[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
I have a 2nd Beta Key i don't need.
There are a few questions and i want some answers. The person with the most interesting, satisfying or helpful answers (in my opinion) receives the beta key. i will decide 48 hour after this post. What is the best part of the guide? What is the worst part of the guide? What would you like to see in the future besides a 3.0 update? How would you implement it? What was the most confusing part in the guide? What build around certain uniques/gems/etc would totally interest you but doesnt exist or is very uncommon yet? (like "wild strike claw hybrid life/es") Do you have any creative additions to the build in terms of skilltree, class, items or gem changes that aren't covered yet? (bonus question) Thats it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Milkyslice#1099 เมื่อ 18 มิ.ย. 2017 07:12:27
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Beta change for Ngamahu, Flame's Advance -- does it alter 3.0 choices?
Bad nerf for us on beta for Ngamahu, Flame's Advance.
2.6 15% chance to Ignite 35% increased damage against Burning Enemies Beta for 3.0 15% chance to Ignite 35% increased damage with hits and ailments against Burning Enemies Still might be worth it just to get to Ramako |
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the node was already useless and stays useless. There is just no way to get around that node sooner or later ;)
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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which is the minimum hp to run t12/t13 maps? i ll have like 6 7 k max
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" Thats a rough question to answer, it always depends on your gear, class, gemsetups, if you keep charges or fortify up etc,sc/hc etc. 6k is in general enough, i would even run those with 4k on sc :p https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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" I myself have 7k hp (w/ blood magic) and i think it isnt enuf alr HAHHAA |
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you can never have enough hp ;)
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Oh heeeey, a key! So I will answer your questions, even though I just came here from Google to find out 2 off-guide-questions. (In detail: 1. if the hero's spell damage is "59% more" too from RF totems, or not?? (even though this guide doesn't make use of this, I know.) And 2. if different Totems (like the "Ancestral" totems compared to "Spell Totem") have different amounts of Base Life (but I think the answer to this one is "No" and the only difference is that "Decoy Totem" has an additive "(0-38)% increased totem life", but same Base?).)
Now: The best part of this guide is that it is very very long and very detailed! Tbh I think I have NEVER seen such a long guide before here, I couldn't even read all the text, it was just too much... :O "Elemental Equilibrium" advice is really nice, too, and how to remove Curses from "Soul Mantle". The worst part of the guide might be the same reason: It's very hard to find information you are looking for (if you are an experienced player already like me), because it might be hidden behind some of the hundred "buttons"... :*D "Creative addition": In the future I would like to see a build which utilizes RF's "More Spell Damage" if it actually affects the hero. (And does it affect the hero twice with 2 totems?? Would be insane since it would be "*1.6*1.6" (at Gem Level 21) and so on...!) Most confusing was the "Path of Building"-part, since I've never used it and won't ever use it (probably), but it would be very powerful, I guess. :'D Also this confused me, but it is interesting: "Spire of Stone [...] With this the Totems cant be interrupted by stuns while casting Righteous Fire." => So Totem's RF isn't actually "permanently" like on the player, but has to be re-cast every second?? Interesting! I thought these Totems wouldn't need Stun Immunity. Build with Uniques that interest me is 2.6 "Martyr of Innocence", since this is 2-handed and totally lacks a "travel skill", so I guess this is where it can't compete with the speed of the current Meta. :O (Could use "Leap Slam", but would need a lot of AS only for this, which is a waste of points. o.O "Flame Dash" has Charges, and "Lightning Warp" sucks without CS...) "Hybrid Life/ES build", haha, is always interesting, too, if you want to cripple yourself. ;) xD |
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1. you dont gain more spelldmg if a totem casts rf
2. Decoy totem has way more life than a spelltotem (rf) 7589 life for decoy totem (lvl 20) 5312 life for spell totem (lvl 20) i dont know if the 38% are added to that life or are included. On top decoy gains 20% totemlife via quality ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOwoooJwasM&t=2s here is a path of building guide :P " They need to turn RF on once, then its permanent until they die, run out of time or reach 1hp. As long as rf is not activated the totems could be interrupted casting it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Heya -
1) What is the best part of the guide? The clear, organized layout of the guide and progression of the detailed information given allow for readers to smoothly follow the build! 2) What is the worst part of the guide? Honestly I couldn't really think of a "worst part" except that maybe the guide provides too much information all at once and thus may be overwhelming for some. 3) What would you like to see in the future besides a 3.0 update? In a future guide I'd definitely like to see a section that gives you specific suggestions for either similar builds or a build that you think would be a nice transition from the current one (i.e. once you've done pretty much all there is to do with the given build); rather than just a link to check out your other builds. Also! In the gear section, I would definitely like to see what levels you recommend upgrading gear out. 4) How would you implement it? Provide a guide or link to guides that you think are worth checking out/fun to play with and why we might enjoy each one. 5) What was the most confusing part in the guide? For those who may not know all the details about "Ancestral Bonds vs Tukohama´s Fortess vs Soul Mantle" it might be nice to provide a brief overview in the beginning of the section to be more clear. 6) What build around certain uniques/gems/etc would totally interest you but doesnt exist or is very uncommon yet? (like "wild strike claw hybrid life/es") Chaos Glacial Cascade build would be sick! Bonus) Do you have any creative additions to the build in terms of skilltree, class, items or gem changes that aren't covered yet? Can't think of any haha. Thank you for doing this! |