[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

TeHFeaR เขียน:
Hello all!

I've been reading for the last couple of days and was wondering if someone might be able to answer for me.

I cannot get 6 off colors on my chest and was wondering if it would be okay to stay with 4R2B1G and use a faster attacks in the green slot?

This is the chest that I'd like to use!

The Evasion is pretty neat. You could use MS-Multi-AC-EDWW-Added-Slower/GMP for clearing or single target. GMP is actually really damn good for mapping. Slower Proj isnt half bad either. Its just not quite as good as EleFocus. At extremly high gear levels, talking pretty much full mirrored gear Slower Proj outsclales Added Lightning even.

aeritath เขียน:
Loving this build so far thank you so much!

I just have one question:

Is it possible to use CWDT-OoS-PCoC-IC as a four link and still have IC and OoS go off?

I'm just wondering for the sake of clear speed, as stopping to cast OoS every fight seems like it would eat up a lot of time.

Thanks so much!

Yes it does work, but it defeats the point of casting Orb. You wanna cast it for the Instruments of Virtue buff (Ascendency). If your gear is good enough you dont need to spam it but it actually increases your overall clearspeed cause you also fasten your shield charges. Its good practice to always have the Power Charges rolling. At bosses it gives you that nice extra OOMPH to burn real hard.

Huaojozu เขียน:
Why Multistrike instead of Ele Focus (for single target)?

cause you spawn 3 times the projectiles wich is a 300% more modifier instead of the lowsy 49% :)
How much "free mana" should I have for this build to work?

Right now I have only 32 of Mana free, and the Ice golem is not proccing anymore. I have to stop casting Herald of Thunder to have some free mana to keep working.
Thank you very much!

I will try that out and see how it feels.
GornoDD เขียน:

Huaojozu เขียน:
Why Multistrike instead of Ele Focus (for single target)?

cause you spawn 3 times the projectiles wich is a 300% more modifier instead of the lowsy 49% :)

What? For all intents and purposes, Multistrike simply increases your attack speed (and forces you to attack three times in a sequence instead of just one, but that's irrelevant here).

Without Multistrike I have 0.24 attack time, with I have 0.12, so an increase from roughly 4 to roughly 8 APS, thus spawning twice as many balls per second.

Let's say as a 5-link each ball does 100, I have 10 and they all hit (unlikely, but irrelevant). So I'm doing 1000 per salvo or 4000 per second at 4APS.

Then I socket Multistrike. I'm now doing 30% less attack damage, so 70 per ball, 700 per salvo and 5600 per second at 8 APS. That's a multiplier of 40%.
Hey guys.. I'm wondering what item i should aim to upgrade next.. I know that tabula is the obvious one, but i'm low on currency at the moment..

Any suggestions?

I'm struggling to decide between the VP and the Non-VP build. I've went down the VP path before the other tree was posted, and I don't know why, but I feel drawn to the Non-VP one.

I'm interested in any opinions anyone has between the two from a play-style/survivability standpoint. Are there any power level/life level breakpoints to consider before switching to Non-VP? I'm semi-casual and it seems like a large investment for an unknown quantity but it's still attractive to me.

One other question -- why is lyco so good vs. the orient claw to get the "hits can't be evaded"? Does it just free up the weapon to be able to stack crit? I feel like I'm not understanding something about that shield.
What's the difference between VP build and non vp one?
Kitaen เขียน:
dont use vinktars, the damage boost is mediocre compared to atziri/diamond/dying sun and the downside is huge

also for the love of god, your gear is great, but you need crit on the claw, your dps will skyrocket

Thanks. I will grab two other flasks for mapping then.

I'm looking for that claw right now. I paid 9Ex for the one equipped. I think about either using Annulment or just getting a new one for 15Ex+. I also probably need a bit of crit mult on my jewels.
Would switching Ancestrall Call for Damage on full life be a good idea for single target with the new build?
I am noticing that Onslaught was removed from the Herald of Ice link, any reason for this compared to the previous versions of the build?



