[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

choksondik เขียน:
Hey Guys.

Im not sure what i have to crafting on this claw.

adds fire damage or increased elemental damage with attack skills.
maybe a other crafting mod.

Thanks for anwers

You probably want crit chance and fire damage on it, you have to either live without fire damage, or craft then annul and hope you hit stun, then exalt and hit fire.
Reaven1911 เขียน:

Did this build in Delve League, I already knew basically what to do but this build guide gave me some good ideas on things I hadn't considered. MS+Ancestral with HoI and HoL gets some pretty good clear speed. Only thing so far that has me beat in the clear speed department is something like Ele hit/Tornado Shot.

GG Build, character only took me 8~ ex to gear out. 2.5 mil~ shaper DPS about.

How did u find your weapon. I got around 3 ex to a weapon but cant find one that are close to yours

Any idea why I can't seem to kill any guardians? Is it just to inexperience at fighting them? I'd replace the sulphur flask but I can't quite afford a dying sun atm.
Isolatid เขียน:

Any idea why I can't seem to kill any guardians? Is it just to inexperience at fighting them? I'd replace the sulphur flask but I can't quite afford a dying sun atm.

TBH I don't think your going to be able to have an easy time fighting any guardians unless you start using watcher's eye and wrath. I use Anger cause of my watcher's i have had no issues with any of the content other than uber but that was because I had low life.
Gearcheck me pls, acc open . ign balls of flame
I know about :
1. Uberlab - soon
2. Elder mark ring - equip when be 80
3. Head enchant - want to farm some uberlabs with twice ench. proph.
Also need to up quality of gems to 20...
Have only 58 mana free.. but mennwhile can`t say that i lack mana.
PS Also if someone quit league, feel free too spare me some good weapon, i don`t think that my is really good. Have 2-3 ex this time.
im wanting to make a similar build but im curious what the pros and cons of conversion vs ele are. im also going to be using either like a reave or frost blades as my clear. would be using a watchers eye hatred for conversion build. So far me doing the math it seems like they both can be expensive and get relative same damage but it seems the conversion is just higher ceiling but a bit higher cost at the same time. Also seems that conversion has better use of passive nodes by quite a bit. thanks.
LejayTV เขียน:

I used this search http://poe.trade/search/omotahoohuzita and I got really lucky that I found one with Crit multi for only 1.5 ex, anything with crit multi is instantly amazing for this build. It might be worth searching for crit multi and lowering the Edps since its that big of a dps increase.
What do you guys think about farrul's chest/helm vs loreweave + random helm?
anyone have the image he has for ancestral call trick with molten strike? the image isn't loading for me
jjmccaw เขียน:
anyone have the image he has for ancestral call trick with molten strike? the image isn't loading for me

if you attack in place from a small distance away from the target the ancestral spirits will also attack and you will supposedly deal more damage.

if you get too close to the target ancestral call will not work. this is annoying with fast targets that always try to get in your face.

i found it the easiest to put 'attack in place' on molten strike and adjust distance as needed.



