[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)
![]() I will be more active answering questions on either: Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/windz0099 Discord: https://discord.gg/MVVuw9U (ask any questions in the mine channel) 3.9 Brings us nerfs to icicles mines and buffed arc range. I believe arc mines with pyroclast for bosses will be one of the stronger mine set up. Other options include Toxic rain mine, Ball lightning mine, and fireball fork mine. I will focus on arc + pyro variant as I might start with this on 3.9. PoB for Arc/Pyro Hybrid sabo leaguestart: https://pastebin.com/CjsZvRiM Bandits: Alira Leveling: lvl 1-12 - stormblast mines lvl 12+ - Arc + blastchain mine 4link: Arc + Blastchain + Swift Assembly + Added Cold/Light Use the sapphire/topaz ring + 1 alt + 1 magic wand recipe to craft flat damage to your wand. Sabo ascendency nodes: Born in the shadows --> Bomb specialist --> Pyromaniac --> Demo specialist (if using pyro), otherwise Explosive Expert if keeping blastchain arc only. Early leveling passives (focus on pure damage over crit). Grab life when needed:
![]() Then path out and grab more life:
![]() Now transition to crit (respec some nodes like Elemental Focus):
![]() A friend (Dampin) made a very nice speed running miner chart that sums up everything:
![]() Old content (feel free to look at the history of mines)
3.8 Icicle + Pyroclast video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WziRw6pxv8s Written Guide coming soon Preleague talk: So patch 3.8 brings us a whole new revamped mines. I believe they are still viable and adjust to the new playstyle. I will be league starting as a sabo miner and trying out the all the new mines. Since I have no idea how it will actually play out, I will just post the PoB and idea I will be starting with. Adjustments and tuning will be updated here once I have a clear idea how to optimize the new miner play style. This guide will be a general miner guide as the core tree and items are very similar to each other. Small minor differences will be made for specific skills like projectiles needing pierce (ice spear) or grabbing AoE nodes for aoe mines (GC, stormblast etc). I will try to post and keep the different miners updated as we figure out the new mines. As this is posted before league start, I will just post my predictions and thoughts on potential top miner skills. Stormblast - great for lvling from lvl 1 to 12. The aura debuff is great for other builds that has downtime to add to their rotation. As a miner I believe the damage of this mines is too low, even with the almost 150% increase damage taken aura. Icicle mine - Clearing skill. Amazing numbers of projectiles will fly in a nova. With faster proj, it might clear off screen. Pierce or fork + chain will be very enjoyable to clear with. It might rival fork fireball mine as it is a 360 nova. The single target is weaker than other mine and the aura effect isnt really useful. Pyroclast mine - Looks to be an amazing single target damage. Can think of it as blastrain or molten strike. You gain more projectiles as you increase the detonation sequence. The clear on this skill seem poor. Also this will strain your eyes and more importantly, your GPU. Potential to be top tier single target damage. As you can see the 3 new mine skills serve different roles. All seems viable depending what content you are doing. Skitterbot looks great and recommend using it. With mines reserving mana now, going MoM or blood magic is less appealing. So the defense options I recommend: Hybrid - 4-5k hp + 2-3k ES gives us similar EHP. Use wicked ward to recover the es. Another option is to use the new miner leech gloves and pair it with soul tether belt. LL - Most likely the best end game option again. Can transition from hybrid easily. Can fit in more auras than CI can. CI - Simiarly to LL except less auras. But chaos immune makes it good for delving. New mine mechanics: We cannot lay down the mines on our feet like before, so we have to "aim" the mines where we throw. On baeclast, it was mentioned that they didn't change the mine targeting so we can throw the mines anywhere near the monster and it will autoaim. This make projectile mines still viable, but have to throw it more strategically so it hits all the monsters. PoB: Here is a WIP PoB I am going to try out. This is a PoB for hybrid. PoB for other variation will come later. https://pastebin.com/CEM4QNTL It only has the tree and gears atm. Gem links and others will be updated later 3.6 Patch Notes Base damage nerfed: " This equals to a lvl 18 GC prior to 3.6 nerf. Nothing about mines or sabo has changed. We lose the awesome "non-chaos extra damage" mods Jun easily gave us. Overall, I feel GC miner will remain a strong league start and boss killer. It will require more gear to match 3.5 GC damage, but definitely remains a powerful build. I myself, will start off as a different miner to change things up. Will have GC mine to fallback if it doesn't work out. Also with the nerf to arc " I would recommend to use arc from act 1 to 10 and swap to a better clearing skill for faster mapping. There is nothing wrong with arc's damage, so if you are satisfied with the clear, keep it until you need the damage from GC. The Build:
Life/MoM Budget: https://pastebin.com/RWibqD78 ![]() NOTE: under "manage tree" I have added lvling section as well as unnatural instinct variant LL more expensive: https://pastebin.com/65kYMWhp
Gem Links
Pre shaper +1 mine helm: GC + Remote mine + Minefield + Inc crit + Inc AoE/Conc + Hypothermia/Trap&Mine dmg Arc + Remote mine + Minefield + Inc crit + Light pen + Added cold/ TnM dmg Post shaper +1 mine helm: GC + Remote mine + Inc crit + Inc AoE/Conc + Hypothermia/Trap&Mine dmg + Controlled/Cold Pen Arc + Remote mine + Inc crit + Light pen + Added cold/ TnM dmg + Controlled/Ele focus What is a shaper's additional mine helmet and how do I get it?
+1 additional mine shaper helmet is a mod that comes with "socked gems are supported by lvl x remote mine mod. Note that there are 2 variants of this where the common one is just increased trap damage. This +1 mine mod is quite rare and it would take around 200-500 alts on average to hit it once. I suggest buying the helmet that already has the mod and craft life or res on it. If it costs too much and you want to craft your own, then buy a shaper helmet ilvl 68+ and start spamming alterations on it. Note that the mod is a suffix and I recommend you get an armour or armour hybrid base for easier colouring after. For LL variant the same thing applies, but you want a high ES base helm, Hubris Circlet. Higher ilvl = higher es tiers. Ultimately you want to multi mod this helmet with +1 mine only unless the other mods are res/es. Whirling blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify CWDT - Immortal call - Inc duration - Phase run Alternative CWDT - Immortal Call - Inc duration - Curse/detonate mine Frost bomb - Inc duration (-20 cold res...cast on boss if you have time) Flame dash - Arcane Surge - Faster casting (dont need all of these links) Hatred on essence worm Blood magic - Clarity lvl 1 (if you use clarity watchers eye) Why do we want to use clarity watcher's eye?
"10-15% chance to recover 10% max mana when you use skill" is great for mana sustain. When you lay down mines, you have a chance to proc this and when you detonate mines, EACH mine has a % to proc the mana recovery. That means you have 2-3+ independent proc to recover mana per 1 set of mine lay/detonate. With 2k+ mana, you can pretty much stay full mana while spamming mines. Hatred watchers are are still the BiS for damage. 1. Crit 2. Pen 3. Rest
Born in the Shadows --> Bomb Specialist --> Demolitions Specialist --> Pyromanic Why born in the shadows first? Blind is amazing as it allows you to play very aggressively and push faster times finishing act1-10. You can run head first into packs of monsters and most likely still live. You can pop unid strongbox and still live even though you were frozen.
Mapping: Arakali + Shakari Boss: Arakali (if there are degens to proc life regen) or Solaris
lvl 1 - Explosive trap & freezing pulse + onslaught lvl 4 - Frost Bomb + Onslaught + Added cold/light & Explosive trap for bosses lvl 12 - Arc + Remote Mine + Minefield in +1 lightning wand To craft a +1 lightning wand:
1. Buy 3 linked Blue-Blue-Blue wand from Nessa 2. Transmute the wand to make it magic 3. Vendor the wand + topaz ring + 1 alteration orb To get a topaz ring: buy/find iron ring and vendor the iron ring + any green gem lvl 36 - Stay with arc mines OR set up GC mines (GC + Remote Mine + Minefield + Inc AoE) Princess sabre unique is a great leveling item for GC mines. Use until shaper stat sticks Choose any skill you prefer to map with and swap to GC when you need the damage Order of importance: Arc + Remote Mine + Minefield + Light Pen, Inc Crit + Added cold/T&M Dmg (cold damage shatters and freeze monster). You can grab call of the brotherhood instead for cold dmg. Replace minefield with controlled destruction after +1 shaper helmet. FAQ + Tips I feel like I am dying too much and monsters kill me before I can lay down mines. What am I doing wrong? While this build is great for racing and league starts, it is not a tanky build. You will have to adjust your playstyle if you have a habit of running into middle of packs. You should ALWAYS lay down a set of mine before you advance forward. If you see monsters in front of you, detonate your mines. The mines trigger AoE range will still be in range so you can kill the pack of monsters slight ahead of you. Get in the habit of 1. Lay down mines --> 2. Run foward a bit --> 3. Detonate mine. Repeat. Same thing with hard bosses. You can kite them backwards. Lay mines, run back, detonate. Don't just stand and tank all the damage, especially in betrayal league with all the syndicates AoE cluster. How come I can't lay down my mines in front of me? You need to make sure you are "attacking in place" so you can lay down the mines right away and not where you clicked on. Left click the skill in the hotbar, at the top you will see "always attack without moving". Enable that and you are good to go. Do this for all skills if you wish. Highly recommend you do this for movement skills like flamedahs and whirling blades. Old video gameplay can be found here or on my youtube
History of GC mines
3.5 Patch Notes The build is looking very strong yet again for 3.5! Buffs: Some ES buffs for LL Nerfs: Shaper weapon damage are reduced by 50%, but still has enough damage. Arc mine will remain the choice for act 1-10 and well into maps. LL arc mine may be similar GC mines now. Post 3.4 High budget LL gc miner dps with pheonix kill https://clips.twitch.tv/ExuberantGloriousShingleBabyRage First Uber Elder kill in the delve league (updated late because was pushing ladder) https://youtu.be/ia8vX_H5SyE Arc mines are amazing to lvl and map with. Swap GC --> Arc and Conc/aoe --> controlled. The tree is exactly the same. Get flat dmg weapon with spell dmg/spellcrit/crit multi. Drop GC jewel for anything else. I was able to do guardians with arc mines + 4linked lightning spire trap. I only did GCs for early uber lab, hard guardians, elder, shaper and uber elder. 3.4 With the patch notes out, I can safely say the build is good to go for the upcoming 3.4 Delve league. Buffs Instant detonate mine --> increased clear speed and single target Must get Volatile mine node in the tree to make it instant cast. This will make both the 'D' and the detonate mine gem instant. Nerfs Minefield got a higher damage penalty from 21% less --> 36% less @ lvl 20. To mimic this on PoB atm, set the minefield level to 5. This is a pretty significant damage nerf and cuts our damage by ~19%. With shaper's helm +1 additional mine, there are better support gems now. TLDR: Got a buff and a nerf so the build feels fine 3.3 Uber Elder down in Incursion (3.3 videos in spoilers)
Day 1 Phoenix kill with arc mine testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCqzmaaX_oc Day 2 First Uber elder kill across all league(3rd attempt): https://youtu.be/0wifezPQgcc Day 2 Another uber elder kill (better run): https://youtu.be/lc7E1S0MrPU Nothing has changed so the build is good to go. Updated PoB, Life/MoM: https://pastebin.com/Ey9ABRMr LL: https://pastebin.com/6FNwDLEt Bandits: Alira Ascendancy: Born in the shadows --> Bomb Specialist --> Demolitions Specialist --> Pyromanic (you can get the mine 4 pointer first if in sc and dont feel you need the defense) Leveling: lvl 1 - Explosive trap + freezing pulse/onslaught lvl 12 - Arc mine is amazing lvl 28 - Arc mine (swap in gc if you need more dmg for labs etc) Arc/Remote/Minefield/Light pen/crit/added light (order of importance) for 6 link arc mines Some 3.3 brainstorm ideas: - Bear trap and VLT can be used if you need more damage (best on stationary target like atziri/shaper) - Arc mine on helmet and gc on chest can work nicely for mapping. Vaal arc gives good aoe - Coward's Legacy Chain Belt + determination watchers eye (not affected by vuln) + dreadbeak in offhand gives Life/MoM perma onslaught + pain attunment (30% more spell damage). Faster whirling blades and damage I understand that the guide is not organized and can be hard to navigate. The new PoB for both variation should help, but I will try to clean the guide more. The previous updates and the original information are still relevant so please take a look into those if the PoBs are not enough. 3.2 April 22nd Update ShadowGenisys has been replying and helping people out here for awhile now and I would like to thank him for that. He has been running the Life/MoM set up with minmax dps. People have been curious so I asked him to provide his variation of the build. I have not modified this variation and hope this give you guys more options. His profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ShadowGenisys/characters?characterName=PixelatedGod
So based on PoB with Flasks, Aspect Of the Cat, Frenzy/Power charges (always on) and blind, the avg damage per hit turns out to be 340,858.9. Even though, chilled and ignite is ticked, we're not getting any damage bonuses from it as Yoke requires US as in the character to apply those to get the additional 5% multiplier per ailment (additive with shock's 50% bonus), though self casting frost bomb should at the very least get you ignite on crit for an additional 5% damage. Refer to https://pastebin.com/rAMa1mqD However looking closely in the calc tab under Other Effects> Shock Dur. Mod, we see the actual damage per hit being added with shock which bump that avg damage per hit number above to almost twice the amount ~7.3 mil with 11 mines burst which makes perfect sense as per the following video, if you watch the Shaper phases which would be how everyone would normally do it w/o letting him heal to full health, he'll always get max shock: Full Shaper Run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOg6iVSMLbU 2 Full Health Shaper Run, 45s to 47s for the kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dtgwl6Dr8A 2 Second Phoenix kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2pW4z3Tq5g Also it seems in the Calc tab, where it says, target must have no more than X health, it's actually not referring to max health but current remaining health, in other words, Shaper's health is split based on his phases, 5 mil first phase since that's probably how much we can drain before he goes immune and 2 x 10 mil for the remaining 2 phases where the last phase can go up to 20 mil if you let him heal up. I've done all content with this setup, even Uber elder quite a few times however it requires a lot of dodging because it's MoM/Life based as you know. Helm: Remote Mine/Additional mine + Innervate and as close to 20% shock effectiveness as we can. Additional mine- Global mod, as you know 33% more damage. Innervate- We're getting this just for the mod that follows it Shock Effectiveness- Effectively reduces the threshold for shock to be applied. E.G. if you needed 5 mil damage to apply shock, with 50% Shock effectiveness you're only required to 1/2 of that. Shock also RAMPS up during that usual 2 second window but in most cases with Yoke that duration would be less but much more effective. Body Armour: Farrul's Fur 5G 1G- Same gem setup as you. Highly recommended to use for a free "aspect of the cat" and also with a bit of tweaking, permanent frenzy and power charges. This chest piece is BiS in my book w/o a doubt due to the buffs it provides, has high health and good armour and eva. The aspect of the cat buff is just the cherry on top. Frenzy charges provides us with IAS/Damage which we sorely need for whirling blade and power charges, well, gives us more crit chance and damage in general. Gloves: Obviously a high life/resist/base IAS with Essence of Insanity would be the BIS as we'll use Whirling blade's link there to further increase it's animation/recovery speed. I havn't found or crafted one of those yet, so I went with a high life and resist to balance my wise oak flasks. Belt: Stygian Vise- High Resist/High Life/High Str (this helps you skip some +str node on the passive tree). Amulet: Yoke Of Suffering- Allows our elemental damage to Shock for massive Massive damage output. Don't look at your tooltip dps, you're doing a few times that amount. +1 curse if you're lucky with corruption. Rings: Shaped Unset Ring- Craft Aspect of the Cat on this. The reason for a Shaped one is the mods it can potentially spawn like shock/damage against shocked/etc etc and it can potentially spawn assassin's mark on hit which works with mines, for the bonus damage if you for a +1 curse Yoke, more power to you. The other reason for an Unset ring is that you can Slot in a decreased duration gem in there and the aspect buff base duration 6 seconds, 12 seconds to rotate both phase thus refreshing your power/frenzy charges will be reduced to whatever seconds, effectively: 1. Alternating you buffs faster on a shorter duration 2. Refreshing your power/frenzy charges more often hence, minor duration node requirement on the passive tree is required allowing the use of stuff like Intuitive leap jewels to be used instead just to get the power charges and frenzy charges, etc etc This also allow you to slap on an increased duration gem in there, effectively increasing that 6 seconds window to something absurd like 10+ seconds per buff cycle but this has it's drawback as you'll need to invest into frenzy/power charge duration nodes so that you buffs from Farrul's Chest don't fall off. For, myself, I use the unset ring with a Vaal Clarity for clearing Trash when farming maps. I went with another shaped ring with life/resist/damage. I ditched Essense Worm to compensate for the Passive Tree changes. Boots: 2 Abyssal socket Bubonic. Quite Frankly this is hands down BiS as it fills every role you want it to. Need resist? Get the approprirate abyss jewels. Need damage? Same deal. 10% Ele Pen is where it's at for uber lab enchant. Weapons: Shaped Dual Daggers with: Gain #% phys as extra Cold Gain #% phys as extra Lightning + Ele Pen Gain #% Ele as Chaos Area damage Spell Crit Spell damage Crit Mutli For bases, go with the 50% crit ones. Jewels: Abyss- 2% Ele Pen, Max life and at least one with fire damage to spell to proc ignite with self cast frost bomb. Normal- Crit multi/dual crit multi, 7% max health + whatever else. Watcher's Eye: Cold Pen when affected by Hatred- Main Mana recovery when affected by Clarity- Secondary Flasks: Atziri, WiseOak, Diamond, Lavianga and 1 staunching life flask. What's important is to min-max the resistances so they're all the same, as you know this actually works better on us due to the final combined damage is split across 3 elements so having an additional 15% pen to all and 10% reduced damage to all is a pretty massive dps and survivability boost. I would not use a Taste of Hate with this setup as it'll mess up the resistance and we end up losing dps and mitigation. P.S. I use Clarity (level 1) since I ditched Alira for 2 passive points to balance my Stats and health which Is why I went with the pen/clarity watchers. Also I use an Enlighten level 4 + Hatred to reduce my max reserved mana. March 31st Update Probably my final update for my LL GC miner build. I believe the LL GC miner is a very powerful build in both offense and defense. Life/MoM is capable of all content in the game as well, but LL is for people looking to take their character to the next level. Thank you everyone for their feedback and support. I hope you guys enjoy either of the variations and wish you guys success for the rest of the league. I will still be playing this character for occasional boss kill/carries, but I will be streaming other builds. Thank you for tuning in the past few days <3 Bonus video: Brightbeak + budget watchers eye Uber elder fight (1 death because I'm bad) https://youtu.be/Q1iHxvy3UqQ March 30th Update To those running without the blind node, I strongly urge you to get that instead of explosive expert. Drop Kaoms' roots and use rare boots with life/ms/mana/res or atziri's step Good boot enchants are: 10% penetration 1-160 added lightning 120% crit chance Bonus video of Uber elder possessed + slight tree change explanation for LL GC: https://youtu.be/qpcctSihN14 Also to those running Life/MoM variant, try out yoke of suffering. I hear positive things about this amulet and it has decent amount of res as well as more dps than any shaper amulet can give us. March 28th Update Changed tree to get more ES but lost some damage/attack speed. Dropped might of the meek & pure talent for sabo variation. NEWEST PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/6FNwDLEt Bonus shaper kill GIF: ![]() March 27th Update LL Sabo variation Uber Elder Kill @ lvl 91 https://youtu.be/Klyxk9coDzc March 24th Update Uber Elder Video with LL GC Scion https://youtu.be/1_wsmzJx9fM LL GC Miner Scion/Sabo variant Uber Elder down
Made a LL gc miner variation (scion sabo/guardian but pure sabo is just fine) to farm uber elder. The character is will WIP but felt confident enough to share the build to you guys. This is NOT budget and is an option for those wanting to make a endgame boss killer with great survivability with the gc miner dps Sabo is perfectly fine and will feel better than scion for mapping. Scion is ONLY for the ES regen from guardian for boss killing Video Build Guide: https://youtu.be/1muNT3J5OoE OLD Scion PoB: https://pastebin.com/13DSRha1 OLD Sabo PoB: https://pastebin.com/Ce49mjyV Gear
Weapon swap: Flasks: Jewels: Would like to thank my friend nuclear & Focuspokuss for telling me about the LL idea and this is my take on LL gc miner. More improvements for Life/MoM variant
Bestiary items and aspects can be used to improve this build further. Farrul's Fur is amazing for this build but have to use vorici jeweler trick to get 5B1G https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Farrul%27s_Fur Grab the frenzy charge next to shadow and power charge/3% spell dmg node on witch if using this chest. The duration on charges help you maintain full charges at all times. Frenzy gives your mines more dmg while giving you faster sc/wb. Last you get free aspect of cat so still can use clear mind jewel. The helmet Farrul's Bite is also great but losing shaper's mod "place an additional mine" doesn't seem worth the loss. March 7th Update Suggestions on howto improve the build
Grab a shaped helm with “place additional mine” mod. This mod is global and makes you place 4 mines instead of 3(with minefield). This mod alone is a 33% more damage and 100% more dmg if not using minefield. Feel free to grab blind node instead of explosive expert. Pandemonius and yoke of suffering are great amulets to use. Pandemonius gives you blind on hit vs chilled enemies so dont use ele focus. You can drop points of damage for acrobatics/phase acro for more survivalbility. 3.2 announcement update
Rough PoB for 3.2 (using my old 3.0 harbinger gear with some modification) https://pastebin.com/TVzKDwyJ Tip: Use Herald of Ash for lvling until essence worm + hatred or you feel the mana cost isn't bad with pyromaniac Patch note thoughts:
No changes to GC or mines besides sabo buffs. GC miner is very much alive and will be great to start the league with again. HoA buff is very nice to use instead of hatred if you want lower mana reservation, but the overkill burn will not work with mines (just like how it doesn't work currently with melee totem/range mine). No tree changes required. Sabo nodes: Bomb Specialist -> Pyromaniac -> Demolitions Specialist -> Born in the shadows Sabo revamp thoughts: The life regeneration is amazing for sustain and once you get the cap 20% rolling, it will feel like a leech build without VP. I feel that Pyromanic, Bomb Specialist, and Demolitions Specialist are a must for a miner. The final uber lab point can be Explosives Expert (dmg/aoe) or Born in the Shadows (defensive choice) Bonus video (2hours): League starting practice with gc mines act 1-4 showing how to transition into gc mines with ssf gears 3.1
*12/25 Update T15 IIQ speed clear set up video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtcVbZ-Snrs (end of the video mentions QoL for detonating mine) 12/17 Update Mapping more on this character so I value clear speed (still can kill shaper/Uatziri fine). Grabbed 2x The Long Winter (more length -> inc clear speed) and shield charge 15% attack speed helm enchant. To those who are dying a lot or feeling too squishy, try out any of these: 1. Replace Kaom's Root for rare boots and grab Blinding Assault Sabo Ascendancy node 2. Take Acrobatics 3. Jade Flask if you did option 1 4. Taste of Hate 12/14 Update I have killed shaper, uber atziri, guardians, elder (guardians) and everything else in ASC. Used PTL as my source of conversion and used rare boots over kaoms roots (to test how it does). I like both the variations and it comes down to your playstyle. Blind vs stun immune. I grabbed dream fragment to combat MoM nerf and loss of Kaoms's Root The damage was enough so I used brightbeak for mapping all the way up to T15 (bosses too). I swap brightbeak for dps dagger for shaper/U atziri. GC jewel is good for clear speed (20% inc in length per jewel). Not that great for bosses unless it is your only way to convert. It can be used to kite bosses like uber atziri trios, but not the BiS in all cases. To all having mana issues, there are several ways I recommend: Catalyzed Eternal Mana Flask Lavianga Unique Mana Flask More mana nodes Mana + life on every rare gear possible (or mana regen) Dream Fragment Vaal Clarity Final gear on miner (note that some are luxury items and not required)
Boss dps dagger swap: or 3.1 Videos: Uber atziri: https://youtu.be/ke_RWUDqodw Shaper: https://youtu.be/Ic8HJk25a_I I hope you all have a great league with this build and please feel free to ask questions here or in my stream (https://www.twitch.tv/windz0099) about this build! *Everything below in 3.0 section is still relevant and recommend you don't skip over it* Good news is that nothing has changed for this build except for some nerfs to MoM. I would still recommend MoM, but might require some mana nodes if you are having mana issues. If you are not a fan of MoM, try out acro + sabo's blind node (make sure to not wear Kaom's root) The GC threshold jewels give us another option to convert GC into full elemental and make GC longer. Use the jewel if you need more GC length for mapping or don't want to use other ways to convert. This allows us to use a different helm enchant such as GC dmg, drop hrimsorrow for rare gloves, or drop PTL for another support gem. GC jewel is not always BiS. The extra length and freedom of gear/enchant is great for mapping. 2 four stat jewel will be better for boss killing, but don't forget to convert the remaining% of GC. Intimidate will not work with spells anymore. Use rare rustic sash or magnate unique belt for higher flask uptime. Belt of deciever is still a nice defensive option vs crit Reminder that GC does not work with the new support gem Spell Cascade. Disclaimer: My take on GC mines after the changed in 3.0 INTRODUCTION Made a GC miner in HHC as my league starter and ladder pusher. Ripped at lvl 96.7 @ rank 5 to log out packet loss. Tried shaper and guardians on standard and was surprised at the single target dps and decided to remake it on HSC as my league starter and boss farmer. How does this build work? Glacial cascade has been changed in 3.0 into a pure physical damage spell with innate 60% cold conversion. This means it can now scale nicely with phys damage nodes (ele if 100% conversion) while getting the benefit of hatred/added fire/herald of ash etc. Now you pair this with mines which is known for great single target dps for insane damage. ![]() SKILL TREE POB https://pastebin.com/9ya7kxAx lvl 93 (current): https://pastebin.com/Ar5VfBuC (Grab "Additional Mine" node next to Volatile Mines when you are ready to kill bosses to get 11 mines total) mid 80's: poeurl.com/bvOE Transitioning to crit and saving a point respec pathing poeurl.com/bvOD Filling up mine + life nodes poeurl.com/bvOC Low lvl rushing MoM: poeurl.com/bstu BANDIT Alira Pantheon Boss killing: Solaris/Arakalli + Ralakesh Thoughts: Solaris gives us damage reduction (phys + ele) also no extra dmg from crit if critted recently. Ralakesh gives us chance to avoid bleed + less bleed damage (atziri's spear + lab traps) Mapping: Lunaris/Arakaali + Abberath Thoughts: Lunaris gives us movement speed (clear speed) + phys reduction. Arakaali helps us with degens, esp the chaos res vs chaos degene (strongbox/zombies/bameth/desecrated ground) Abberath is really good on burning ground map and monsters with burning ground (dogs that leave burning ground, Reef's boss, etc). It keepss your ES up during these maps. Also the ms boost is a bonus GEAR Mapping/Generic Weapon of choice Rare crit dagger + life/res/crit/spelldmg shield Recommended: Note: Use tabula --> 6link rare life/res crafted chest --> 6link carcass (luxury) Can use Bitterdream for really budget (GC,Remote,Minefield) Note: Essence worm allows us to run hatred without any mana reservation. More EHP from MoM and enabling clear mind jewel. Note: GC 40% conversion (even 30%) allows you to focus on cold pen/dmg. Easier to get cold pen from wise oak. OLDNote: Kaom's Roots allow us to drop "of Heat" suffix from flask and gives us stun immune + huge life pool + temp chain immune + chill immune USE RARE BOOTS WITH LIFE/RES/MS/MANA or any other boots you prefer NEW Belt of deciever does not work with spells anymore so use rare stygian with life/res (bonus: cata craft suffix mine dmg/mine laying speed) with a nice abyss jewel For minmax, use 10% pen,added light dmg, or 120% crit chance enchant for boss/dps and 2% life/mana regen for mapping Current items: Flasks: Can use Taste of Hate if you can afford to (drop quicksilver/wiseoak) Optional: drop quicksilver for this for more boss dps Jewels: Priority: Life% Crit multi (global, ele, cold) All equal: Mine dmg Spell dmg (global, shield) Damage Area dmg Physical dmg Utility stats: Resistance Mine Laying speed Stats (if needed) Critical chance % (ele, cold, global) Knockback ASCENDANCY Bomb Specialist --> Pyromanic --> Demolitions Specialist --> Born in the Shadows (blind does not work with Kaoms root's Unwavering stance so grab Explosive Expert if using Kaoms) GEMS Weapon 5/6 link: Glacial Cascade / Remote Mines / Minefield / Inc Crit / Trap & mine dmg OR hypothermia 6th link is situational: Inc AoE/Conc Use Physical to Lightning if you dont have the helm enchant or 2x the long winter jewel (drop Trap & Mine Dmg or crit) Would be harder to get wise oak pen for both light and cold so use atziri's promise in the meantime 4link: CWDT + IC + Enfeeble + Frostbomb (can use Detonate Mines) 3link: VLT + Vaal clarity + Inc Duration Detonate Mines + Spell Totem + Inc Duration Shield charge + Faster Attacks + Fort Others: Stone Golem (or any golem of choice) Flame Dash Hatred (in essence worm) LEVELING lvl 1-12: Fire trap + Freezing pulse lvl 12-28: Fire nova mine + Minefield + Faster casting/controlled lvl 28+: Glacial Cascade + Remote mine + Mine Field (trap & mine dmg/crit/conc/controlled/PTL) Get normal lab for AoE boost and Volatile Mines node Notes: Playstyle will get smoother once you get the cruel lab points with faster arming time + mine laying speed. Bitterdream is a great budget lvling weap VIDEO [3.2] LL Sabo "budget" with brightbeak + cheaper watcher's eye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1iHxvy3UqQ LL Sabo Possessed Uber Elder kill (for fun): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpcctSihN14 LL Sabo variation Uber Elder Kill @ lvl 91: https://youtu.be/Klyxk9coDzc Uber Elder (LL GC Miner Scion variant): https://youtu.be/1_wsmzJx9fM LL GC video guide: https://youtu.be/1muNT3J5OoE [3.1] T15 IIQ speed clear set up video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtcVbZ-Snrs Uber atziri: https://youtu.be/ke_RWUDqodw Shaper: https://youtu.be/Ic8HJk25a_I [3.0] Shaper: https://youtu.be/6xIxPnYKYiI Uber Atziri: https://youtu.be/MY3LNuXxfQc Minotaur: https://youtu.be/i7uhCWeJHwI Hydra: https://youtu.be/b6dWwY4yaKY Chimera: https://youtu.be/Z0yKx78SRck Phoenix: https://youtu.be/y_Y5xoGbrao Uber lab (essence + conduit full run): https://youtu.be/gxgbiyf6KVY T11 Racecourse with breach: https://youtu.be/l2tE1wmpnXQ Current Stats In hideout with hatred my dps is: With Inc AoE: 34.4k With Conc: 53k FAQ Scion vs Sabo LL? Scion has nice defense options with guardian or occultist (stun immune if no presence of chayula) but lack the mine QoL sabo offers. Therefore mapping with Scion will feel worse than sabo, but it feels fine for boss killing. Sabo requires more levels to get similar tree as scion and requires you to lay down mines more consistently to get your regen going. LL vs Life/Mom? Both variations are capable of all end game content including Uber Elder. Life/MoM is great for league start and scale nicely into the end game. You can dual wield stat sticks and not lose too much defence while gaining tremendous amount of damage. Life/MoM can also use shaper chest/Farruls Fur/Yoke of suffering and other gears that boost your damage. LL requires a lot more gear/currency but in the end, it will be tankier and still have amazing dps considering you are using 1h/shield. I recommend Life/MoM variation if you are looking for budget boss killer or just starting out. LL would be for people who want to take their GC miner to the next level or is playing HC What is the best chest to use now? BiS chest would be either shaper's chest with +1 active gem level + 1.1%-1.5% spell crit (life and res if possible) OR Farrul's Fur. However Farrul's Fur require 5 off colour and expect around 1000-2000 jeweler's to get those colour using vorici trick. Yoke of suffering any good? Yes the amulet is very good for the Life/MoM variant and I highly suggest your try it out. Make sure to have at least 1 fire dmg to spell somewhere to ignite and don't use ele focus. Tremor Rod vs dagger/shield? Tremor rod can potentially give you a 18-24% aoe boost through out mapping because the mines can be detonated twice. Also has significant mine laying speed but you lose shield charge + fort mobility and defense. Also lack of significant crit % and life/res from shield. Shield/dagger variety has more damage upfront but tremor should have comparable dps in a sustained fight. Feel free to try out both as the tree is similar and only require gear changes. Tips & Tricks Use the num lock trick if possible: Bind attack in place to a number on the numpad. Numlock on. Hold it and turn numlock off. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eipby7lhhJw If you can't get the helmet enchant, use either of the following: 1) hrimsorrow/hrimburn 2) Physical to lightning gem แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย windz#1002 เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2019 16:49:37 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 23 ต.ค. 2020 17:16:54
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I think tremor is BiS for bosses due to the totem and the free link remote mine. you gain 1 gem for free and totem will spam like crazy!
It would be good to swap tremor on bosses but you'd have to swap chest too, i still haven't found a proper 6L setup if you slot Gc on tremor. What do you think? |
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I have been running the Tremor Rod variant while camping Windz's stream for the last few days. His damage is higher than mine, but his gear is also much better.
Still, I think having the extra 100+ life and mobility from dagger+shield might be worth it. Both are super viable. Windz's tree has more all ele resist than mine which potentially frees up gearing choices to stay overcap for Ele Weakness while getting chaos resist on gear or Kaom's Roots. Note that the Tremor Rod version can't use Kaom's Roots as effectively because it's so reliant on run speed. |
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" Lots of choices for 6L Tremor Rod IMO. GC - PtL - Mine Dmg - Minefield - Increased Crit Strikes - Conc Effect (never need AoE with tremor rod) GC - Mine Dmg - Minefield - Increased Crits - Conc Effect - Empower 4 GC - Mine Dmg - Minefield - Increased Crits - Increased Crit Dmg - Conc Effect ^^ All these come out relatively close in PoB. If you shock from PtL (which I think you do), damage per mine explosion averages 72k for setup 1 For setup 2 you need to use Vaal Lightning Trap - 81k, but I don't think POB accounts for the Vaal Lightning Trap nerf (15% vs up to 50%) For setup 3: 76k, again w/ Lightning Trap which is a less effective shock So all that said I think 2 is super pricey due to level 4 Empower, and 3 is just worse because that shock damage calculation is probably wrong due to Vaal Lightning Trap. There are probably other variants but I am pretty sure I prefer the inherent shock from PtL. Open to thoughts! |
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" i meant what to slot on 6L chest if Gc is slotted on the 6L rod |
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" Oh. I'll probably do GC - Mines - Mine Dmg - Minefield - Conc/AoE - PTL most likely but maybe increased crit. Haven't thought about that too much but will prob do whatever Windz has done besides maybe PtL to not use Vaal Lightning Trap.. which is fine til bigger bosses. |
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How would a character like this handle something like uber lab? or is this more of a "boss" clearing character?
Reaper_of_Souls_ |
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Your passive tree link in PoE Planner is starting with the Phys and Chaos damage nodes but in PoB you have chosen the Elemental Damage nodes.
Which one should be better? I dont know how to use PoB that much so any idea will be appreciated. |
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" clears fine. Just use bright beak + prismatic eclipse. 1 shots izaro so you will only die to traps usually |
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