[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
Finally take down uber elder.. oh my.. took me few tries to learn the mechanics and all.. thanks thi3n for the awesome guide. Made this char from flashback, thinking to change to arc totems (very tempted) but still play GC and finally manage to kill that uber elder.. feelsgoodman
So how did you guys get the six link soul mantles this early? Did you buy them straight up, i don't have the currency to do so myself, or use crafters to help get the sockets and links?
Also, how do you prioritize which upgrades to get once you hit endgame? I have about 45 chaos orbs but have been cheap since I'm not having issues with maps yet.
first five link created with prophecy, costs like 25-30c at that point
farmed like 200-300c in the first 2 days
invested everything i had into jewellers and fuses and one more mantle with very good rolls
linked until i got 6s5l, sold it, invested again into jewellers and fuses and repeated
at some point 6l procced - profit!
i dont recommend doing this if you only got 45c, you can start this routine with 100c or so
thanks for the explanation
How soon do you start stacking increased rarity? Where do you prioritize upgrades to gear once you hit maps? I know to get the right socketed items with life and resist but really don't know what to do while saving for things like soul mantle or the shaped weapons in this build
I love this build though and had no issues with the pre uber labs. I still die to stupid stuff from time to time though.
My goal this season is to stick with it and learn as much as i can of endgame maps and bosses
You don't ever start stacking increased rarity. You want quantity if anything.
MidgetLove เขียน:
What can I upgrade on my gear for even more damage? My rings are going to stay the same for MF.
My only suggestion i'd say to you would be to de-level the arcane surge, since i cant see how its even proccing with ele weakness unless you cast it a few times. Since with my Increased AOE+Ele weakness+Arcane Surge my mana use is only 73, you'd have to cast it 5 times to get surge to proc ?
For right now i'm using a somewhat shitty helm since it had the glacial cascade enchant on it.
My cold damage on the tooltip for glacial cascade is 3795-5703 whether I put the helm on or not ?
Shouldn't at least the cold damage range change ? Or would it be better to get a 40% Glacial Cascade damage enchant by itself ?
You are using Long Winter jewels to convert physical damage to cold, you have already 100% converted. So either change jewels to some crit multi stuff or use another helm enchant (like GC damage increased).
FrodoFraggins เขียน:
I'm confused on whirling blades. Ancestral bond means we don't do damage and so I assume that's why my whirling blades isnt doing damage and thus not proccing fortify? Yet I see two accounts here using it so I must be doing something wrong
Whirling Blades dont do damage but Fortify proc on hit not damage thats why it work (you still hit even with 0 dmg dealt).
Same story with culling, not only attack speed from quality work but also the cull itself.
For right now i'm using a somewhat shitty helm since it had the glacial cascade enchant on it.
My cold damage on the tooltip for glacial cascade is 3795-5703 whether I put the helm on or not ?
Shouldn't at least the cold damage range change ? Or would it be better to get a 40% Glacial Cascade damage enchant by itself ?
You are using Long Winter jewels to convert physical damage to cold, you have already 100% converted. So either change jewels to some crit multi stuff or use another helm enchant (like GC damage increased).
Lol my bad, totally thought it was extra cold like on the dagger/amulets.