[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

Any suggestions for what notable to anoint on our amulets?
Flash Freeze for annointing
Lifting originally created this build for 3.3 jf I recall and I chose not to run it for some reason. If I recall that was the league everyone used Scorching Ray/Firestorm/Bladestorm because of the crit changes.

Anyways - last league ran a HF Variant of totems and it worked. Running this build exactly and so far zero issues. Will post later today with updates/tips for straight noobs. If you are a new player and looking for something that isnt too demanding definitely roll this build!
Ok am I missing something why are your orbs black and mine are white is it just cosmetic or did I miss something important
How does this buuild perfomr on red blight maps? can it solo them?
Also is it ok for HC?

Is the maximum number of totems 3 or 4 for this build?

crazirob22 เขียน:
Is the maximum number of totems 3 or 4 for this build?


It depends on how you link your gems. Without Multiple Totems Support the max is 3 totems.
How are we generating Power Charges with this build?
By placing the totems - Conviction of power (Ascendancy).

Great starting build. It has been a long time ago since I´ve had so much fun while levelling.
This one is fun until you hit maps, then it gets outclassed hard.



