[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!
Hey im slightly confused at the bottom it says legacy blade flurry, updated leveling for 3.1 does this mean I can go bladeflurry instead of molten strike?
Probably stupid question: I use a claw with a little mana on hit right now, I wanna upgrade it but im afraid ill run out of mana pretty quickly without that. how do you guys sustain mana?
Passive: Soul Raker.
That 0.8% is more than enuff to sustain MS + Buffs.
Hi guys, noob question. Do I need to put the armor like 3b 3 r? Because my armor has the 6 link but it's 1b 1r 1b 1r 1b 1r, thanks in advance for your help I do not know yet the mechanic s
Arguably the strongest build in this league if you count all those annoying ranger builds out, i'm in the non hardcore league since i'm an older guy and having fun is more important, plus i'm not a fan of constantly rerolling so i'm permanently situated there.
this is what i have so far, i've spent about 30 ex mostly on the helm and beast/coil 6 link which is not so cheap in abyss.
I refused to trade a claw with the current prices on poetrade, a decent one go for 20-30 ex and above. I crafted my own decent one instead.
I use the beast when clearing packs and the coil with different sockets for fighting hard bosses like shaper or atziri. So one with 3 red/3 blue and the other with 4 red/2 blue.
Why no multistrike in your belly? (just curious, I just blew 60c with vorici 2 blue sockets caft and I keep getting 3+ blue, I wanted 2b4r :( Im wondering if I should keep the 3 blue before I go totally broke. And im probably an idiot bcs i could have sold the 4b2r).
How am I supposed to respec my 5 strength points along the way to resolute technique. It changes from the 85 to 100 points non-vaal pact leveling tree. It looks like i would take me over 30 respec points just to get the 5 points back. Is this the case, or am I wrong?
How am I supposed to respec my 5 strength points along the way to resolute technique. It changes from the 85 to 100 points non-vaal pact leveling tree. It looks like i would take me over 30 respec points just to get the 5 points back. Is this the case, or am I wrong?
wrong ;) just make the connection from sanctity straight down first (takes 2 points, you can search for names in the passive tree if you dont know where sanctity is). After thatr you can get the 5 points back, you can never have a gap in the passive tree while respecing.
I don't understand why I'm so unbelievably squishy. I do good damage, however, I get one shotted by things ALL the time. Shapers frost orb. Just one of them will insta kill me making the fight almost impossible. I have 5651 health. I've done shaper with other builds with less health and I don't understand why this character just constantly dies to things over and over. It's frustrating because I'm really enjoying it but it's just getting to annoying. What upgrades can I make that will make me tankier?
I don't understand why I'm so unbelievably squishy. I do good damage, however, I get one shotted by things ALL the time. Shapers frost orb. Just one of them will insta kill me making the fight almost impossible. I have 5651 health. I've done shaper with other builds with less health and I don't understand why this character just constantly dies to things over and over. It's frustrating because I'm really enjoying it but it's just getting to annoying. What upgrades can I make that will make me tankier?
You could begin by vendoring your worthless version of Vinktar that makes you take 50% increased damage since you're one of those people using it without shock removal flask for unknown reasons.That alone will make you make you a lot tankier.... then you can try to get 5% life on the tree(plenty of those around Constitution) instead of 4% like you did(under Thick Skin... WTF btw) if you really want more life.Try Starkonja instead of Rat's Nest, get a proper claw with life gain on hit implicit( Imperial or Gemini).Then dropping Vaal Pact will also make you tankier...
I don't understand why I'm so unbelievably squishy. I do good damage, however, I get one shotted by things ALL the time. Shapers frost orb. Just one of them will insta kill me making the fight almost impossible. I have 5651 health. I've done shaper with other builds with less health and I don't understand why this character just constantly dies to things over and over. It's frustrating because I'm really enjoying it but it's just getting to annoying. What upgrades can I make that will make me tankier?
You could begin by vendoring your worthless version of Vinktar that makes you take 50% increased damage since you're one of those people using it without shock removal flask for unknown reasons.That alone will make you make you a lot tankier.... then you can try to get 5% life on the tree(plenty of those around Constitution) instead of 4% like you did(under Thick Skin... WTF btw) if you really want more life.Try Starkonja instead of Rat's Nest, get a proper claw with life gain on hit implicit( Imperial or Gemini).Then dropping Vaal Pact will also make you tankier...
So the Vinktar thing would be why I'm getting one shotted.