[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

thi3n เขียน:
Any tips on using poe.trade or poe.app (or another trade site) for narrowing mods for finding weapons? There are so many variables the make the items useable to good I can't figure out a way to find an optimal weapon.

% physical as extra Fire Damage

% physical as extra Lightning Damage

% physical as extra Cold Damage

% physical as extra Random Damage

% elemental as extra Chaos Damage

%increased elemental damage

%elemental penetration

Global Critical Chance

Spell Critical Chance

Critical Multiplyer

Cast speed?

Area damage

I've seen variations on all those stats from 1ex all the way up and it seems like a crap shoot guessing which values at which stats ends up actually boosting my PoB damage- and I get really tired of putting in configurations of those stats in both poe.app (for alerts) and poe.trade for the chrome macro to paste into PoB. Any recommendations?
In poe.trade instead of searching with AND on the bottom, you can search for a COUNT of those stats, so put them all in and say you want one with COUNT = 3, 4, 5, 6 of those stats depending on your budget.

For the ones that do the same thing (phys as light/fire/cold/random) SUM is better than count. You can break it out into two separate fields, like so:

If you want to get REALLY in depth, you can use the WEIGHT setting, and calculate the exact weights of different damage stats from your PoB. I imagine that's more than most people want to do, but it is the "best" method.

A damage stat weight dump would be a cool feature for a future version of PoB. Could dump it right into a poe.trade search string, even.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย magicrectangle#3352 เมื่อ 4 เม.ย. 2018 23:07:24
Tell me please how we count it -? Glacial Cascade has an additional Burst (The Long Winter Cobalt Jewel). So its mean that totem with GC strike one time more ? How we can compere it with gem faster attack ?
Generaly we can have 2 jewels The Long Winter Cobalt so its quite interesting i thing or no ?
thi3n เขียน:

In poe.trade instead of searching with AND on the bottom, you can search for a COUNT of those stats, so put them all in and say you want one with COUNT = 3, 4, 5, 6 of those stats depending on your budget.

Yep, friend of mine showed me this last night and it was eye opening. Helped me snag a new OH for ~1ex that I'm pretty happy with. Soloed Phoenix knowing nothing about the fight (seemed a bit dangerous with only one HP flask and not using Kikazaru rings/self flag.

For the ones that do the same thing (phys as light/fire/cold/random) SUM is better than count. You can break it out into two separate fields, like so:

If you want to get REALLY in depth, you can use the WEIGHT setting, and calculate the exact weights of different damage stats from your PoB. I imagine that's more than most people want to do, but it is the "best" method.

I'll have to give this a try as well. thanks for the tip.

So what kind of numbers are we looking for in PoB? What "boxes" need to be checked?

I'm getting ~110k average hit with Hatred. Only thing I have checked is the "Enemies are chilled" for Hypothermia calc.

I swap back and forth between, Kikazura/self flag and checking 5-6 curses, and turning off Hatred, but there's a pretty big DPS dip when I do that, so I'm guessing that setup is more for fights you can't flask spam?

Does the hardcore variation save Alira or get 2 points?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย poeGT#1333 เมื่อ 5 เม.ย. 2018 11:14:00
poeGT เขียน:
Does the hardcore variation save Alira or get 2 points?

I think saving Alira would be the way to go. I mean, you do get 15% free elemental resists and mana regeneration, which improves survivability thanks to Mind Over Matter.
setcamper เขียน:
I'll have to give this a try as well. thanks for the tip.

lostcoaster gave a good description of how to do it a few pages ago, I'll quote him forward:
lostcoaster เขียน:
As for searching for weapons, here is another option for anyone that doesn't mind doing some work:

Open PoB, import your current character, set up configurations (choose boss as shaper, tick having power charge, enable the flasks you are constantly using, etc.).
Then set one of the weapon slot to "None", better to be the weapon slot where you want to find a upgrade for.
On the right side, click "craft custom...", and paste the following text in the box:


New Item
Crafted: true
Prefix: None
Prefix: None
Prefix: None
Suffix: None
Suffix: None
Suffix: None
Quality: 20
Sockets: G-G-G
LevelReq: 70
Implicits: 1
0% Increased Block Chance
{range:0}Adds (0-1) to (0-1) Fire Damage to Spells
{range:0}Adds (0-1) to (0-1) Cold Damage to Spells
{range:0}Adds (0-1) to (0-1) Lightning Damage to Spells
{range:0}Gain (0-1)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
{range:0}Gain (0-1)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
{range:0}Gain (0-1)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
{range:0}Gain (0-1)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
{range:0}Gain (0-1)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element
{range:0}Damage Penetrates (0-1)% Elemental Resistances
{range:0}(0-1)% increased Cast Speed
{range:0}(0-1)% increased Spell Damage
{range:0}(0-1)% increased Cold Damage
{range:0}(0-1)% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
{range:0}+(0-1)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier

Click save.

Now you will see a drop down menu above the "New Item". Select first mod (adds fire damage), drag the slider on the right to rightmost, and PoB will tell you, how much dps is 1 unit of that attribute is giving you. Return the slider, and go on to next mod, repeat. (BTW you can totally skip added x-x damage mods because they just give too little dps)

Go to poe.trade, use "weight" group, for each mod, enter the dps gain PER UNIT from your observation. You may want to put a minimal total weight, so that you can quickly sort with that weight. E.g.
The following result is for my character, your character can be very different.

One thing I would add that he doesn't mention, is that PoB does not calculate phys as random element correctly (or at all, I should say). Its weight is just the average of the light/cold/fire "as extra" weights (light+cold+fire)/3.

So what kind of numbers are we looking for in PoB? What "boxes" need to be checked?

I'm getting ~110k average hit with Hatred. Only thing I have checked is the "Enemies are chilled" for -Hypothermia calc.

-Is enemy a boss: Shaper/Guardian
-Power charges
-Curses if kika/self flag
-flasks turned on (or not, if you're interested in a fight where you find you're not able to keep them up - my flask uptime is not awesome on uber elder).

I swap back and forth between, Kikazura/self flag and checking 5-6 curses, and turning off Hatred, but there's a pretty big DPS dip when I do that, so I'm guessing that setup is more for fights you can't flask spam?

The more "phys as extra" mods you collect on your gear, the less important hatred becomes. For me breakeven with self-flag is at about 8 curses (6 if enfeeble isn't one of them).

But yes, the primary purpose of going kika/self flag is the convenience of being liberated from the decurse flasks. Pretty much everybody I've seen kill uber elder with this build (including myself) has used kika / self flag. The fight is long, and the totems die a lot, making flasking off curses impractical.
Wow, that's pretty extensive tip. Will have to try it out. Never seen that multiple crafted mod, mod. Intense.

One thing I would add that he doesn't mention, is that PoB does not calculate phys as random element correctly (or at all, I should say). Its weight is just the average of the light/cold/fire "as extra" weights (light+cold+fire).

Noticed this last night. Friend linked me a Sceptre he thought was amazing with random element roll but when I plugged it into PoB my DPS dropped by %15. I guess you just have to work around that and estimate.

I hadn't clicked power chargers or Shaper (never fought him so didn't know he was the DPS benchmark). I did have my 3 Damage flasks checked though. PoB seem to think I could squeeze out a bit more damage with Wise Oak over a Onslaught (Silver?) flask.
setcamper เขียน:
One thing I would add that he doesn't mention, is that PoB does not calculate phys as random element correctly (or at all, I should say). Its weight is just the average of the light/cold/fire "as extra" weights (light+cold+fire)/3.

Noticed this last night. Friend linked me a Sceptre he thought was amazing with random element roll but when I plugged it into PoB my DPS dropped by %15. I guess you just have to work around that and estimate.

You don't have to estimate, you can just break it out manually into single elements with 1/3 the amount. For example my offhand:

This is how the PoB code looks to make it calculate the DPS correctly:
Armageddon Breaker
Karui Sceptre
Unique ID: 0693509ca60bd267e597dcb8bb7e39a953f49191bc945bc145b6268b472e3385
Shaper Item
Item Level: 80
Quality: 0
Sockets: B-R-B
LevelReq: 56
Implicits: 1
26% increased Elemental Damage
Gain 39% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
+64 to Accuracy Rating
Gain 9.34% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
Gain 9.33% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Gain 9.33% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
{crafted}63% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells

As you can see, all I've done is split the "random element" roll into three small light/cold/fire rolls.
Perfect, thank you!
DeVolulker เขียน:
Tell me please how we count it -? Glacial Cascade has an additional Burst (The Long Winter Cobalt Jewel). So its mean that totem with GC strike one time more ? How we can compere it with gem faster attack ?
Generaly we can have 2 jewels The Long Winter Cobalt so its quite interesting i thing or no ?

Additional burst means longer range. It ll not attack more times, but a default attack is 4 burst so it ll be 5 with the gem.



