[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

okay so then controlled destruction removes all crit chance before skill tree?

+300% crit chance (skill tree)
+200% crit chance (power charge)
-100% crit chance (controlled destruction)

So with 5% base chance, you have 25% crit chance
Hey everyone, just a short question:

I just started playing poe (I played it before, but only for a short time and I didn't undestand anything ^^) and I chose to start with this bulid. I am lvl 34 right now and I want to start using the Frostbolt-Totems soon.

Currently i am getting through the game by using flame totems and spamming frostbolts. The last Levels my damgage felt like its getting bad and I started taking damage (didnt happen before, dont really know why :D).

Question number one: If I get a 4 link item (does it matter what kind??), which gems do i use?

Question number two: How is the gem setup frostbolt, totem, faster casting, controlled destr., cold pen, increased crit... in the video the totems shoot many bolts,... shouldn't there be a multiple projectile in there somewhere?

Question number three: When should i skill Ancestral Bond? Right now I would kill most of my damage if I did and I am not sure one more totem would be as effective. (I might be wrong, like I said, I dont actually know the game)

I have many more questions, but those should be enough for now :D

thanks a lot, everyone !
Question number one: Doesn't matter, a 4 link in your weapon will function the same as a 4 link in your boots. As you say in question two, you should do Frostbolt, Spell Totem, Controlled Destr., and either Increased Crit or Faster Casting.

Question number two: In this build the extra projectiles come from the unique Frozen Trial jewels you socket into the passive tree. You can get one of these from a quest in Act 6 (I think that's right, if not someone can correct me) the second one you have to either buy or build another character to that point. One player said he was using a single Frozen Trial jewel and a Snakepit ring, giving him 4 projectiles instead of five.

Question number three: If I remember right I switched over to Ancestral Bond right around lvl 40. I definitely did the first lab at like 45 and had it.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mr_Tact#0296 เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2017 21:08:46
At level 89.5 I finally found the 6th Trial. Successfully completed the Eternal Lab in my very average gear... it was close though, almost bit twice. My first character to do this. :D

Now if I could just find some gear to either use or worth selling. I found over 100 unique weapons, and over 100 unique non-weapons so far.. not a single one worth using for this build and only two worth more than a single Chaos -- got a total of about 50 Chaos from those two...

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mr_Tact#0296 เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2017 21:12:00
Tried T10 colonnade boss "Tyrant" - no hope at all - am i doing something wrong or is this boss just hard for this build?
EDMOSES เขียน:
Tried T10 colonnade boss "Tyrant" - no hope at all - am i doing something wrong or is this boss just hard for this build?

Hmm, that's the map for the Tier 5 Shaper's Orb, so I'm sure I did it but I don't really recall the boss. The wiki rates him as a 3 on their 1-5 scale. Are there adds? If so, having Conviction of Power instead of Divine Guidance will make it easier to keep the Power Charges up. But you only have 1854 mana with Divine Guidance, I had 1900+ without it.

I did notice you have both Frozen Trial jewels AND the Snakepit Ring. That means 6 projectiles instead of 5, but I don't have any idea how the math/mechanics work for the skill. Does that mean your DPS is split over 6 bolts instead of 5? And even if it does, does it really matter?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mr_Tact#0296 เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2017 23:25:17
Mr_Tact เขียน:
Now if I could just find some gear to either use or worth selling. I found over 100 unique weapons, and over 100 unique non-weapons so far.. not a single one worth using for this build and only two worth more than a single Chaos -- got a total of about 50 Chaos from those two...

Woot, whining worked! (this time) A couple of hours after writing that I got the Prophecy which gets you the Belly of the Beast. One slot down....
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mr_Tact#0296 เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2017 23:17:58
Mr_Tact เขียน:
At level 89.5 I finally found the 6th Trial. Successfully completed the Eternal Lab in my very average gear... it was close though, almost bit twice. My first character to do this. :D

Now if I could just find some gear to either use or worth selling. I found over 100 unique weapons, and over 100 unique non-weapons so far.. not a single one worth using for this build and only two worth more than a single Chaos -- got a total of about 50 Chaos from those two...

Oh, i'm glad to see this build can clear the eternal lab. Now i can get the last two points. Grats on the Beast, still have yet to get mine, saving up for Pandemonius.

EDMOSES เขียน:
Tried T10 colonnade boss "Tyrant" - no hope at all - am i doing something wrong or is this boss just hard for this build?

Use the Pantheon power Soul of Abberath, and this guy is a piece of cake. He takes a while to die which is why i usually skip him if i do this map, and you will have to keep recasting your totems since they will die easily. Good thing is the adds will give you easy flask charges so you can keep your mana up.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mr_Tact#0296 เมื่อ 3 ก.ย. 2017 00:03:19



