[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

PandaZeus เขียน:
So is tombfist or gripped gloves better? since you say its not displayed in POB, and I have both kind of gloves just wondering.. I tried comparing in POB and tombfist is better but im not sure if the projectile damage or intimidating from either gloves is included as part of the damage

it is if you include it in configuration.
PandaZeus เขียน:
So is tombfist or gripped gloves better? since you say its not displayed in POB, and I have both kind of gloves just wondering.. I tried comparing in POB and tombfist is better but im not sure if the projectile damage or intimidating from either gloves is included as part of the damage

Tombfist isn't used for intimidate/maim it's used for two jewel sockets which will grant you up to 100 flat hp and up to 6 dps stats or utility stuff like onslaught and blind
So I've managed to clear memory fragments, solo red elder on second time I made him spawn (had him at 35% during last phase but didn't know I had decay everywhere since it was my first time, and I didn't read up on him), and then I've killed shaper guardians with 5.6k hp and 75% resist (except for 48% on lightning, minotaur hurt a bit). I had 1-2 portals left on all the guardians.

I'm not sure what I should do now except getting +3 molten strike balls on my starkonja, which I'm having trouble with, since I always die to stupid traps in uber lab. I'm making another character to farm uber lab and get that enchant, since I don't have 5.5ex to spend on an enchant.

I switched out the quicksilver flask for a jade flask as DjPapaz suggested some time ago. I'm considering getting a dying sun or a stygian vise and a nice dps jewel on it. I'm also trying to get the last few levels, so I can get a jewel socket or two, but it's hard when I'm also dying in uber lab or to guardians :/

Here's my gear:

Update: I got a new eye jewel with 8% chance onslaught, 2% chance unholy might and 3-69 lightning dmg to claw attacks. My tooltip dps jumped 2k.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MarcusLO#1601 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2018 13:38:02
"I made this little picture to clarify how you optimally utilize Ancestral Call for Single target DPS."

How about this? What i need to do? Your image just not loading.
filipskyi เขียน:
"I made this little picture to clarify how you optimally utilize Ancestral Call for Single target DPS."

How about this? What i need to do? Your image just not loading.

i'm sure you can find such info if u'd bother to google a bit ;) but in short you just need to be a fraction away from a melee range.


O -> target
- -> melee range
X -> player

O --X

Dunno if that's clear enough but something like that :D

EDIT : found image that was used in this thread
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DjPapaz#5561 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2018 14:39:28
DjPapaz เขียน:
filipskyi เขียน:
"I made this little picture to clarify how you optimally utilize Ancestral Call for Single target DPS."

How about this? What i need to do? Your image just not loading.

i'm sure you can find such info if u'd bother to google a bit ;) but in short you just need to be a fraction away from a melee range.


O -> target
- -> melee range
X -> player

O --X

Dunno if that's clear enough but something like that :D

EDIT : found image that was used in this thread

Thanks for answer)
Why are you using inc critical strikes chance instead of conc effect or etc?
filipskyi เขียน:
DjPapaz เขียน:
filipskyi เขียน:
"I made this little picture to clarify how you optimally utilize Ancestral Call for Single target DPS."

How about this? What i need to do? Your image just not loading.

i'm sure you can find such info if u'd bother to google a bit ;) but in short you just need to be a fraction away from a melee range.


O -> target
- -> melee range
X -> player

O --X

Dunno if that's clear enough but something like that :D

EDIT : found image that was used in this thread

Thanks for answer)
Why are you using inc critical strikes chance instead of conc effect or etc?

Well i like to have as much crit as i can get..curently sitting at ~65% without flasks/charges.
Clearing feels alot smoother than with IAoE/Conc and for bosses i've tried various set up's yet the one with crit seems best one for me ;) it might give lower sheet dps but it feels like it outperforms other supports ;)
MarcusLO เขียน:
So I've managed to clear memory fragments, solo red elder on second time I made him spawn (had him at 35% during last phase but didn't know I had decay everywhere since it was my first time, and I didn't read up on him), and then I've killed shaper guardians with 5.6k hp and 75% resist (except for 48% on lightning, minotaur hurt a bit). I had 1-2 portals left on all the guardians.

I'm not sure what I should do now except getting +3 molten strike balls on my starkonja, which I'm having trouble with, since I always die to stupid traps in uber lab. I'm making another character to farm uber lab and get that enchant, since I don't have 5.5ex to spend on an enchant.

I switched out the quicksilver flask for a jade flask as DjPapaz suggested some time ago. I'm considering getting a dying sun or a stygian vise and a nice dps jewel on it. I'm also trying to get the last few levels, so I can get a jewel socket or two, but it's hard when I'm also dying in uber lab or to guardians :/

Here's my gear:

Update: I got a new eye jewel with 8% chance onslaught, 2% chance unholy might and 3-69 lightning dmg to claw attacks. My tooltip dps jumped 2k.

unholy might is a waste of a mod unless you change to a physical claw.
DjPapaz What about Loreweave? Is it gives really big power spike for this build? And how many life you have without Belly? 6К life for this build is enough?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย TheBigStan#7357 เมื่อ 1 ก.ค. 2018 07:23:13
filipskyi เขียน:
DjPapaz What about Loreweave? Is it gives really big power spike for this build?

Ofc it does.
One of the best offensive chests right now.
But on certain stage of gear you will realise that you need to carry more about defense.

filipskyi เขียน:

And how many life you have without Belly? 6К life for this build is enough?

Depends of your needs(Content type).
With Starkonja + Belly + mark of the Elder you should aim for 6700-7k ideally for hardest content.

PS.How good is Mark of The Elder(with that 80% attack damage bonus with other good shaper ring) compared to normal elemental rings like these?

How 80% increased attack damage is compared to 60-67% increased elemental damage?
Is that will provide way higher damage bonus or only slightly? or even lower?
Also that 10% increased max.life and flat cold ele dmg also very sweet.
The only problem that it will be pretty hard to min/maxing resistances(all 109%+) with Elder ring since it don't have any resistances,and there are also many slots that don't have any(shield,claw,helm,Gloves(Tombfist)).

So you basically have only 5 item slots for resistaces(including Belly).
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย FreshMeat93#0508 เมื่อ 1 ก.ค. 2018 08:13:35



