[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

Hey, me again, the players who selfcast: You should stop it at T13+ maps, you will die to often, if you cast you cant dodge skills repositing and recast your totem, procc arcane surge ect.

I did all 4 Gurdians now, hydra and Phoenix even currupted. I have to say it was the first time i ever did this bosses in my live. Hydra is really annoying and painfull, i think i have to train the fight more often (corrupted 1 died 4 times to her, damn 1 shots) Phoenix is super easy, i dont even die once. Minotour was kinda hard for me, i think i just sucked.
Chimera was super easy, i will do him corrupted too.
I just need around 3 mins for a guardian fight so its fine.
I did not tryed shapper yet, want to upgrade my gear before i do it. And i also dont know the fight.

If someone is interested into my setup i can post with my steam account where i do play this league.

Frostbite dont even gives use more dps then PW even if you play against bosses with +40% ele resistance. So get the 155Dex for your vaal haste and PW.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Orisayten#3982 เมื่อ 29 ส.ค. 2017 11:24:16
Orisayten เขียน:
If someone is interested into my setup i can post with my steam account where i do play this league.

Sure, let's see it.
Here we are, maybe it will helps someone :)

Hope some one can tell me whats wrong (the newbie)[/quote]

Frostbolt is linked to Spell Totem, which casts Frostbolt. You need the jewel Frozen Trail to get started on this build, along with Spell Totem, both of which you can get from quests. Check Path of Exile wiki online to see when you can get these items. I know you can get one Frozen Trail as a quest reward in Act 5, the other Frozen Trail you need you either have to trade for, get lucky and find, or obtain on another character.

I absolutely do not recommend rolling for a 5 or 6 link for a new player. It usually takes hundreds, even thousands of orbs of fusing to make one. Far better to search poe.trade or trade channel for a cheap 5 link at first, then eventually upgrade to a 6 link.

(I can't see your characters btw, since you need to go to account settings and click "show characters" under privacy tab.)

I got my 5 link during leveling for only 1 alchemy orb from poe.trade, it was a white item and pretty easy to get. I'm also a complete nub too, in fact, this is the first character i've ever played seriously in this game, and i'm currently lvl 89 and farming t8-10 maps easily. The 6 link staff that i'm using right now i also bought from poe.trade for 30 chaos orbs. Getting a 5 or 6 link isn't that hard (unless you're playing solo without trading); it's getting a 5 or 6 link unique is when things get expensive. I'm saving up to get the 6 link taryn's shiver, which seems to be going for like 300 chaos orbs atm, quite an investment.[/quote]

Thaks so much for taking your time to write all the good feedback. I have now enabled so you can see it (Kingfollower)
Hey, Trixzion -- was looking at your character and you do not have Frostbolt linked to Spell Totem -- you have it linked to Frostbite.
Oriasayten เขียน:
Here we are, maybe it will helps someone :)

Only one Frozen Trail? What led you to that decision?
Mr_Tact เขียน:
Hey, Trixzion -- was looking at your character and you do not have Frostbolt linked to Spell Totem -- you have it linked to Frostbite.

haha jesus christ im blind :) Thanks alot man. That fixed alot. Now I do som deeps
One easy way to get a 5L staff is buy a set of "The Flora's Gift" -- they sell pretty cheap. Or you can run the Jungle Valley map and find your own. Then you can either Scour, Transmute, and Altercation it (looking for +2 to Cold gems), before using a Regal on it. Or you can use the highest level Essence of Sorrow you have on it.
Mr_Tact เขียน:
Oriasayten เขียน:
Here we are, maybe it will helps someone :)

Only one Frozen Trail? What led you to that decision?

I use the Snakepit ring, thats offer me 1 more projektile, I dont even need 6 Porjektiles for Maping, 4 are enough and bosses normaly dont get hit from every Projektile.
So its better for me.

My Cry gives me more reg and dmg, thats clear, but it also taunt the enemy a short time and dont destroy my totems instant.
Lifting used the build from another Player and added his personal prevaration, i did the same and it works better to me :)
can anyone help me out with my gear i made profile public



