[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Hey together,

why are we using hypothermia instead of trap and mine damage support?
Seems way weaker to me dmg-wise.
is it the chilling and freezing we get?
Is the dream fragments only used for bossing? Also why is windz fire res so low on the POB?
Is a divinarius a decent weapons before we find GG rares?
Hi everyone
It is my first miner. Great build.

i got a question, just can't find good weapon. Which start i should looking for?

My POB https://pastebin.com/v89Kd0GR
or my chraracter eltarsab
i am looking like stats:

spell crit 120+
phys as extra cold
Spell dmg
trap dmg
i cant find in guide recomendations.

And my damage seems to low. how to improve it?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Versettix#2361 เมื่อ 9 มิ.ย. 2018 13:59:32
Versettix เขียน:
Hi everyone
It is my first miner. Great build.

i got a question, just can't find good weapon. Which start i should looking for?

My POB https://pastebin.com/v89Kd0GR
or my chraracter eltarsab
i am looking like stats:

spell crit 120+
phys as extra cold
Spell dmg
trap dmg
i cant find in guide recomendations.

And my damage seems to low. how to improve it?

Look for a Shaped golden kris or global crit dagger with gain #% physical damage as extra element damage or even better craft your own with two physical damage as extra damage rolls with spell crit/damage. a yoke of suffering improves damage quite a bit or a shaped amulet with gain #% physical damage as extra element, and a shaped helmet with the mod place an additional mine will improve your damage 25%.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ColtanD#7186 เมื่อ 10 มิ.ย. 2018 13:24:25
what armor are you guys running for GC mines?

I know most ppl prob switched to Arc, but I just prefer GC. I was running Farruls last league but I guess Carcass Jack is best option? Or just a rare with Life/%Life?
Man GC is awesome with my MTX but arc just seems so much more effective. Does it shine more vs bosseS?
Couldn't really find a definitive answer to this, but does Shroud of the Lightless work with mines?

Specifically referring to the "20% chance to Trigger Level 20 Shade Form when you Use a Socketed Skill" part.

Would it be worth using?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย obake1#0447 เมื่อ 10 มิ.ย. 2018 21:12:56
xodrul เขียน:
what armor are you guys running for GC mines?

I know most ppl prob switched to Arc, but I just prefer GC. I was running Farruls last league but I guess Carcass Jack is best option? Or just a rare with Life/%Life?

Loreweave seems to be a really good choice too.
Great guide. Previously went GC mines and am doing the Arc variant this time round.

Any tips on what to use while leveling weapon/shield wise? I went with princess and phys to cold shield with gc mines but have no clue where to go with arc mines.




