[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

any update to your filter? Still using (and loving) HW_Gornodd but nets are annoying!
IGN: HiThisIsCustomerSupport
I have been using this build to farm uber elder. I have gotten and self linked a voidforge, and I kind of want to use this build as inspiration to make a build around the voidforge. I wanted to use it to farm maps while this claw char is used for uber elder. To do that, I would want to use cyclone and QOTF+headhunter. Then I might as well slap in molten strike with my second six link. I don’t think I can use inquisitor (not high enough crit?) so pathfinder for ele pene and flask sustain (+ movespeed).

Any other ideas, or should I try a wander or your magma orb build for map clear? I want something to push guardians into uber elder faster- specifically the map portions. I’m fine toon swapping to this char to kill guardians if required.
Bubalame เขียน:
I saw one guy killed uber elder with this build. Anyone else did? I am going to try today and i am looki g for tips coz dobt want to waste set. I got 111 k tooltip dps on molten strike 12 ballas per attack on single and 6 k life with capped res. Shoild be enough for uber elder?

I would recomend using purity of ice for uber elder fight. Otherwise the elder's cold cold projectiles can almost oneshot you at 6k life.
wakabajashi เขียน:
Daegon เขียน:

I would love to hear your thoughts on using the Blue dream jewel (I am thinking of getting the Survivalist cluster +1 max cold res + all res etc near Acrobatics then slotting the jewel just below it)

Above "Sentinel" you have 18% chance. From Survivalist you can get 14% only.

Thanks for the tip!
IGN : Drahmin (Legion SC League)
Timezone : GMT(+2:00) South African Standard Time
Legion Crafting Service thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2568765
Standard Crafting Thread (For Vouches) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2207913/page/1
Salvi123 เขียน:
Build is very strong, farming minotaur guardian atm, but dying very often

Not really a strong build then.. lmao
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย monkuar#2123 เมื่อ 19 มี.ค. 2018 18:24:41
For those who struggle to do lab -> time to get gud..it's more then easy to run/farm lab ( full key's if needed ) but if you're super bad..no build will save you.

This pretty much goes for all the rest of content. This build can do anything. If you fail it's YOU not the BUILD.

GornoDD เขียน:
Bubalame เขียน:
I saw one guy killed uber elder with this build. Anyone else did? I am going to try today and i am looki g for tips coz dobt want to waste set. I got 111 k tooltip dps on molten strike 12 ballas per attack on single and 6 k life with capped res. Shoild be enough for uber elder?

Yes I have several people wisper me that they killed uber elder. But I did expect this was possible. Why would a build that kills shaper with fully blue gear + lycosidae (I actually did that) not be able to do the new boss with good gear. Im currently doing the atlas with my magma-orb build. After I killed him with this build I will destroy him in standard league.

on a sidenote. there is 15% more damge for this build through the "Aspect of the Spider" you can craft on any item with an open suffix. Just replace herald of thunder with this one and "there you go". The build just got stronger!

But it reserves 25% so wrath + enfeeble on blasephy no doable u also cant put secxond enlighment to gem setup with spider aspect coz its not gem so gg we are not able to use that aspect or any other aspect...
skoupidi เขียน:
Bubalame เขียน:
I saw one guy killed uber elder with this build. Anyone else did? I am going to try today and i am looki g for tips coz dobt want to waste set. I got 111 k tooltip dps on molten strike 12 ballas per attack on single and 6 k life with capped res. Shoild be enough for uber elder?

I would recomend using purity of ice for uber elder fight. Otherwise the elder's cold cold projectiles can almost oneshot you at 6k life.

How you want to use it? it reserves 35% mana. instead of blasephy with enfeebkle or wrath? O.o
Can someone share their gears for Uber Elder? wanna see what's the budget around, thanks
Hey guys so I am at the point that I purchased my first lycosidae. That was a good damage boost. But I need good jewels and accessories. I spend most of my time on poe trade now looking for good ones but to no avail. How do you go about searching for good accessories/ jewels? Im not really good with inputting mods on search form lol. And, do you guys craft your own?



