[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

xbryguyx เขียน:
Is there a leveling guide? because fire nova mine seemed to clunky



lvl 1 - Explosive trap + freezing pulse/onslaught

lvl 12 - Fire Nova mine OR lightning trap + fire trap OR try out arc mine

lvl 28 - Arc mine/GC mine

link the skill gems to support gems and get a 4link asap
Is firenova for bosses and lightning trap for clearing? or am i best off just using traps until i can get detonate mines totem/cwdt?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DrawingFlies#7808 เมื่อ 5 มิ.ย. 2018 02:23:54
xbryguyx เขียน:
Is firenova for bosses and lightning trap for clearing? or am i best off just using traps until i can get detonate mines totem/cwdt?

use arc mine or trap for everything. it is amazing
Oh man. I bought the fancy MTX for glacial cascade and everything. I did want to do Lightning Tendrils - CWC- Arc before i found this build. Guess ill level and Arc gem now. Thanks!
Sorry for double post but after clever construction and those other mine nodes where should i be heading?
zakasou เขียน:
Doomantia เขียน:
Another quality of life on 3.3.0 is the 'always attack without moving' toggle switch. I don't have to start up the numpad autohokey for GC mines anymore since I'm using a tkl keyboard.

how does this work?

is an option?
How would you change the build to make it ARC viable, besides changing out Hatred for Wrath in Essence Worm?
Any chance u can put a new gem setup for Incursion League and gear setup :D
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Nixx99#6971 เมื่อ 5 มิ.ย. 2018 16:05:57
I have a question: why are you taking "chaosdmg and physdmg" notes at the start of the shadow tree instead of trap and mine notes.

sry if there is an obvious answer for this question but i can´t find it^^

I know my English isn´t the yellow of the egg :P



