[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Vulgarny เขียน:
You gain 40% more ballz. Ask yourself how big it is dps boost xD

I knew i'll get this answer, literally something like this :p What about the Dying Sun flask? Probably the same?
szulerecki เขียน:
Alright, so finally after some "testing" i must admit, i fell in love with this build. From the start. Just did my first shaper this league, sadly died 3 times to shaper balls twice and once because for whatever reason i didn't defend the zana because i was kiting the black orb (shouldn't have imo as i could probably leech life back from mobs from portal)

On my first kill i got

And i wonder if i should include this into the build in place of one health potion (the freeze one)

Also i definietly had to switch Shield Charge to Whirling Blades as everytime i used shield charge i had sudden urge to end my suffering. It's faster with quality and overall to me feels 200% better.

My current gear is as follows:


And tips what i should focus on next would be appreciated, should i really invest 7 Exa into +3 Molten Strike projectiles? Seems like kind of big investements, is it worth it the price?

Downside of Whirling blades is that it has a set travel distance, shield charge does not and that is why we're using it.

Im not telling you to stop using Whirling blades but it might become an issue in some fights, especially with ancestral call positioning.
Hey guys,

I've been looking on my side on POB to make some adjustments for my build and i came up with a question about the Attack Speed and the number of balls.
Shouldn't we get the more AS as possible ? Are there some "frame caps" that limit the number of balls/sec ? What's the best, giving the same dps, between less average dmg but high AS and more dmg but less balls (here i'd say the regen is better with more balls) ?
POB is not taking into account the multistrike gem for the dps calculation, but it's easy to see that attack speed quickly improves the effective dps.

Any idea ?
Has there been any definitive answer to whether using an ele claw and heralds or phys claw and wrath is better for DPS? I see phys claws are definitely cheaper.
evenson เขียน:
Has there been any definitive answer to whether using an ele claw and heralds or phys claw and wrath is better for DPS? I see phys claws are definitely cheaper.

yes endgame of this build is phys cl;aw and wrath heralds are shit and gives nothing
After 3 tries I killed Uber Elder. It is really hard for build without 3+k regen. Not sure if it real to kill him with this build on HC. Additional gear I used:
Hi guys just one shooted Guardians and Shaper for my fist time, really love this build.

I want some advices for my next upgrade on my gear, right now my tooltip dps with wrath and golem up is 143k.

Can someone give me an advice what next should i upgrade in my gear? I've got 300 c atm, but have no problem with farming for an end game perf items if neccessery.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย affNighcik#2789 เมื่อ 24 มี.ค. 2018 12:54:31
This is an awesome build! Currently facetanking every bosses while leveling!
Geliel เขียน:
Hi guys just one shooted Guardians and Shaper for my fist time, really love this build.

I want some advices for my next upgrade on my gear, right now my tooltip dps with wrath and golem up is 143k.

Please slam ur jewels in Tomb Fist for the love of god.
And Change one to a Murderous for Intimidate.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Raazen#0348 เมื่อ 24 มี.ค. 2018 17:48:33



