[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

So I finally got Elder into a T15 (Chris you and your stupid RNG go too far sometimes). Melted. Literally melted. Like a grilled cheese sandwich. He got off a single slam and one freeze on me before I pushed him into his second phase. Portals were down pretty much as soon as they spawned. His third phase lasted all but a flask charge.

Once you get GG gear (roughly 170k+ per projectile), you are a god. I'm not even joking. I thought my other builds were decent, capable of taking him out or killing Shaper. But damn, this build.

I'm watching Modz and others make Scion's or Rangers with Brutus' Lead and Lyco's, running their numbers and seeing something like 50k per projectile with GG gear. And they are doing end game just fine. All the while I'm sitting there like "Oh Inquisitor? You don't want any of him >_>"

Seriously though, probably the best build I've played in maybe forever. I've always gotten wrecked by Uber Atziri but once I hit my next level (don't want to chance losing xp), I'm coming for her.

Even if GGG nerf MS or any aspect of this build, I can't even see it getting dented. It just does way too much damage in comparison to every other MS build out there.
Deliver pain exquisite
L1L_I3E4R_NoScope เขียน:
Philosophics เขียน:

i don't understand the flask choices. i don't know why you would want to knock enemies out of the magma ball mass with lion's roar. also not sure of the usefulness of the blood of the kauri vs a bubbling flask. claw needs attack speed. if you're having mana problems, get a claw with the +mana on hit. boots, rings, amulet, and belt need life or more life. you're focusing on damage. this is going to be overkill most of the time, while exposing you to one-shots. no resists on the jewelry, where you should be getting most of it. it really sucks to see resists on abyss jewels, when you could get it on gear and better mods on jewels. i can't see the jewels on the skill tree, but you should be getting some %hp in regular jewels, crit multi. i don't see enough flat hp to make the belly worth it.

So the only reason I am using Lion's Roar currently is for boss fights. They don't get knocked back and I don't get One-Shoted.
Most of the time, I am using this instead...

The life flask is just what I have right now and it seems to work as a last resort.
I did get a Morbid Song Murderous Eye Jewel tonight so that helped a bit.
Clarity supported by blood magic helps with the lacking mana issues.

I also picked this up as well...

Looks like it helped a lot.

As for my Sapphire Ring.... I don't really have an answer to that, other than I like it. Need to replace it when I have the budget to do so. That particular Diamond Ring is kinda pricey...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Philosophics#4931 เมื่อ 5 เม.ย. 2018 06:32:37
Love your build. Just have a dumb question. I managed to get "decree of the tempest on hit" enchant on gloves. I see it does an enormous amount of lightning damage. Is this a good enchant to have for this build or what should I be looking for in terms of enchants for gloves?
Has anyone tried Molten Strike, Added Lightning Damage, Elemental Damage with Attack, Concentrated Effect, Elemental focus and Added Cold Damage (instead of multistrike)?
ign: grandiloquentlin
_Tiem เขียน:
So I finally got Elder into a T15 (Chris you and your stupid RNG go too far sometimes). Melted. Literally melted. Like a grilled cheese sandwich. He got off a single slam and one freeze on me before I pushed him into his second phase. Portals were down pretty much as soon as they spawned. His third phase lasted all but a flask charge.

Once you get GG gear (roughly 170k+ per projectile), you are a god. I'm not even joking. I thought my other builds were decent, capable of taking him out or killing Shaper. But damn, this build.

I'm watching Modz and others make Scion's or Rangers with Brutus' Lead and Lyco's, running their numbers and seeing something like 50k per projectile with GG gear. And they are doing end game just fine. All the while I'm sitting there like "Oh Inquisitor? You don't want any of him >_>"

Seriously though, probably the best build I've played in maybe forever. I've always gotten wrecked by Uber Atziri but once I hit my next level (don't want to chance losing xp), I'm coming for her.

Even if GGG nerf MS or any aspect of this build, I can't even see it getting dented. It just does way too much damage in comparison to every other MS build out there.

can you share your gear?
also, where do you check your projectile damage in path of building?
May I ask how you guys deal with proccing Instruments of Virtue with Orb of Storms? Do you simply cast OOS every ~4 seconds? Seems a bit...tedious, although the power spike is excellent. Is there a better way that I'm not seeing?
And if I can impose with one further question - the recommended skill tree is very very light on intelligence...how do we get enough to support the numerous blue gems? stacking int on rings/ammy?

Yo thats my current gear. Any ideas to boost dps? :) thanks
Why do u use enfeeble with plasphemy?

Why not a lvl 1 cwdt something like ball of lightning and curse on hit and another herald+ wrath?

This would also trigger constantly the cast resently from the ascendency...right?

-~Shop for the price awarded player~- view-thread/375747
Can anyone check on my character? I get one shotted alot.



