[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Bloozepicker เขียน:
So, I got to level 68 or so before you reworked the guide for MS. I assume at this point its easier to just start another character? This is my first time playing so please forgive if that's a silly question.

An autor leaves Legacy Blade Flurry Build info under a spoiler at the end of first post, i think its better for u to keep BF version, understend game better, get through some end-game content (and BF allow to do in greatly).
Starting new cahter is worse idea ever for u now.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mikes_Mekazukatoto#5029 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2017 08:50:06
I asking someone with acces to end game content (U-lab, t12+, ets)test for me this changes to MS version of a bild:

1) Drop Blasphemy + Enfeeble
2) Dpop HoT
3) dont use ur SC bloodrage
3) Pick CwDT(1)+Enfeeble(5)+Bloodrage(7)
4) Pick Wrath

write here - how u feel self with those content.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mikes_Mekazukatoto#5029 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2017 09:10:13
GameBoih เขียน:
LG0012 เขียน:
I think I'm missing something. How you are able to reach 200k dps in a hideout? Mine is only 98k :/

Here is my gear, skill tree is the same:

And the jewels:

2x Perfect Wildfire Crimson Jewel

Hypnotic Ruin Crimson Jewel
* 12% To Global Critical Strike Multiplier
* 18% To Critical Strike Multiplier With One Handed Melee Weapons
* 7% Increased Maximum Life

Maelstrom Silver Crimson Jewel
* 16% Increased Critical Strike Chance With One Handed Melee Weapons
* 7% Increased Maximum Life
* +12% To Fire And Cold Resistances

Dragon Flame Crimson Jewel
* 15% Increased Critical Strike Chance With One Handed Melee Weapons
* 7% Increased Maximum Life
* +10% To Strength And Dexterity
* +10% To Fire And Cold Resistances

1. I think what you are missing is boot enchanment -> lightning dmg to attacks if you havnt killed recently -> adds hugeeee boost against bosses like shaper.

2. Then acuity -> Do you really need them? I feel like the build is shitting so much dmg, that the ramp up of the leech doesnt even matter that much. Spiked gloves with essence craft will be alot better in terms of damage.

3. You're missing wed/crit multi here and there.

4. Wtf is your gem setup. Ancestral call > Multistrike. You have a way different single target setup in your belly anyways. Maybe thats why also.

3. You're missing wed/crit multi here and there.

I will remove crafted mod from amulet, and i will craft wed.
But where im missing crit multi? On the jewels? If yes, i will try to get one.


Glove essence - Loathing?

Regarding gem setup

Molten Strike:
[20/20] Molten Strike
[20/20] Elemental Damage with Attacks Support/Ancestral Call Support
[21/20] Added Lightning Damage Support - pref level 21
[20/20] Multistrike Support
[21/20] Elemental Focus/Increased Area of Effect Support
[20/20] Concentrated Effect Support

I thought i have to switch Ancestral Call Support instead of Elemental Damage with Attacks Support
And Elemental Focus instead of Increased Area of Effect Support

Anyway, thanks for help! :)
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LG0012#6831 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2017 09:01:10
why you mana just have 70??What did you use buff ?
Hi, so i just imagined the build is about elemental damage is possible to change Molten Strike for Frost Blade
Did you already tried this? if u did can you show an optimized setup with gems or its just change Molten S. for Frost B. and you are ready to go?

If possible show us some DPS comparision it can be Helpfull for some ppl!!!
Anyway Thanx for the awsome Guide/Build <3!
Looks like a decent build, I am currently 61 (I am also pretty bad at the game), im struggling to level without the uniques (as start of the league) I feel like im squishy to bosses with spells (the three act 9 end bosses). And i also feel like the damage/clear is not that good. Any advice?
I also noticed, are you clearing maps with Ancestral call? What are you replacing to do so?
Linx_755 เขียน:
I also noticed, are you clearing maps with Ancestral call? What are you replacing to do so?

read guide
I have never seen a guide threat with so many idiots in it. And please, I don't mean the new players or anyone having a problem to understand something. I have tried answering their questions in the last days.

But the older players that have been playing for years coming here, blaming the build and the guy that wrote it because they are so shit at the game that even one of the two most OP damage skills in the game can't get them to level without problems? I just don't get it, if you know anything about PoE you will be able to level 1-85 without any problems and with minimal investment, even without Lycosidae. After 85 you start to need a bit better gear and the shield to keep up.

I can fully understand why GornoDD stopped checking the thread so frequently... After the (correct) change from BF to MS and with the start of the new league this thread has become a shitfest. Had to be said, sry.

And again, I don't mean the new players. Asking questions and having them answered in a thread like this helped me a lot when I started.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mecielle#3021 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2017 10:40:39
Mikes_Mekazukatoto เขียน:
Linx_755 เขียน:
I also noticed, are you clearing maps with Ancestral call? What are you replacing to do so?

read guide
Useless answer, where in guide.



