[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

mxn91 เขียน:
Is Conc effect/inc area not affecting tooltip dps for molten strike anymore? Does not for me and found it weird.

No it's not. But it's just the tooltip, tho.
I'm still gearing my character, and only have 4.2k hp. But my dps is kinda decent (around 40k in ho). I still have The Wasp Nest equiped and thought i would buy another cheap claw for 4c.

It had more Ele dps, more crit chance and more attack speed. And still i have around 500 dps more with my wasp nest

What should i be looking for in a weapon? Higher ele dps? Claws with 180+ ele dps are already 40c+ and i dont have that amount of currency :/
could someone explain to me this ancestral call trick please!
Blandula เขียน:
Hey !

I've been enjoying this build quite a lot as my league starter and was wondering what would you guys craft on these two claws ?

In their current states, both of them are already better than the Wasp Nest.

Flat ele seems like a bad choice to me since we can have plenty of them on abyssal jewels (easily 65+ per jewel) so I hesitate between crit multiplier or %increase ele dmg.
The second one might be a little better if I am lucky enough to get a high roll but the crit multiplier craft seems safer...

By the way, I don't understand why a lot of people would craft flat ele, this modifier looks so irrelevant compared to %inc ele dmg or crit multiplier....

What would you do ? I am still poor as hell so I don't want to screw the only two claws I found ah ah

the first one is great! slap multi or WED on it, depending what's better for you atm.
also ppl craft flat ele on it because higher numbers sell better, WED is better in 99% of all cases though.
IGN: Kitaen
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kitaen#1639 เมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2018 17:42:59
Kitaen เขียน:
Blandula เขียน:
Hey !

I've been enjoying this build quite a lot as my league starter and was wondering what would you guys craft on these two claws ?

In their current states, both of them are already better than the Wasp Nest.

Flat ele seems like a bad choice to me since we can have plenty of them on abyssal jewels (easily 65+ per jewel) so I hesitate between crit multiplier or %increase ele dmg.
The second one might be a little better if I am lucky enough to get a high roll but the crit multiplier craft seems safer...

By the way, I don't understand why a lot of people would craft flat ele, this modifier looks so irrelevant compared to %inc ele dmg or crit multiplier....

What would you do ? I am still poor as hell so I don't want to screw the only two claws I found ah ah

the first one is great! slap multi or WED on it, depending what's better for you atm.
also ppl craft flat ele on it because higher numbers sell better, WED is better in 99% of all cases though.

What is WED (or multi) ?
WED is Weapon Elemental Damage : You can have 22% Increased elemental damage with weapon with a craft. Multi is Increase Global Critical Strike Multiplier , you can have 27% with a craft
Hey started leveling this build and am wondering if when going without VP, and running Lycosidae, do i still need to get Resolute Technique? I feel as if it is a wasted passive since the shield gives us that perk at level 11?

Thats why we get the shield. It's in the main post. Spec out of resolute technique when you get the shield (which costs a lot, so people get it later on)
Lynkeus_ เขียน:
How do you think lightpoacher would go with this build? Did anyone tried?

Spirit burst is a spell, that deals physical damage. So we don't scale it at all.

So you're basically just comparing 2 abyssal jewels against starkonja's 100 life, 10% attack speed, 25% crit, and 800+ evasion. Look at the kind of jewels you can afford to put in it and judge for yourself whether it is worth it. Don't underestimate the value of starkonja's evasion though, it provides a noticeable amount of tankiness.
Tried looking through some pages but didn't see much on it so was just wondering about bandits? how worth is the 2 SP's over helping Alria besides getting lazy when it comes to lvling :P (jokes).
Is it just preference in the end or is there some jewel sockets or something we gain from it? Thanks



