[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Deminii เขียน:
Hi i have question about ur build....I have problem, because everywhere u have some different build and i cant precise what to put on me and i have problem with gems, i want use wrath enlighten and haste but i have either enfeeble and blasphemy. Now i use wrath, enfeeble+ blasphemy reservd but i cant use one gem, haste....because i dont have mana space reservd for haste. Can u help me why? I have englihten lvl2

You cannot use wrath + enfeeble + haste. You should use enfeeble + your prefered aura or heralds.
scisco เขียน:
Collozeus เขียน:
Anyone know roughly what tooltip and crit multiplier you should be sitting at when levelled and geared?

I'm not sure about tool tip, as it's not the best way to look at DPS for Molten Strike, but I'd be shooting for a crit multi of something over 400. That's not too difficult to get and more than enough for Guardians/Shaper. Obviously more is better, but it's still a balance of flat added elemental damage and crit multi to maximize DPS.

Tooltip only displays the dps of the melee part of molten strike.
Someone correct me if i am wrong but i seem to recall this being the case.

Get path of building instead. It's free and easy to use.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kompaniet#2874 เมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2018 13:35:51
neuropr เขียน:
Deminii เขียน:
Hi i have question about ur build....I have problem, because everywhere u have some different build and i cant precise what to put on me and i have problem with gems, i want use wrath enlighten and haste but i have either enfeeble and blasphemy. Now i use wrath, enfeeble+ blasphemy reservd but i cant use one gem, haste....because i dont have mana space reservd for haste. Can u help me why? I have englihten lvl2

You cannot use wrath + enfeeble + haste. You should use enfeeble + your prefered aura or heralds.

But he in this build can,unless he change in clear wrath+enfeeble boss wrath+haste or enfeeble+haste. i need ifno how he do this because he have in items this 2 gems wrath and haste with enfeeble
I'm still it weak budget gear and gems aren't max level yet but my PoB says I should be using Immolate over Elemental Focus for single target. I'm showing a pretty substantial DPS gain with being able to shock/ignite target.
Crucii เขียน:
I'm still it weak budget gear and gems aren't max level yet but my PoB says I should be using Immolate over Elemental Focus for single target. I'm showing a pretty substantial DPS gain with being able to shock/ignite target.

Dunno if it's true but PoB might discount ascendancy. Ele focus dsn't allow ailments to be inflicted and enemies leading to us having huge crit chance against enemies with no ailments on leading to ignoring their resists on most hits.

@guys talking about auras..if you don't mind a little less defence u can use set up i've used last league and likely gonna use this league aswell.

I've used wrath + elighten ( forgot lvl of it but use mikelat's aura calc to see what lvl enlihten u need )in one set up and HoI + CoH + Enfeeble + Elighten and HoT. With gemini claw had no issues while with mana and dps boost was nice ;)

Had onslaught from jewels and would be cool to add innervate somewhere..but haven;t thought about it yet. ;)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DjPapaz#5561 เมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2018 18:15:51
Im new to this build, so apologies if this question is daft, but I have a ring granting l21 Wrath. Is it compatible with this build?
Hi GornoDD, thanks for this great build. I really love it!

I have a question, though: I'm still using Tabula so switching gems is easy.
Now I want to get some more survability with a regular 6L armor and I'm very afraid of the choice between 4R2B and 3R3B.

As you mentioned yourself, 4R2B is great for clearing but requires some tricky positioning on many bosses for full DPS.

What about 3R3B? Which gems do you suggest for map clear and which for boss?
The way I see it, compared to my current 4R2B clear setup (with Elemental Focus instead of Inc Area) I will lose 1 red gem, so obviously Ele Damage with Attacks, which is a HUUUGE hit in DPS. I can't see how any blue gem could begin to compensate that.

I am especially doubtful of Inc Area. The typical mob groups can be hit all at once without Inc Area and if I am not very much mistaken the balls will overlap even less with that gem.

In short: will my clear speed suffer when going 3R3B?
How difficult is it for 4R2B to fight bosses with nearly full DPS?

Thanks for your advice.

Currently using a Tabula for my 6 link. Would I be better off upgrading to a 6 link rare or a 5 link Belly of the Beast?
fedcoshark เขียน:
Currently using a Tabula for my 6 link. Would I be better off upgrading to a 6 link rare or a 5 link Belly of the Beast?

The extra life and defenses from a 5L Belly are pretty helpful. I was using a 5L Belly all the way until level 93. I actually only managed to 6-link my Belly a few hours ago.

With the 5L, I was able to complete maps all the way to T15 (only tried one T16 a week ago). However, my damage seemed a little weak around T14+.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Goofio#1380 เมื่อ 17 มิ.ย. 2018 11:42:14
I'm loving this build much more than the juggernaut equivalent with lead sprinkler, but I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I'm 75 now with pretty decent gear except from a watcher's eye jewel. But I almost get one shot in every map t9+ with 4.6k life and 4577 evasion rating and +38 life per enemy hit by attacks on my claw. Any tips for better survival? I know I need more life nodes but it's hard to get them when I get almost one shot in t9+ maps or get frozen and then killed instantly.



