[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

About how much ele dps should my claw have when im about to start using them? im almost level 60 and still using rigwald's charge. Never played any elemental build, so im not sure where to start.
Sorry if this is already asked, this thread is kinda big. :P
Ign: Stevii
Mecielle เขียน:

CE only gives the projectiles a lot more damage, the tooltip only shows the initial hit damage. You could use Path of Building to see exactly how much damage CE gives to the balls.

And can't check you character, you have them set to private. But my guess would be you have very low crit chance or still have RT. Onslaught and Innervate will later only be triggered with a good amount of crit. Diamond Flask is really important.

Yep its the crit chance.. atm pretty low. The build seems to run smooth and even though MS was one of the skills i kind of hate it.. seems fun so I will give it a try this season.

I set my profile to public.

will import everything in PoB and check stats as soon as i will buy a better claw and get the helm enchant and hit a higher level to wear my opal rings.

Many thanks for your info. Helped a lot understanding the skill and build. I will return in a week's time with an update when my char will be ready for guardians and shaper.
Stevii เขียน:
About how much ele dps should my claw have when im about to start using them? im almost level 60 and still using rigwald's charge. Never played any elemental build, so im not sure where to start.
Sorry if this is already asked, this thread is kinda big. :P

Just read the budget guide :/.
I used ornament of the east and wasp nest.
Budget says ornament and a evasion shield but can't rly see why it would be better except some life/res but a little bit less dmg.

AGAIN FOR ALL PLZ READ THE GUIDE. 90%+ of the questions in the Thread are already answered in the guide itself. Asking them here again and again makes the questions which are NOT answered in the guide disapear much faster and maybe get no answer.
could you view my Character? Its "Molteninqlul"

Having massive Mana problems and damage is very lackluster on rare or abyss monsters. Also dying pretty much instantly to bosses in t4 maps because i run out of mana.

My Gems are all over the place currently because i dont know what to prioritize with my mana problems.

What would be the biggest damage upgrade i could currently get?

Really want to get the build working but struggling hard right now :(

Would appreciate any tips!
One small question about the passive skill tree:

North of sentinel is a gem slot, the skill tree shows me to take lightning + cold resistance instead of projectile damage ... is that true? I mean the tooltip for molten strike shows "2 additinal projectiles" so the molten balls ARE projectiles?

Sure resistances will help, but additional damage will help as well :)
great leaguestarter ... very cheap ... kill shaper with white claw <- this are the reason why i am starting this build and i want to play blade flurry

now i wake up, ohh this was a dream

the reality comes ....

the threadopener change the guide .... no blade flurry

cheap ... sure, if you get 200 chaos from standard ... ohh new league
surviability ... perfekt, 185 deaths at near end of akt 9
fun ... super, if like dying and have the worstest start of a league
progress ... inverse, you run faster to zero than to 100
I guess I'm confused with which gems to use for single target and mapping?

Single = Increased Area + Ele Dmg?
Mapping = Ele focus + Ancestral Call?

Molten Strike:

[20/20] Molten Strike
[20/20] Elemental Damage with Attacks Support/Ancestral Call Support
[21/20] Added Lightning Damage Support - pref level 21
[20/20] Multistrike Support
[21/20] Elemental Focus/Increased Area of Effect Support
[20/20] Concentrated Effect Support

This is the main setup. You Swap "Ele Focus" for "Increased Area" and "Ancestral Call" for "Ele Dmg with Attacks" for Single Target.

My head can't wrap around it for some odd reason >.>

What does "main setup" mean? Single or clearing?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thraSh25#6229 เมื่อ 15 ธ.ค. 2017 15:55:35
Hey thx for that awesome guide man!
Quick question, is there any consideration on using Chernobog's Pillar?
thx in advance
Stevii เขียน:
About how much ele dps should my claw have when im about to start using them? im almost level 60 and still using rigwald's charge. Never played any elemental build, so im not sure where to start.
Sorry if this is already asked, this thread is kinda big. :P

SOmeone else said Waspnest and that he did not understand why Ornament of the East was recced. Well, that guy does not understand the build. Ornament does the same as Lycosidae, you always hit. The claw you use does not need any ele damage to be usefull. Watch out for a high APS, high crit chance claw. Any ele damage will only be bonus. Also, try to get a few Abyss jewels with elemental damage with claws or general attacks. They help A LOT.

But anyway, if you are on a tight budget and want to do T1-5 maps to farm up some currency to get a better claw, get a Ornament of the East.

baalus เขียน:
great leaguestarter ... very cheap ... kill shaper with white claw <- this are the reason why i am starting this build and i want to play blade flurry

now i wake up, ohh this was a dream

the reality comes ....

the threadopener change the guide .... no blade flurry

cheap ... sure, if you get 200 chaos from standard ... ohh new league
surviability ... perfekt, 185 deaths at near end of akt 9
fun ... super, if like dying and have the worstest start of a league
progress ... inverse, you run faster to zero than to 100

Yea, sorry to tell you, but you are just really, really bad at the game then. Or have absolutely no understanding about what makes this build work. Easiest leveling build ever if you know what you are doing and what items to get.

With 0 budget, just with the few chaos and alchs you find during leveling you will be easily able to run up to Tier 10 maps. I did it. Died 16 times at level 78, I think at least 12 of those were in the Lab trials.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mecielle#3021 เมื่อ 15 ธ.ค. 2017 15:59:27
baalus เขียน:
great leaguestarter ... very cheap ... kill shaper with white claw <- this are the reason why i am starting this build and i want to play blade flurry

now i wake up, ohh this was a dream

the reality comes ....

the threadopener change the guide .... no blade flurry

cheap ... sure, if you get 200 chaos from standard ... ohh new league
surviability ... perfekt, 185 deaths at near end of akt 9
fun ... super, if like dying and have the worstest start of a league
progress ... inverse, you run faster to zero than to 100

You are doing a lot wrong then.
I am lvl 83 and have 125 deaths where the most come from yolo in cause softcore why not? Lvling was easy as hell and i did atziri at 75 with one dead to bleed flask empty and uber lab first try . Both with a Tabula and ca. 20c worth of gear. Did maps up to t12 corrupted (t13+ didnt drop yet).

€dit: ofc you cant expect to kill shaper with a white claw and shitty other items.
But you can Do IT with pretty little investement.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย rossko#0686 เมื่อ 15 ธ.ค. 2017 16:40:56



