[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

XpeterschmidtX เขียน:
Normally you have 40% with Divine Guidance.
And this build is no Uber Lab Farmer.
Pay someone for carry.Its the easiest way.

Ah I completely forgot about Divine Guidance, I managed to do it probably by luck.. This time I just rushed it and he had full buffs but I beat him. I don't get this game sometimes. Third time's the charm I guess :P
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SenpaiTypeBeat#4068 เมื่อ 15 ส.ค. 2017 10:00:27
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for the build. I've really been enjoying it - feels very safe while giving very nice mob damage. Currently Lv61 and got lucky in 6L'ing a Taryn's Shiver just a couple days ago so it is ready for use in 3 levels. :)

Also, cleared the 1st 2 labs with this build while 1-2 levels under the lab level, so yeah I can testify it is possible - will probably try to do Merc lab early too. Been running with just basic leveling uniques - Lifesprigs/Dark Seers, Wanderlust, Aesenath's, and Tabula Rasa (highly recommend adding the Tabula to recommended for leveling since the 6L setup provides such nice power boost and is cheap as heck). Would also recommend using a Karui Ward until money can be saved for the more expensive amulet since it's dirt cheap and gives very nice damage boost and movement speed to counter Winds of Change as well.

Thanks again!
Mr_Tact เขียน:

I know my gear isn't great, but I do have my resists and I'm wondering if I should be concentrating on armour or evasion and what a reasonable target might be for either of those. Right now I at 19% reduction due to armour and 6% evasion with 3500 health and 1800 mana.


Oh, and I wanted to ask... am I missing something? I loaded my character in Path of Building and it shows the frostbolt dps as a bit over 1,000 -- while the unbuffed tool tip in the game reads over 14k...

Forget about armor. The "Estimated physical damage reduction" you can see in your defences is irrelevant. I guess your problem isn't the small hits you can take. For the big hits, wiki says :


Rule of thumb
To prevent one third of damage, you need armor 5 times the damage (e.g. 500 Armor for 100 damage)
To prevent half of damage, you need armor 10 times the damage (e.g. 1000 Armor for 100 damage)
To prevent two thirds of damage, you need armor 20 times the damage (e.g. 2000 Armor for 100 damage)
To prevent three quarters of damage, you need armor 30 times the damage (e.g. 3000 Armor for 100 damage)
To prevent 90% of damage, you need armor 90 times the damage (e.g. 9000 Armor for 100 damage)
Armor will never prevent more damage than its value divided by 10 (e.g. 1000 Armor will never prevent more than 100 damage)

Unless you can achieve a trumendous amount, armor is useless to use against big hits. Your best shot is a Basalt flask or a Rumi's concoction and a good pool in both life and mana.

I took a look at your tree and I think you invested too many points in crit nodes. I guess you don't have any damage issue (your +2 5L staff is good), therefore you should give up some of them, the least effective ones : power charges / Arcane potency. You can also remove Shamanistic fury. That makes 11 points. Go down to Warrior's blood and take the jewel socket above Totemic mastery. Get a %max life / double resist jewel (1 chaos in HSC) to release pressure on your gear.

Use a diamond flask and I promise you won't notice a difference in your crit chance. One mana flask shoulf be enough.

Mr_Tact เขียน:
I'd be interested to hear what kind of mitigation people are getting. I'm at lvl 83 and even running tier 7-8 maps I feel like a glass machine gun. It's kind of the old, "The best defense is a good offense".

Our mitigation is our life pool with Mind Over Matter + black chance from staff + Basalt / Rumi's. "The best defense is a good offense" only works if you play it right :

-> Don't hug mob packs before summoning your totems
-> Don't summon your totems inside a pack of mobs. Summon your totems between you and the mobs
-> Try to have your totems in front of you most of the time.

Take a look at painguard's move at 2min10 in his video :


He hugs a pack of mobs and summon his totems inside the pack, almost behind it. Don't do that :p

Get some boots with movement speed, even if it's only 15%. Use a Quicksilver flask. Mobility is a form of survivability.

Miriemos เขียน:
Forget about armor...

Unless you can achieve a trumendous amount, armor is useless to use against big hits. Your best shot is a Basalt flask or a Rumi's concoction and a good pool in both life and mana.

Okay, cool. Good information, thanks.

I took a look at your tree and I think you invested too many points in crit nodes. I guess you don't have any damage issue (your +2 5L staff is good), therefore you should give up some of them, the least effective ones : power charges / Arcane potency. You can also remove Shamanistic fury. That makes 11 points. Go down to Warrior's blood and take the jewel socket above Totemic mastery. Get a %max life / double resist jewel (1 chaos in HSC) to release pressure on your gear.

Use a diamond flask and I promise you won't notice a difference in your crit chance. One mana flask shoulf be enough.

I assume you meant I WILL notice a difference in my crit chance. Only made a couple of runs with it but it did seem to help -- although I'll withhold my final judgement until I've had more time with it. Modified my tree some, I kept the extra power charges but dumped Shamanistic Fury and Arcane Potency and grabbed the nodes you suggested.

Our mitigation is our life pool with Mind Over Matter + black chance from staff + Basalt / Rumi's. "The best defense is a good offense" only works if you play it right :

-> Don't hug mob packs before summoning your totems
-> Don't summon your totems inside a pack of mobs. Summon your totems between you and the mobs
-> Try to have your totems in front of you most of the time.

Get some boots with movement speed, even if it's only 15%. Use a Quicksilver flask. Mobility is a form of survivability.

Again good advice, I had already been casting totems in front of me as I walked. I do need some +% speed on my boots, I've been looking for some, and have a set with 30% but I just haven't been able to work them into my gear without messing up my gem setups or crippling a resist.

Okay, that has me up to 4342 health and 1874 mana, does that sound like where I should be at lvl 84? I'll see how much the Basalt flask helps.

Thank you for an informative and helpful response.
Mr_Tact เขียน:

I assume you meant I WILL notice a difference in my crit chance. Only made a couple of runs with it but it did seem to help -- although I'll withhold my final judgement until I've had more time with it. Modified my tree some, I kept the extra power charges but dumped Shamanistic Fury and Arcane Potency and grabbed the nodes you suggested.

My bad, I wasn't clear. I wanted to say that with a diamond flask, you could drop some of the crit nodes without noticing a difference. You got the point anyway :D


Okay, that has me up to 4342 health and 1874 mana, does that sound like where I should be at lvl 84? I'll see how much the Basalt flask helps.

I am currently lvl80 in Hardcore with 4764 life and 1820 mana (my profile is now visible). So yeah, I guess you're good ! I don't feel ready to go in red maps yet, but I playing very carefully due to hardcore (I lost my previous char at lvl83 due to a stupid mistake, so I take it slow now).

Have fun !
How do you address the really low single target dmg? Starting to get into maps and stuff and trash clear is great but single target on bosses can be rough and was curious on if there was a way to address this.
haotududiss เขียน:
How do you address the really low single target dmg? Starting to get into maps and stuff and trash clear is great but single target on bosses can be rough and was curious on if there was a way to address this.

Well, my "modus operandi" is to run in a circle around the mob dropping totems. :D

If he is fast or has a leap or something like that, I just drop them right on top of myself and keep running around. If there is a tree or rock you can sometimes just play hide and seek, dropping the totems to the left, right, top or bottom as appropriate.

But if someone has something better I'd love to hear it.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mr_Tact#0296 เมื่อ 15 ส.ค. 2017 20:17:57
Completed 25 ChallengesChanchox wrote:
lvl 91

I am able to clean maps currently tier 11/13 very fast. The bosses are more difficult but with patience also to do. I like the build only difficulty is the boss but nothing that can not be done calmly

What is your overall armour and evasion though -- I can't see that by inspecting your character.

sry . now is visible
OMG. LOL, I am an idiot. All the way to lvl 84 without getting +increased movement speed on my boots. Almost plays like a different game now that I'm whizzing around 30% faster than I was all that time...
Ok, now LMAO. Just for fun, I figured I would run Merc Lab at Lv65. Passed through with only 1 time fearing for my life. Build is too OP at this point and can't wait to see how early I can take on Eternal Lab. Can only imagine how easy that will be now that I have all 4 totems. ^_^



