[3.2] BUFFED "Chin Sol Trapnel Shot" - 10c Budget, farm Atziri/Uber Lab/High Maps

Stupid Question Time

Is it worth considering Death's Opus over Chin Sol? I know that we give up the second point blank modifier and some base damage on the bow, but we end up with higher crit, a huge multi bump, and we fire three projectiles per trap. I haven't done any math on this so I could be way off base, but I'm just wondering if the multi and extra projectiles (with overlapping cones) is a better option.

Please, shoot me down if I'm wrong. I'm just spitballing this idea.
CBFTW เขียน:
Stupid Question Time

Is it worth considering Death's Opus over Chin Sol? I know that we give up the second point blank modifier and some base damage on the bow, but we end up with higher crit, a huge multi bump, and we fire three projectiles per trap. I haven't done any math on this so I could be way off base, but I'm just wondering if the multi and extra projectiles (with overlapping cones) is a better option.

Please, shoot me down if I'm wrong. I'm just spitballing this idea.

Actually this build don't really care about bow's damage except the unique second point blank modifier and additional fire damage from Chin Sol, extra projectiles is a bit less effiency to kill a boss as the boss size may different from other. Some may have large size e.g. kitava extra projectiles may work but if it is shaper, the projectile may only hit 1 or 2.Use Death's Opus may have a better total DPS but the effective DPS is lower than using Chin sol.

Also Chin Sol unique second point blank modifier is adding 100% more damage when close range, that damage can increase damage from other source e.g. abyss jewel ,opal rings and amulet. Chin Sol is far more valuable than Death's Opus.
That makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
Great news! just watched the ziggy d video about traps that got released today and he announced that trap support will not have any cooldowns just like the normal traps..... HUGE TRAP BUFFS INCOMING!!!!! Just scared now that tinkerskin (chest piece) will now cost something observed (huge) amount this time around :(... please dont make it cost something like an exalt :(.
The trap limit is also increased (up to 19/20?) AND buffs to RoA. I think RoA will be much better for clearing. The AoE in the videos looks HUGE.
afaik base trap limit is 15 after patchnotes and the POB link is dead due to skill tree changes being introduced.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Psykrom#4316 เมื่อ 30 พ.ค. 2018 07:40:06
silentlegion240 เขียน:
Great news! just watched the ziggy d video about traps that got released today and he announced that trap support will not have any cooldowns just like the normal traps..... HUGE TRAP BUFFS INCOMING!!!!! Just scared now that tinkerskin (chest piece) will now cost something observed (huge) amount this time around :(... please dont make it cost something like an exalt :(.

Exalt isn't much tho...
Look, Tinkerskin will probably be situational, and used mainly for EB trapper builds.
You receive measly healing, 100 life for one cluster of traps, which is not bad, but it's meh at the same time, since you regen for enough if you're Sabo or Blondie. Phasing is so-so. ES on kill is good. For EB trappers. Now, the main reason you used Tinkerskin is for it's cooldown recovery for throwing traps. They removed cooldown on spammy traps AND on trap support gem, allowing us to use up to 15 active traps, and only those Flamethrower etc, traps will have cooldown, and you will definitely not use those for clearing trash, when Lightning trap/Fire trap/Trap X skill, will destroy them, even on a 4 link.
So yeah, Tinkerskin will probably become situational item, I don't really see it being worth that much.
When something is not used by plenty of people, that items falls in price, not jump.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Songweaver#4672 เมื่อ 30 พ.ค. 2018 07:50:47
isnt its better now to use RoA for clear and blasrain for solo? both skills huge buffed
I guess you would have to input (in PoB) Blast Rain vs Shrapnel Shot to see what does more damage. (when it gets updated with the new skill gems, of course)
Psykrom เขียน:
afaik base trap limit is 15 after patchnotes and the POB link is dead due to skill tree changes being introduced.

Yes base 15 base limit. And then on top of that 3 from Skilltree. And if i remember right there is a elder/shaper fix for additional traps. So yeah 20 was wrong. 18 is what most people will get.

@Melanholic7: 2xShrapnelshot's jewel give you double dmg of the cone. I think Blastrain can't compete with that dmg.



