[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

stingrayz เขียน:
I'm only at around 35k tooltip dps with molten strike in my hideout. Is there anything I can improve on? I'm still working on my helmet enchant. Here is my gear...

I need help myself but figured out that that I needed a claw with higher base attack speed. I've read 1.9 as, 7.5 crit and high edps
hey guys,
i am leveling this build atm,
i can't decide if i go at the end with claws or swords,
can someone tell me where the difference between is?
want to kill shaper,uber-lab,atziri etc. like all endgame bosses.

Wertski เขียน:

I've read 1.9 as, 7.5 crit and high edps

7.5 crit is still low.
You want 8.0 at least for Imperial,and 8.2-8.3 for Gemini depending on claw base(Gemini have higher crit.chance base,but Imperial have higher AS speed base.)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย FreshMeat93#0508 เมื่อ 7 ม.ค. 2018 05:53:51
FreshMeat93 เขียน:
Wertski เขียน:

I've read 1.9 as, 7.5 crit and high edps

7.5 crit is still low.
You want 8.0 at least for Imperial,and 8.2-8.3 for Gemini depending on claw base(Gemini have higher crit.chance base,but Imperial have higher AS speed base.)

you dont need a crazy good claw to start off and you dont need 8% on a imperial. You can always look for claws with open suffixes to enchant them with 27% crit. An imperial gets 7,62% like this. Just always try to stay above 1.8 AS.
DjPapaz เขียน:
baileymc95 เขียน:
Tyraelmx เขียน:
My build is pretty much finished and i dont know what to change to reach dps tooltips like he did (200k). With heralds, enfeeble i'm getting 32k . cant figure out for my life what i should do to get that dps. My goal is to facetank shaper like he did in his videos. or atleast melt him as fast.

do u guys see something i'm not ? Please let me know. Got like 20 ex to spend if needed :)

Thanks for your help !

Offense screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/9ldFR

My Character "DudeIsStillAlive": https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Tyraelmx/characters

With 4R2B your tooltip will be lower. I've cleared all content with this build, i'm lvl 94 with 6 jewel sockets and 1 on a stygian vise and i'm at 108k tooltip ancestral protector and instruments of virtue procced.

From a quick look i could say that your gear is far from perfect thus you you're far from the result u want ;) mediocre jewels, low edps claw, mediocre belt, one ring isnt verry good and so on..Like OP staeted he have reached those numbers with hundreds of exalts worth of gear. So don't expect to get there with ten times less :)

Low edps claw? So I don't understand it at all I think. How do I find a "high edps" claw at all. What would be a good one. What are my search criteria for it and how much should it cost. I need help and explanation pls
Helloooo. Im playing this as my First build ever. I have learned a lot, But has still a lot to learn..

So First things First. On my claw. Do i look for high crit chanse or high crit multiplier? The author said all our crit scales off from our claw crit, But is it relevant if Its multi or chanse? In general i dont really understand the difference between the two.

Second thing, i play on Xbox (Yes i Know PC macter race blabla). My problem tho is that it is really annoying to use more than 2 buttons on my controller. Yes Im a lazy fucboi deal with it, so can i change gems like orb of storms and ancestral protector with something i dont Rly have to press? I mean mobs die before u Get to cast orb of storms anyway so. All Kind of Buffs Are fine Ofc AS you only press them once. Like bloodrage and the heralds.

Third thing, Im level 81, I die on yellow level 8 maps, and I have 15k profile dps with both heralds and Bloodrage active. I have 4.6k hp resistance capped
4K evasion. So regarding the dps. The author has 200k profile dps, yeeeah quite the big gap between us. My gems Are level 19 with 20 quality. I guess i Might see a difference on 20? I Know u cant see my profile Cus Im on Xbox so that sucks. I use jewels with pure flat ELE dmg. More than that is too expensive. I also got rats nest with no enchant. Grinding for the shield now as 6 link belly of the Beast is fucking redicilously expensive.

Any tips on How i can push my dps above 100k? I appreciate Any help Even if u cant see my profile, Ask me anything and ill answer.

Oh AS a Final note i play the NON val-pact build.

Looking for some insight on my homey.

Anyone in this thread willing to help me out with maybe min/maxing or just overall improving my character for this build? I'm pretty well off I believe but it still feels pretty squishy, I'm aware that this build won't be some kind of aegis tank, however I think I can come a long way... please checkout my profile and let me know what you think? I'm willing to tip for some help I totally suck with poe.trade. I either can't find anything, or I find that I'm paying entirely too much. Any help will be appreciated!

Character name is EleRaxClawInq

Also, I have the gem setup for my boots, but I changed the colors and was playing on another character with them, so ignore that.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย AnThRaXSOI#6221 เมื่อ 7 ม.ค. 2018 07:14:34
this guide is abandoned :/
En3ka เขียน:
this guide is abandoned :/

Just reading the first post is more than enough for this build. Many have found success with it. If you are too lazy to read it few times, blame's on you and not on this guide,



