[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Huaojozu เขียน:
Bhaladas เขียน:

No, because with Molten Strike you get x 3 the amount of balls thus x 3 the amount of damage when they land. This is in addition to the faster attack speed for the single target damage.

With ancestral call and multistrike you get three balls per Ancestral Call = 9 x 3 with Multistrike = 27 per attack. So it is not about the damage from the single target, it is about the additional damage with the balls.

Once again, this is not true. You do not get x3 amount of the balls (in the same amount of time). You get x3 amount of the balls in 150% of the time of your normal attack.

Without multistrike at 1 APS:
0s - hold attack
1s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 100 damage
2s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 100 damage
3s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 100 damage
Total: 300 damage

With multistrike at 2 APS (thanks to Multistrike's 100% MORE attack speed):
0s - hold attack
0.5s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 70 damage
1.0s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 70 damage
1.5s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 70 damage
2.0s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 70 damage
2.5s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 70 damage
3.0s - attack finishes - get projectiles - each salvo does 70 damage
Total: 420 damage - 40% multiplier

You seem to be confusing what the "Skills repeat 2 additional times" line does. That line has NO EFFECT on your DPS, it doesn't magically add any attacks, it simply forces you to attack 3 times instead of just once. Each attack takes 50% less time but in total you stand in place for 150% of the time your normal attack would take.

The 30% less damage on Multistrike is for the Attack Damage, not the projectiles. They remain unaffected by the 30% less modifier. Only the main attack does 30% less damage.
Playing and loving this build in SSF (SC).

Had a question regarding shields prior to Lyco. Obviously I'd love to get my hands on one, however until I do, I wasn't sure which route I should go with temp shields.

Which would the best to use in conjunction with this build? FWIW I'm using the Wasp Nest Variation:

Lionseye Remorse (HP/Armor boost? - to bring back up after phase acro)
Thousand Teeth (Evasion boost/Leech?)
Ahn's Heritage (Res boost?)
Rare Shield (what would be stat priority?)

Thank you!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย superkegs#3705 เมื่อ 31 ธ.ค. 2017 10:59:23
Bhaladas เขียน:
Pinakoorat เขียน:
Slithid เขียน:
Got a 6l Belly today, I remembered before trying to roll 3b/3r on it people had been having issues. Well one "At least 2 blue sockets" in and I get this lol:

I did manage to get it 3b/3r two attempts later but lol, 4 off colors in one try.

Probably going to go to 2b/4r eventually, when I'm better at the AC mechanic.

Cheers to your Belly. I just want to ask, what do you mean by AC Mechanic? Is there like a trick to it? And by AC you mean Ancestral Call Support or Ancestral Call? Coz I'm just wondering why having Ac Support better than having Ele Focus during single target.

If you stand in just the right place using attack while standing your AC will proc on the boss landing your projectiles and the projectiles spawned from AC as well, including the single target damage from the AC melee attack proc.

So you do not attack the single target directly, you stand just off from them and shift (or whatever key-bind you have set up) attack.

Also Ancestral Call support is the only Ancestral Call, they are not two different things.


So I should just hold my right click on the ground near thr Boss instead of having it directly clicked on the Boss? That makes it stronger than having Ele focus for single target? Thanks for pointing it out mate.
Juggyyy เขียน:
idkfa13 เขียน:
Hi all,

Just got to endgame a bought some cheap gear with as much life as possible. Problem is I cannot clear alched T1 maps without dying! Can someone take a look at my build and point me in the right direction. If I sell all my currency for chaos I would probably then have about 10c to spend.

HOW do you even get to "endgame"(as in just starting maps) without being able to read the guide using Molten Strike build and not having even 1 of the 2 REQUIRED Wildfire jewels....the gear for the most part is fine for starting maps, but you're missing a lot of gem links and have some wrong ones. Also why the hell would you take Vaal Pact at 68, it's not even that good in red maps. Only 2 ascendancy points spent as in you've only done Normal Lab? and you're getting into maps... interesting...4 life flasks seem a bit much

By endgame I meant mapping. I overlooked how important the wildfire jewels were, have 2 now and went from 3 to 7 projectiles, this alone has meant I can clear T1 maps :D

For Vaal Pact the guide says:

We work towards our final tree and drop Vitality and Spirit void and take Vaal Pact.

Have I done this too early? I specced out of Vitality and Spirit void to do this.

Did cruel lab today but am not ready for merciless yet.

The gems links looked odd as I was levelling some up. I have removed these, if someone could take a look and let me know if I'm missing anything important, would be much appreciated
So I should just hold my right click on the ground near thr Boss instead of having it directly clicked on the Boss? That makes it stronger than having Ele focus for single target? Thanks for pointing it out mate.

Yes, but hitting the sweet spot takes practice. That is what the person you originally quoted was referring to. :)

Bhaladas เขียน:

The 30% less damage on Multistrike is for the Attack Damage, not the projectiles. They remain unaffected by the 30% less modifier. Only the main attack does 30% less damage.

Projectiles still count as a part of the attack. You are confusing Attack and Melee.
I really cant decide what route I should go, the VP or not VP one. Whats better to level up while gearing character? Should I go as no VP and then switch to VP for endgame or its the other way, first go VP and switch to no VP at endgame?
I'm playing your build and have came fairly close to your gear, besides the dying flask BUT, my tooltip is nowhere near yours. Looking at 70k damage in my tooltip. Tips on what I'm missing?
Huaojozu เขียน:
Bhaladas เขียน:

The 30% less damage on Multistrike is for the Attack Damage, not the projectiles. They remain unaffected by the 30% less modifier. Only the main attack does 30% less damage.

Projectiles still count as a part of the attack. You are confusing Attack and Melee.

The projectiles are not subject to the -30% modifier as far as I am aware. This is one of the main reasons so many builds still use multistrike with molten strike rather than GMP or LMP. If someone can confirm this it would be great as I have searched and could find little solid info on it.

This is the closest I got:


If the less multiplier does apply then why does no one go for LMP or GMP instead?
Hey guys, not sure if this has been mentioned but seems like the best substitute for Ancestral Call for single target damage/boss damage is easily Damage on Full Life. Am I missing something?



