[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

magicrectangle เขียน:
marketfreshe เขียน:
I didn't look at every post in the thread but did briefly look through to see if I could find a poe.trade search string for the build for jewels, didn't find one so I'm sharing the search I made.

Keep in mind, this is minimum 6% maximum life because I believe life to be mandatory on a jewel and I'd rather only see 6 or higher and then minimum 2 additional useful damage mods.


Hope someone finds this helpful, the build feels GREAT so far and my gear is so incredibly mediocre presently.

Of course the search should be tuned to your budget, but I don't think lightning/cold/fire damage is worth. Cold and fire definitely not. Lightning maybe since that's what you'll have the most of with wrath and added lightning.

You're also missing melee attack damage, melee crit chance, melee crit mult.

On the other end, crit multi with one hand weapons is the best possible damage modifier, so I try to get it on every jewel. My search looks like this:


Yeah, good call, this is a better search, thanks! Already used it to buy one.
Did all guardians and shaper at lv 86. Pretty solid build.

Which gem could I use instead of Concentrated Effect/Increased AoE so I don't have to swap gems to do bosses but still comfortably kill them and trash packs fast?
Hi, I've been using this build and I have a question,

curently im using a corrupted 6 link with 40 - 40 lightning cold resistances and 87 maximum life, I can't afford a non corrupted non tabula 6 link superior body armour, I can however afford a 5 linked belly, should I go for the belly or stay with that corrupted chest, I go from 5,208K hp to 5.688K with the belly.

THANKS in advance for the awesome build.

I was wondering about what to swap out the Vaal haste and Vaal lightning trap with for Uber Labs, since they're useless in the izaro fights?
HarryPothead เขียน:

I was wondering about what to swap out the Vaal haste and Vaal lightning trap with for Uber Labs, since they're useless in the izaro fights?

For vaal pact builds traps are always the most dangerous aspect of uber lab.

I've found charged dash to be extremely good for navigating traps, and it is green so it can slot where vaal haste was at.

I don't swap in anything for vaal lightning trap, because there aren't really any blue gems I can think of that would help. I suppose flame dash, but that's sort of redundant with charged dash, and the much longer range on charged dash makes it much better for trivializing trap gauntlets.

I recommend swapping several damage flasks for life/quicksilver flasks with bleed cure on them, as well. Uber Izaro doesn't have much HP at all, so damage flasks aren't really needed, just focus on things that let you do trap gauntlets easier.
magicrectangle เขียน:
HarryPothead เขียน:

I was wondering about what to swap out the Vaal haste and Vaal lightning trap with for Uber Labs, since they're useless in the izaro fights?

For vaal pact builds traps are always the most dangerous aspect of uber lab.

I've found charged dash to be extremely good for navigating traps, and it is green so it can slot where vaal haste was at.

I don't swap in anything for vaal lightning trap, because there aren't really any blue gems I can think of that would help. I suppose flame dash, but that's sort of redundant with charged dash, and the much longer range on charged dash makes it much better for trivializing trap gauntlets.

I recommend swapping several damage flasks for life/quicksilver flasks with bleed cure on them, as well. Uber Izaro doesn't have much HP at all, so damage flasks aren't really needed, just focus on things that let you do trap gauntlets easier.

I'm pretty comfortably farming uber lab right now, i just wondered if those 2 useless skills (in the uber lab vs izaro) could be swapped for anything remotely usefull x) and is charged dash worth taking over shield charge tho?
HarryPothead เขียน:
I'm pretty comfortably farming uber lab right now, i just wondered if those 2 useless skills (in the uber lab vs izaro) could be swapped for anything remotely usefull x) and is charged dash worth taking over shield charge tho?

Over shield charge? No, definitely not, shield charge lets you travel much faster.

But in addition to shield charge, sure. Charged dash is a teleport style movement ability, like leap slam, lightning warp, etc. It will carry you straight over most obstacles / gaps. It scales only off your movement speed (attack speed makes it hit more stuff, doesn't make you move faster) so it doesn't need any supports.
Welp, just tried conc effect after not playing BF before the destruction of aoe, definitely needs Inc AoE to be comfortable.

Now I have another question, Rat's nest with 12% Inc BF AoE or Rare helm with 40% BF damage?
Voroseeg เขียน:
Welp, just tried conc effect after not playing BF before the destruction of aoe, definitely needs Inc AoE to be comfortable.

Now I have another question, Rat's nest with 12% Inc BF AoE or Rare helm with 40% BF damage?

Neither IMO. Starkonja's is better to me.



