[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

feelthepain เขียน:

I have these 2 claws. I've been using the second one without attack speed for a while and bought the first one for 1C and enchanted it. Which one should i use?

The Gemini Claw of course. Even if it had ZERO ele damage, it would still be double as good as the other one... Attack Speed and Crit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ele damage on claw.
Hey all!

So first of all, i've been playing PoE again since the beginning of this league, i've had a blast, this is also my first really good char that deals loads of dmg and is alot of fun to play.

Currenly i'm in a pretty good place, haven't managed merciless lab yet, but that was due to me not trying to dodge izaro's heavy hitting attack, next time i'll manage probably.. :)

does any of you know what gear i need to change?

I think i'm low on life, 3.800 life atm

5411 dps in hideout, bit low? do i need to spend more chaos orbs on a claw with more attack speed or
should i look for claw with more medium range elemental dmg?

also, 1122 armour, evasion rating 1014, dodge change 30%, evade change 13%

fire/cold resist 75%, lightning 61%, chaos -60%.

chill/ignite/freeze avoidances 8%


EDIT: Ignore the following, it is already mentioned in the guide.

Quick suggestion to OP:

In the claw gear section, you could add a line saying to try for a claw with life gained on hit. While most experienced players will say "of course you do Oo" I think it is worth it to at least mention it for newer players.

I feel like around 50% of all our survivablity comes from that alone now that instant leech is a thing of the past. I was already contacted by 2 people following this build asking why they were dying so often. Both were using great claws, around 8.2% crit and 1.8 aps. But both were Terror Claws. After they changed to an Imperial Claw or Gemini Claw all their problems were solved.

Just kind of a PSA. If you have problems with surviving, get a life on hit claw.

EDIT: In case you do mention it in the build, sry, have not seen it after checking.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mecielle#3021 เมื่อ 15 มี.ค. 2018 15:32:08
Mecielle เขียน:
Quick suggestion to OP:

In the claw gear section, you could add a line saying to try for a claw with life gained on hit. While most experienced players will say "of course you do Oo" I think it is worth it to at least mention it for newer players.

I feel like around 50% of all our survivablity comes from that alone now that instant leech is a thing of the past. I was already contacted by 2 people following this build asking why they were dying so often. Both were using great claws, around 8.2% crit and 1.8 aps. But both were Terror Claws. After they changed to an Imperial Claw or Gemini Claw all their problems were solved.

Just kind of a PSA. If you have problems with surviving, get a life on hit claw.

EDIT: In case you do mention it in the build, sry, have not seen it after checking.

It is there. Under "how to gear your character" where he talks about weapons. Red Text: "If you buy a rare claw, NEVER EVER buy a base without "+XX Life Gained for each enemy hit by attacks" with a value above +30 Life gained. This is the majority of our leech and HIGHLY IMPORTANT!!!!!"
bizzarry เขียน:
Mecielle เขียน:
Quick suggestion to OP:

In the claw gear section, you could add a line saying to try for a claw with life gained on hit. While most experienced players will say "of course you do Oo" I think it is worth it to at least mention it for newer players.

I feel like around 50% of all our survivablity comes from that alone now that instant leech is a thing of the past. I was already contacted by 2 people following this build asking why they were dying so often. Both were using great claws, around 8.2% crit and 1.8 aps. But both were Terror Claws. After they changed to an Imperial Claw or Gemini Claw all their problems were solved.

Just kind of a PSA. If you have problems with surviving, get a life on hit claw.

EDIT: In case you do mention it in the build, sry, have not seen it after checking.

It is there. Under "how to gear your character" where he talks about weapons. Red Text: "If you buy a rare claw, NEVER EVER buy a base without "+XX Life Gained for each enemy hit by attacks" with a value above +30 Life gained. This is the majority of our leech and HIGHLY IMPORTANT!!!!!"

Ah thanks, the internet trained me to ignore everything that is formatted in an overly aggressive way as 99% of that content is shit. That is the only explanation I can come up with for why I did not see that red text.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mecielle#3021 เมื่อ 15 มี.ค. 2018 16:55:04
In the Changelogs you wrote "2017" to your recent updates, which i guess u meant 2018
anyone doing red maps with this build? I just bought a lyco and an ele claw, but I don't think I'm tanky enough and my dps seems kinda low.
seaside เขียน:
anyone doing red maps with this build? I just bought a lyco and an ele claw, but I don't think I'm tanky enough and my dps seems kinda low.

This build shits on T15 Elder, Shaper, Uber Atziri and is imho one of the best to take on Uber Elder. Of course people are doing red maps with one of the most OP builds currently in the game ;)

But yea, not without any investment of course. Looking at your gear, I would say grinding yellow maps until you can afford better items is where you are at powerwise. If you want to see gear that lets you do T15 easily and do T15 Elder deathless, check my character. Will start on Guardians soon.

Also, for a great, cheap and easy boost, do your UberLab. Or get a Carry if you can't do it yourself. Only costs you the Offering usually. The node doesn't look like much, but its actually a straight up +16% more damage dealt for you. And 8% less ele damage taken is great too.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mecielle#3021 เมื่อ 15 มี.ค. 2018 20:10:16
my setup, 4k3 life shaper/uber atziri farmer
I'm following this build but seems like I dont have enough intelligence for the gems i.e Herald of thunder, CWDTY, Enfeeble, Blasphemy, Orb of Storms

Any suggestions? Or am I doing something wrong?



