[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

naimhairix51 เขียน:
hey guys can someone look at my gear, i know theres some gem i hv to 20/20 ,besides that what else? maybe jewellery? or gloves? helm enchant is the last thing i wanted to do since its so freakin expensive ,haha. i hv 5.2k hp w/o vp and 63k molten strike dps "


Try to upgrade gloves for Gripped ones with same life+resistances+As,but additional with 1 or better 2 ele dmg to attacks mod will boost your dmg a bit.
Or another variant - 2 abyss slot Tombist if you can deal with resistances(Im still don't understand how some ppl in this thread using both Tombfist/Bubonics and deal with their resistances with Belly also)(Life/AS/ and a!lot! of flat added ele dmg combined with 4x ele mod high rolls 2x jewels in them).
Death Loop opal ring have only 4x mods and all decent.
Depends on which affix/preffixes empty atm,ideally u can remove craft mod on it and put 2 mods on them instead 1 for 2EX(if you have 8 Elreon already,or just use service).Use poeaffix.net to see what empty mods it can craft.
I've checked it for you,this ring have 2 affix,2 prefix atm included crafted one affix.
With multimod(Eats 1 preffix mod) you can craft same lightning dmg on it,but additional another fire/cold added to attacks or increased elemental dmg with attack skills even.
This ring is sweety it means(7-10 EX value),if you able to multimod it.
Rest ring/amulet is not bad,but you should aim for Life/Required Resistances/Ele dmg with attacks/Multi/flat dmg Opal/Diamond bases(Amulet Life+Multi+Crit+1-2flat ele dmg+required resistances ideally),if you wanna boost yourself,but they will be costly not less then 7-8 EX.

The rest upgrades is pretty obvious,same as for others - Helm +2/+3 Balls,300 eDPS claw with 23%+AS/30%+Crit/30%+ Multi(There even possible some Claws with 300-320 eDPS in 2 max mods only(10-160/60-110) that can have AS/Multi/Crit/Elemental dmg on attacks skills but they usually not cheaper than 70+ EX :D),dmg enchant on boots 1 -160 lightning ideally,or if you lucky enough 8 additional spell block chance also very good for defences.

Also there few poor Jewels in your tree in the center.
2% penetrate elemental resistances if you haven't killed recently is a waste mod.
You fully ignoring resistances with Inevitable Judgement on crits.
Better get 3 flat ele high rolls plus 30+ life one.
Second one is near first also.
Very low cold dmg roll 7 to 15,while total 3 mod also.
Get another one with 3 high rolled ele flat dmg + life,or 3 flat dmg + multi.

Remaining 3 jewels is ok,not a fully garbage at least.
But still 2 out 3 of them with 3 mods.
You can try some luck with slamming them with Exalts,or just get a 4 mod ones if near future,same as this ones but with additional 1 decent mod.

Dying Sun/Vinktar is also up for you(Don't saw it on your character).
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย FreshMeat93#0508 เมื่อ 4 ม.ค. 2018 12:31:11
Thanks for the guide. This is my first claw build. Is there any weapon I should look for in particular to help when leveling? A certain claw or will any weapon and shield combo work for leveling? Thanks!
What is the base that you're trying to color?


If it's belly that's very surprising.

Current setup is claw my next big upgrade according to you guys aswell?
Really great guide and communtiy. Just downed all four guaridans and shaper deathless. Rewarded me with a Dying Sun ;)

Every other boss melts like nothing. Really fun. Now last thing is Uber-A.

Thank you!
Strucx เขียน:

Current setup is claw my next big upgrade according to you guys aswell?

Remove that useless vinktar and get a diamond flask. Big upgrade for free right there.

Don't really know ur budget but, everything except belly, lyco, belt and starkonja is bad.
just cant find a good clawm when looking for attack speed, crit and elemental damage... its not like i find them and cant afford em, i just cant find em.
hey guys i use the old blade furry build
have 30 c left and i dont know what to do
i cannot do uberlab cause die to traps so fast with popping all 4 flasks up and habe no chance
dmg is ok for t11 maps but with t13 +bosses i have big problems
pls help me
ps:profile is open
FreshMeat93 เขียน:
naimhairix51 เขียน:
hey guys can someone look at my gear, i know theres some gem i hv to 20/20 ,besides that what else? maybe jewellery? or gloves? helm enchant is the last thing i wanted to do since its so freakin expensive ,haha. i hv 5.2k hp w/o vp and 63k molten strike dps "


Try to upgrade gloves for Gripped ones with same life+resistances+As,but additional with 1 or better 2 ele dmg to attacks mod will boost your dmg a bit.
Or another variant - 2 abyss slot Tombist if you can deal with resistances(Im still don't understand how some ppl in this thread using both Tombfist/Bubonics and deal with their resistances with Belly also)(Life/AS/ and a!lot! of flat added ele dmg combined with 4x ele mod high rolls 2x jewels in them).
Death Loop opal ring have only 4x mods and all decent.
Depends on which affix/preffixes empty atm,ideally u can remove craft mod on it and put 2 mods on them instead 1 for 2EX(if you have 8 Elreon already,or just use service).Use poeaffix.net to see what empty mods it can craft.
I've checked it for you,this ring have 2 affix,2 prefix atm included crafted one affix.
With multimod(Eats 1 preffix mod) you can craft same lightning dmg on it,but additional another fire/cold added to attacks or increased elemental dmg with attack skills even.
This ring is sweety it means(7-10 EX value),if you able to multimod it.
Rest ring/amulet is not bad,but you should aim for Life/Required Resistances/Ele dmg with attacks/Multi/flat dmg Opal/Diamond bases(Amulet Life+Multi+Crit+1-2flat ele dmg+required resistances ideally),if you wanna boost yourself,but they will be costly not less then 7-8 EX.

The rest upgrades is pretty obvious,same as for others - Helm +2/+3 Balls,300 eDPS claw with 23%+AS/30%+Crit/30%+ Multi(There even possible some Claws with 300-320 eDPS in 2 max mods only(10-160/60-110) that can have AS/Multi/Crit/Elemental dmg on attacks skills but they usually not cheaper than 70+ EX :D),dmg enchant on boots 1 -160 lightning ideally,or if you lucky enough 8 additional spell block chance also very good for defences.

Also there few poor Jewels in your tree in the center.
2% penetrate elemental resistances if you haven't killed recently is a waste mod.
You fully ignoring resistances with Inevitable Judgement on crits.
Better get 3 flat ele high rolls plus 30+ life one.
Second one is near first also.
Very low cold dmg roll 7 to 15,while total 3 mod also.
Get another one with 3 high rolled ele flat dmg + life,or 3 flat dmg + multi.

Remaining 3 jewels is ok,not a fully garbage at least.
But still 2 out 3 of them with 3 mods.
You can try some luck with slamming them with Exalts,or just get a 4 mod ones if near future,same as this ones but with additional 1 decent mod.

Dying Sun/Vinktar is also up for you(Don't saw it on your character).

Thanks a lot man for the help,btw should i run blood rage or not. Im building a tree without vp and the degen pretty danger when mapping. What do u suggest?
€:----------- nevermind
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IlumasDyawo#1738 เมื่อ 4 ม.ค. 2018 14:59:44



