[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

EvOnIr เขียน:
pu55y5l4y3r เขียน:
EvOnIr เขียน:
Hey Guys,

I´m from Germany Sry for my bad Scool English but i try my best.

I have Build like this Guid because i like the DMG amd Attack Speed.
I Think somthink is wrong on my gear but i dont know waht.
Can somebody Help me ? =/

My Build :

Thanks =)

Your Gear looks nice.
You can upgrade your Rind and Amulet with more Life.
Find a Claw with more Attackspeed und more Crit Chance

You have a other Skill tree, with no wildfire jewel.

From the guid:
The Wildfire Jewels are the most important ones. Those greaty boost your dmg and clear. Dont forget to put them into the correct sockets (with strenght around them).

i Have just check a other skill but i don´t like it and now i´m back to this guid. But pastebin says i make only 500k DMG

Here is my Pastebin link.

I´m scared to do Shaper =/

You look at Melee Hit, but you must look at Magma Balls

I don´t know if i right, you have

133000 Dps per Ball x9 Balls = 1,2 Mil Dps
with a second Wildfire Jewel = 1,46 Mil Dps i think

for Shaper look Videos and learn the Fight, so it´s easy
not sure if this was posted before, but i think a better place for wildfire jewel is the one after 2x 6% projectile damage above Sentinel, instead of the one after 2x 10 strength above Devotion.

We get more useful stats (12% projectile damage) and it still fulfills the 40 strength requirement (20+10+5+5)
darkfear41 เขียน:
not sure if this was posted before, but i think a better place for wildfire jewel is the one after 2x 6% projectile damage above Sentinel, instead of the one after 2x 10 strength above Devotion.

We get more useful stats (12% projectile damage) and it still fulfills the 40 strength requirement (20+10+5+5)

You end up getting both, and the reason you get that jewel node first is because you head to resolute technique early. Later on you could swap to the dex node near duelist start if you wanted to, but honestly it doesn't really make a difference.
IGN: Mirakool
Mirakool เขียน:
darkfear41 เขียน:
not sure if this was posted before, but i think a better place for wildfire jewel is the one after 2x 6% projectile damage above Sentinel, instead of the one after 2x 10 strength above Devotion.

We get more useful stats (12% projectile damage) and it still fulfills the 40 strength requirement (20+10+5+5)

You end up getting both, and the reason you get that jewel node first is because you head to resolute technique early. Later on you could swap to the dex node near duelist start if you wanted to, but honestly it doesn't really make a difference.

Maybe at nearly level 100, but there are much better jewel nodes around to get. Evasion, projectile damage, attack speed. Even the int nodes are better as this build is quite int starved.. but yes I can see why at the start it's more useful, but definitely should be respecced
Still a great build. Slightly lower survivability then the MS Jugg version, but much higher DPS.

Currently at 6.7k HP and 250k DPS per ball.

Uber-Elder Deathless without issues once you learn the mechanics. You can burst down 25% HP in about 2 seconds, so the biggest worry is avoiding the Shaper balls while slowed down. You could probably swap in Kaom's Roots to mitigate that as well.

Hello, what should I improve in my build

Here my pob : https://pastebin.com/VJq9dkkN

Huaojozu เขียน:
Still a great build. Slightly lower survivability then the MS Jugg version, but much higher DPS.

Currently at 6.7k HP and 250k DPS per ball.

Uber-Elder Deathless without issues once you learn the mechanics. You can burst down 25% HP in about 2 seconds, so the biggest worry is avoiding the Shaper balls while slowed down. You could probably swap in Kaom's Roots to mitigate that as well.


How do you get 6.7k with loreweave ? I have 5.6k with it... I know there's a difference in our stuff but 1.1k life... I may have missed something.

Also, what should improve next ? I know my rings aren't that good... Should I try to exalt my claw ?

I was wondering if you could do a gear check with for me. I feel like my build is lacking DPS. I have around 5.5k Life. I have yet to quality my gems or get a enchant on my boots and helm.


corsi2b เขียน:
Huaojozu เขียน:
Still a great build. Slightly lower survivability then the MS Jugg version, but much higher DPS.

Currently at 6.7k HP and 250k DPS per ball.

Uber-Elder Deathless without issues once you learn the mechanics. You can burst down 25% HP in about 2 seconds, so the biggest worry is avoiding the Shaper balls while slowed down. You could probably swap in Kaom's Roots to mitigate that as well.


How do you get 6.7k with loreweave ? I have 5.6k with it... I know there's a difference in our stuff but 1.1k life... I may have missed something.

Also, what should improve next ? I know my rings aren't that good... Should I try to exalt my claw ?

For 1 Ex you can buy a better Claw
pkers210 เขียน:

I was wondering if you could do a gear check with for me. I feel like my build is lacking DPS. I have around 5.5k Life. I have yet to quality my gems or get a enchant on my boots and helm.


wow so many places. first and foremost: super crap claw base, get imperial or gemini claw. then get prioritise crit chance and AS, then move on to edps. get at least 1.85 APS and 7.5 crit chance.

wtf are u doing with a barrage rats nest? get a 40% molten strike starkonja for 20C. or if you are filthy rich get one with + # molten strike projectiles.

what are u doing with spiked gloves? our main damage comes from MS projectiles. get a tomb fist or gripped gloves.

get all ur gems to level 20 and 20% except for orb of storms.

ditch that shitty boots and get a proper pair with 1-160 lightning damage lab enchant. even the 1-120 light one works gd.

didn't see ur flasks but i assume its suboptimal like all your other gear. get a diamond flask with immune to freeze, atziri promise, dying sun, vinktar with attack, and life with immune to bleed.



