[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

POB says we have 425k DPS per magma ball. We have (1 + 4 from wildfire+ 3 from enchant) 8 balls, with multistrike its 8x3=24 balls. The actual DPS is 425kx24 = 10200kdps or 10.2MDPS. So how do we get 33 MDPS? Can somebody explain plz , I'm weak at math.
sockgr เขียน:
guys since we remove the vaal pact i feel more squeezy. i dont know if i do something wrong. can some1 check my gear plz?

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bibanul เขียน:
sockgr เขียน:
guys since we remove the vaal pact i feel more squeezy. i dont know if i do something wrong. can some1 check my gear plz?

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ok i change it can someone check?
sockgr เขียน:
bibanul เขียน:
sockgr เขียน:
guys since we remove the vaal pact i feel more squeezy. i dont know if i do something wrong. can some1 check my gear plz?

Your profile is private. Set it to public if you want advices.

ok i change it can someone check?

Page1 How to Gear your character:

If you buy a rare claw, NEVER EVER buy a base without "+XX Life Gained for each enemy hit by attacks" with a value above +30 Life gained. This is the majority of our leech and HIGHLY IMPORTANT!!!!!

-Your Claw need more Attack Speed like 25%

-More Life at your Amulet

-Wrong Vinktar
I don t get it.
If a claw is RARE never buy one with leach above 30.

But in your main gear, you have a claw with 38 leach. So can you please explain me what to do?
Schweitzer เขียน:
I don t get it.
If a claw is RARE never buy one with leach above 30.

But in your main gear, you have a claw with 38 leach. So can you please explain me what to do?

38 is more than 30 so thats good... lol
Page1 How to Gear your character:

If you buy a rare claw, NEVER EVER buy a base without "+XX Life Gained for each enemy hit by attacks" with a value above +30 Life gained. This is the majority of our leech and HIGHLY IMPORTANT!!!!!

-Your Claw need more Attack Speed like 25%

-More Life at your Amulet

-Wrong Vinktar

I did some changes can u check if i need anything more to change?
Still don t get it

it says NOT above 30, mine has 38 leech.

So i can buy any rare claw with more then 38 Leech value?
Schweitzer เขียน:
Still don t get it

it says NOT above 30, mine has 38 leech.

So i can buy any rare claw with more then 38 Leech value?

99% sure it's a typo and he means below 30.
'You know why I enjoy Math? If something doesn't exist we simply create it.'
Can someone check my gear, my char is Noobnumberfive!



