[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!


so i was looking at your tree in molten strike variant .. u have changed a couple of bits in the tree, when i compare it with the bf tree , there is a slight decrease in dps and but a slight increase in health pool overall with increased AS and a bit less crit chance.. obviously my gear isnt top tier and point blank doesnt seem to be reflected in POB dps

would you mind elaborating about the changes ? is it necessary to make the changes? im a bit new this and learning day by day
darkjoy เขียน:
You have contradicting statements regarding the build.

Do you use 2 points or do you use Alria from the bandits?

Your PoB link is wrong if you are taking 2 points from bandits.

Thats might be true. I didnt tailor the the build to the exact amount of passive points. I did however always take the 2 passive points over alira. You might need to add a level or two. My character is level 91 atm and im doing just fine.

Timoke62 เขียน:
hey, can you update the tree of spectral throw variant?

Why? I dont see anything wrong with it.

Wearscapeirl เขียน:
When do we get the 3L shaper kill with Molten strike? xD

I can record one. Its no challage really, I did record a 2L one but died 4 times wich is to much for my liking. It doesnt really feel like a challage with 3L anymore.

lijinyuanljy เขียน:
Hi buddy!

I'm a new player from China(the Chinese name of POE is 流放之路 LOL)and your ele-claw-BF-inquisitor is my FIRST BD in POE. This BD is really budget friendly and the leveling journey is amazing. Only 3 days to be 74 and I can farm T10-12 easily so it remains for me to thank you for writing this guide.Sorry to bother you but I'd like to consult you on one question.

Could Shield Charge be replaced by Whirling Blades ? Just a matter of personal preference because WB is more coooool and SC is sound pollution for me :(

Look forward to your reply :)

yes of course you can go for whirling blades. Shield charge has a larger radius and procs fortify much more reliable. It all comes down to personal preference in the end.

h3llw4rd3n เขียน:

so i was looking at your tree in molten strike variant .. u have changed a couple of bits in the tree, when i compare it with the bf tree , there is a slight decrease in dps and but a slight increase in health pool overall with increased AS and a bit less crit chance.. obviously my gear isnt top tier and point blank doesnt seem to be reflected in POB dps

would you mind elaborating about the changes ? is it necessary to make the changes? im a bit new this and learning day by day

The changes mostly come from scaling projectile based abilites. BF is exclusivly melee based so it can profit from the Disemboweling cluster (wich molten strike projectiles cant). It made sense to pick up more of the attack speed clusters to make up for the lack of crit multi. there even was enough room to go for more life nodes.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย GornoDD#3738 เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2017 12:08:16
Well done mate, but is this any good to farm tier maps 11-15 !? i mean is this faster than a inquisitor blade flurry but with a physical foil!?
drewPOE เขียน:
Well done mate, but is this any good to farm tier maps 11-15 !? i mean is this faster than a inquisitor blade flurry but with a physical foil!?

Inquisitor isnt really meant for physical damage builds if your not converting all the damage to elemental. It farms all the games content pretty well. It however cant compete with wander builds in terms of clearspeed, since we dont have "smartbomb" ability like "vaal power siphon".
GornoDD เขียน:
drewPOE เขียน:
Well done mate, but is this any good to farm tier maps 11-15 !? i mean is this faster than a inquisitor blade flurry but with a physical foil!?

Inquisitor isnt really meant for physical damage builds if your not converting all the damage to elemental. It farms all the games content pretty well. It however cant compete with wander builds in terms of clearspeed, since we dont have "smartbomb" ability like "vaal power siphon".

Sadly i dont have an elemental claw , but i got this Foil .Is it a decent option or not really!? i mean , i will lose the life leech on hit i guess :(

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย drewPOE#5387 เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2017 15:04:14
drewPOE เขียน:
GornoDD เขียน:
drewPOE เขียน:
Well done mate, but is this any good to farm tier maps 11-15 !? i mean is this faster than a inquisitor blade flurry but with a physical foil!?

Inquisitor isnt really meant for physical damage builds if your not converting all the damage to elemental. It farms all the games content pretty well. It however cant compete with wander builds in terms of clearspeed, since we dont have "smartbomb" ability like "vaal power siphon".

Sadly i dont have an elemental claw , but i got this Foil .Is it a decent option or not really!? i mean , i will lose the life leech on hit i guess :(


Yeah thats the problem here. You need the life leech, but you wont need an expensive claw to start this build with. theres so many great ones for quite cheap. Just study my gearing carefully, your claw pretty much only need high AS and Crit. You wont need much eledps
Did u change the pastebin!? something weird is going on, it was a nerf mate :P
I don't understand how you can facetank alot of stuff. I've put alot into my gear and i do abit of damage but i can't facetank any of shapers abilities or even any of the Guardians for that matter. Am i doing something extremely wrong :(

This is all my current gear on my level 90Inquisitor. I can do Guardians but i need to try harder than i feel i should have to. Attempted shaper twice but if i get hit by anything at all i'm basically dead.I also do swap out "Increased Area of Effect Support" for the "Concentrated Effect Support" on single target, not sure if that's useful or not but owell.

Fire - 75% (150%)
Cold - 75% (81%)
Lightning - 75% (118%)
Chaos - -60%

I have 51.34% Crit out of combat

Sorry if i have missed any information, this is my first post. I only started playing PoE 1month ago (Little into this season) so i'm still learning :( My apologies.

Here is my current passive skill tree setup:

Dude what do you think of immolate as a 6th link? Partially to avoid gem swap. With a bit of added fire on weapon or jewelry shield charge procs burn pretty reliably; can definitely be forced on rares/bosses in much less than one second. Great guide; thanks!
Hello mate.
Ok it's my first Blade flurry too.
When i looked at it, sound good, budget, efficient. The guide is complete and the lvling part sound cool (well, first 28 lvl a bit less cool :p) I really like lvlingwith as much end skill as i can.

Here i'm a after few days (like 3-4 ? i'm not sure) It was easy as i builded 2 character before (FrostBlade and a FireStorm) Starting with some currency&stuff (and some Gem hight lvl or even 20/20) The 6LBelly at lvl 46 :p

Curent setup :

I tried to file every spot with my budget. My KeyGem are still lvling but i think my weapon could be really better (fast AND with Crit. I wasen't sure about it when i saw it but it was quite cheap. Now i fell i could really get a better for not that much)
I can also chase a Vinktar. What could be my next better upgrade? (i have to find 1 or 2 Jew too)

My FeedBack :
* Enjoyable, and strong. It's insane how sometime we should just hit and leech. Avoiding things killed me more than stack in front of some boss :o
* ConcEffect is really important in hight end maps for bosses. I learned it hardly. When i swap AreaEffect for ConcEffect the first time, i was shoked !!! Bosses die instantly
* The OrbOfStorm setup is gold. Seriously i LOVE how it work. Just put it in the end of the fight for insta kill&extra loot. I use OOS with CS but without IR. Witch is nice :D I like it a lot.
* SC is nice, fast, and aoe (as you pointed it) but sometime it's painfull when we have a lot of thing on the fiels. Like tree and wall and stuff like that. WB can pass through thing like frost wall. I like both and don't know witch one will fit me more. I'll try
* I don't use both VaalGem a lot. Didn't find the time most of the time. Not because thing die instantly (talking about end boss with my curent setup) but because i could die if i stop leech :/ I use Hast time to time for trash mobs. but i don't really feel the use of them because of how they work. Any advice for that?

Anyway : Thanks for your work :) i'll stick with this build i think. ;)
Sorry for my quite bad english. Try to do my best <3



