefer other stuff more, but there is not much on that budget that performs this well. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Milkyslice#1099 เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2017 11:26:26
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" I agree. It's because you have people and streamers whom have never played RF totem claiming "LUL FB is much better for clearspeed", when that isn't necessarily the case. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/988f3369-4b68-4eb9-bc0e-edfce4c3c950
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Some comparison between 3.0 Soulmantle + Kikazaru + Fully cursed + Self-Flagellation Spelltotem (item) + RF + burning dmg + ele focus + rapid decay + conc effect + totem resists and 3.0 Updated Pyre Ring (2x 95 burning dmg) + Belly of the beast + no curses + rare jewel instead of self-flagellation Spelltotem lvl 20 + RF + burning dmg + ele focus + rapid decay + conc effect and 2.6 Soulmantle + Kikazaru + Fully cursed + Self-Flagellation Spelltotem (item) + RF + ele focus + rapid decay + conc effect + totem resists + area of effect EE on the target against normal mobs. Gear and jewels is a copy of my rf char in 2.6. Just swapped in the updated Burning Damage gem in the 3.0 versions. Lets start with the 3.0 ones Soulmantle version has significantly more damage than the belly one. Pyres represent the most damage on the ringslot but rare firedmg% opal rings are in general better late in the game for survivability. Belly on the other side grants 800 more life with this gear, even more with rare rings (2x 63 life rings made a 1200 life difference). On top there is armour on the gear. Regen is higher (somewhat surprisingly) with kikazarus thanks to the flat liferegen. The damage difference comes from the extra gemsocket for rf and the 50% totemlife on the chest. However the 3.0 Belly + pyre route is stronger than the soulmantle 2.6 route! Thanks to the change of the burning dmg gem mainly. I´ve used a lvl 20 spelltotem, but lvl 21 spelltotem is possible and has extra placementspeed with quality. A lvl 21 spelltotem adds around 80k dps (827000) to the build. So in the current state you can get more damage and survivability in the beta with a more defensive setup than you could in 2.6 with the offensive one! Soulmantle keeps awesome for the insane damage boost early on (lvl 20 totem!), the +1 totem and the extra link. Highly recommended for Softcore, Bossfarming and so on. But you dont have to feel bad about using rare rings or pyres and a rare chest or belly or whatever else for ssf, a safer approach for hc or even sc to level more safe over the 90s! The numbers for soulmantle will change slightly with the addition of new gems. One will replace totem resist gem for 5% more damage and 10% increased damage (quality). I will most likely not play the build again in the beta, except something significantly changes in the future of it. If some numbers change Path of Building does a great job ;) In 3.0 it will be my leaguestarter again ofc. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Milkyslice#1099 เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2017 13:25:04
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Thanks for the update.
Nice work on the guide, a lot of options on gear and skills during the leveling process and end game. The clarifications on RF mechanics helped a lot. This looks like my starting build for 3.0, and probably more than that since I enjoy the more relaxed playstyle that allows me to focus more on dodging stuff and picking loot. The damage seems surprisingly good. I just tryed this build in 2.6 until level 55 or something to get the feeling of it and I reallly want to keep going I just don't want to play a build for 1 month and then the same build after 3.0 launch so I'm probably going to stop for now, unless I get a beta invite. I didn't trade any item other than the Soulmantle, 2 Kikazaru and Self-Flagellation, none of wich I think should be too expensive at the start of a league(6l it's probably going to be a pain but that's just my luck) and things just melt on the first second of RF. Again, thanks for the guide and I hope you can keep updating it. |
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" both warchief and FB totem has higher gear ceiling and does better single target dmg (crit variants at least) and seriously, discussing RF getting nerfed? the only reason why rf totem is so good is that the BiS gear are all uniques that can be obtained dirt cheap early in the league from XYZ, OP lvl20 totem at lvl40 something. go use a regular 5l no unique and see how your dmg plummets and you take ages to kill double health bosses in 3.0. the only thing that shld be nerfed is soul mantle, lvl20 totem 6l so early... แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย forthelulz123#6789 เมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2017 23:57:15
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