[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
hey bro, should i buy a 5l soul mantle or should i just farm with my tabula rasa to get a 6l SM?
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Thanks RushBone for doing a lot of question answering on the thread!
While I know it's tempting for people to just post their entire gear setup and ask "what should I do next" this game is beautiful because there isn't a clear answer for everyone. This is not an MMO. There is no "best in slot" there is no 100% correct answer. Every item in this game comes with a price, a different set of stats, and it's up to you to figure out how to balance those stats to make it work within the context of your own character. What do you feel is lacking? Damage? Get more multi, pick up damage nodes, get more links. Survivability? Get more life and mana. Use Fortify. Mobility? Get more attack speed. Learn to dodge damage. Play around your totem placement. I do my best to list stat priorities in the guide but I can't play your character for you and don't know how the build responds with your ping and setup. I don't know how much time you have to play and how much currency you are able to farm. I don't know what you're willing to invest before you move on to another build. There does exist a program called Path of Building that will allow you to import stats of an item to see what it does to your tooltip DPS - please check that out if you are wondering if you should drop currency on a weapon or whatever your case is. |
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After some testing I didn't see a huge difference using Reflection, even when compensated the DPS loss with Coward's Legacy and Pain Attunement AND Elder's Essence Worm with Shaper's ring. The above setup costs like 50ex and brings only slightly more survivability than dual wield.
Probably an option for HC, yes, but for softcore GC totems, not needed IMO. I sold the Reflection again, now I will sell the rings and continue to look for a +3 Mantle... BTW: I found a possibility to free one gem slot, moved gems around, and got hatred linked with Enlighten 4. Still a little more mana for MoM now :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RushBone#0065 เมื่อ 27 มิ.ย. 2018 07:48:36
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Your gear is so insane compared to mine >.>
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For some reason when i equip a Doryani's Catalyst vs Divinarius dagger my dps drops down
crit chance goes down from 26 to 22 but gives me 300 more cold damage is this a good thing? |
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" Want me to craft you a dagger like one of mine as a thank for the guide? Free of charge :) |
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"Sheet DPS is a tricky thing with GC totems because it's not taking into account Damage Penetration. In a world where you have a lot of cold pen and slightly less sheet DPS having more cold damage seems great. Questions like this are perfect for Path of Building because at the end of the day it's all just one big math equation and the application does a good job of doing the math for you. To be honest though, min maxing between 300 more sheet damage is kind of irrelevant at some point because it's all about how the build feels. Are you overkilling the mob by 100 or 1000 or 10000? What about your survivability or damage against larger bosses. While it's more sheet DPS to have ele focus, what about quality of life from freezing? Cast speed may not effect your sheet DPS the greatest, but if your cast speed is high enough you can hit the target 2 times instead of once before a fast-moving or invuln phase occurs then you need to be multiplying your sheet damage while uneffected by cast speed by two. DPS is literally damage per second so it assumes your target is infinite health and not moving and you're getting perfect casts... If you really care about min maxing 300-400 damage make sure all the relevant checkboxes are ticked in PoB. "Hehe no that's ok, thanks for offering. I have a strict no-handout policy. Since I make videos about efficiency and atlas strategy and all that I feel like it's a conflict of interest if I take free stuff from people and vice versa. I did manage to make a couple good weapons myself by chaos spamming though! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thi3n#0446 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2018 15:19:01
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" nice beasts, gz! sceptre is really cool :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RushBone#0065 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2018 16:41:15
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Just wanted to toss in my thanks for the guide!
This is the most fun/farthest I've gotten in a league and this guide was a big part of that. |
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Sorry, scrub here with what is probably a dumb question. So, I know you say don't use wants, but is Shimmeron a usable stand-in until you find a good dagger/sceptre? Xbox League is mighty dry.
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