[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

i´m playing this build (currently without ancestral bond so only 3 totems) on ssf. dps is nice for mapping but for bosses it´s kinda meh (around 10-15k with tabula).
so i wonder if i should use a +2cold 5link staff instead or i could use another coldspell for singletarget in a 5link staff to improve bossfights.
I dont have much experience with these kind of builds so can someone please explain these to me?

1) Isnt Wand/Scepter + Shield better than staves? Comparing stats i would only choose staff because of + 2 gems. You can get similar stats with a wand and much more survivvability or more damage with shields or even you can go dual with for even more damage.

2) Why this build doesnt use any aura other than clarity? I dont have much exp on mind over matter buils but it still seems weird to me.

3) Why projectile weakness over frostbite? Even with the cold pen support isnt it still better than "increased" projectile damage compared to more damage penetration gives + freeze chance
IGN: LadyAlistra
Would running a 4L Taryns be better then a 5L chest until u can get it 5Linked?
what helm we use? armor life and resis?
Currently level 86 with this build and i love it for map farming. Like LiftingNerdBro said in his guide, its pretty bad against bosses (doable, but awkard) I did atziri yesterday and it was not my easiest run and took a while. But for mapping its insane, usually take about 1-2 minutes to clear a map, depends on the layout ofc
Oxygenjunkie เขียน:
I dont have much experience with these kind of builds so can someone please explain these to me?

1) Isnt Wand/Scepter + Shield better than staves? Comparing stats i would only choose staff because of + 2 gems. You can get similar stats with a wand and much more survivvability or more damage with shields or even you can go dual with for even more damage.

2) Why this build doesnt use any aura other than clarity? I dont have much exp on mind over matter buils but it still seems weird to me.

3) Why projectile weakness over frostbite? Even with the cold pen support isnt it still better than "increased" projectile damage compared to more damage penetration gives + freeze chance

1. Its hard to get lots of crit chance with wand/scepter, there are lots of nodes for staff that increases crit chance. + the stats on a Taryn staff are perfect for this build.

2) With this build most of your mana is used as hp/defense. So you don't want to reserve that much mana or you'll lose lots of defense.

3) (not sure about this) Projectile weakness is good against packs of mobs, while frostbite is great against bosses, so its situational i suppose.
Great build !

I'm wondering, my curse, proj weakness, is only usefull against bosses, since everything dies so quickly.
But, isnt Frosbite better against bosses ? Or only when you run The Pandemonius because it doesnt give as much cold pen then the gem cold pen ?
Senatar เขียน:
Would running a 4L Taryns be better then a 5L chest until u can get it 5Linked?

i found a 6-link staff while levelling, but still a 4-link Taryn's gave me more dps. it seems that getting the staff should be your top priority as the damage you gain is just insane and it is affordable compared to the amulet right now.
sneakys เขียน:
Oxygenjunkie เขียน:
I dont have much experience with these kind of builds so can someone please explain these to me?

1) Isnt Wand/Scepter + Shield better than staves? Comparing stats i would only choose staff because of + 2 gems. You can get similar stats with a wand and much more survivvability or more damage with shields or even you can go dual with for even more damage.

2) Why this build doesnt use any aura other than clarity? I dont have much exp on mind over matter buils but it still seems weird to me.

3) Why projectile weakness over frostbite? Even with the cold pen support isnt it still better than "increased" projectile damage compared to more damage penetration gives + freeze chance

1. Its hard to get lots of crit chance with wand/scepter, there are lots of nodes for staff that increases crit chance. + the stats on a Taryn staff are perfect for this build.

2) With this build most of your mana is used as hp/defense. So you don't want to reserve that much mana or you'll lose lots of defense.

3) (not sure about this) Projectile weakness is good against packs of mobs, while frostbite is great against bosses, so its situational i suppose.

Thanks for the response
IGN: LadyAlistra
Would a snakepit or tasalios sign be good for this build? If so which is better?



