[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

i was looking at the arc totem guide and they are using that node,thats why i asked.
Exxxiled665 เขียน:
i was looking at the arc totem guide and they are using that node,thats why i asked.

ask them and report here

edit: ok I know why they take it. probably a good idea before you get decent jewels and better gear
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RushBone#0065 เมื่อ 1 ก.ย. 2018 12:25:15
So did anyone else recognize, that totems do not attack in the azurit mine when you are in the darkness away from the crawler and flares?
Do you know if this is intented to prevent killing stuff off screen with totems or maybe do only I have the problem or missing something?

Greatings and have a nice league start
Lukas_Ka เขียน:
So did anyone else recognize, that totems do not attack in the azurit mine when you are in the darkness away from the crawler and flares?
Do you know if this is intented to prevent killing stuff off screen with totems or maybe do only I have the problem or missing something?

Greatings and have a nice league start

it is intended, we cannot damage mobs far away in the dark.
at least by now, maybe they will change it slightly later into league.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RushBone#0065 เมื่อ 1 ก.ย. 2018 11:29:33
Would just like to share this build is doing quite well in Delve at monster level 70. The only real issue is the screen can be extremely busy during the az vault holds...
RushBone เขียน:
pbuedi เขียน:
RushBone เขียน:

i dare to say this will be slow at leveling and vulnerable... sry

No worries! I admit that I did not read through the whole thread, since I just found it today. I tried to replicate in PoB what OP describes on the 1st page. I always appreciate help from others. So thanks for your input!

140 pages are not a joke, im a working man myself :)

have you found my humble guide? I copied that for you just in case :)
the tree will be a little different tomorrow but not really.

Leveling guide for a fresh Flashback start:


Start with Templar and rush directly all the shortest way to Ancestral bond: www.poeurl.com/bZo7
Use any wands/sceptres from drop, all gems are Templar questline or vendor

Check 3L at vendors for BBB, BBR and BBG, preferably weapon but armour also OK

do the Tidal Island quest and use the Quicksilver ASAP
if an Augmentation Orb drops, vendor with any boots and Quicksilver, get 10% ms boots ASAP

get Arcane Surge ASAP and don't level, buy the second one if you can

Frost Bolt + Arcane Surge (+ Added Lightning if you get a BBB)

Frost Bomb + Arcane Surge (+ Onslaught if you get a BBG)

get Arc from Nessa after entering The Cavern of Wrath and link it with Spell Totem

Mainskill 3
Arc + Spell Totem (+ Added Lightning if you get a BBR)

From here you can just Arc Totem and Frost Bomb and run, no need to stop and fire Frost Bolt besides of bosses

Utility: Flame Dash


After getting Ancestral Bond, go this way: www.poeurl.com/b0qA
continue to use anything that drops

Spell Totem + Arc + Added Lightning

Herald of Ice
Herald of Thunder
Get them ASAP in Act 2.

Get to Act 3.


Ilvl 25 can go 4L which means areas from lvl23 can drop that, look for BBBR, also check vendors, just avoid it to be gloves, anything else is good. A luxury item would be BBBR Thousand Ribbons (on 1st day of last league price was 1c).

As soon as you get BBBR, use Spell Totem + Arc + Added Lightning + Faster Casting

Look if you got enough currency to buy Wrath from poetrade. If not, heralds will be OK.

Continue Arc Totems with Heralds or Wrath until you have enough currency to buy the following items from poetrade:

1x-2x The Princess (on 1st day of last league price was 1c)
Hatred (on 1st day of last league price was 1alch)
Whirling Blades (on 1st day of last league price was 1alch)
Hrimsorrow (on 1st day of last league price was 1c)

When you have them, time to switch to GC Totems 4L, movement Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks.

If you are unlucky which I highly doubt (Flashback will have much more drops and currency), continue Arc Totems (when possible on a 4L) and gather currency further.
You need like 5c to comfortably switch to GC totems, and if you use currency.poe.tradewisely, it won't take long.

Get to Act 4, reach Crystal Veins waypoint.
Do Normal Lab, take +1 totem.

Tree: www.poeurl.com/b0rA


Go through Act 4 and 5
Take Lightning Golem and Increased Area of Effect as rewards
Equip Lightning Golem ASAP and level it, no need to think about CWDT now
Start swapping AOE and Conc Effect in your 4L, try to use Conc only on bosses

Time to buy a Goldrim cap, check poetrade (3c on 1st day of the last league).

Mainskill normal mobs:
Spell Totem + Glacial Cascade + AOE + Faster Casting
Mainskill bosses:
Spell Totem + Glacial Cascade + Concentrated Effect + Faster Casting

Utility1: Frost Bomb + lowlvl Arcane Surge (if you got another 3L, then + Increased AOE)
Utility2: Frostbite + lowlvl Arcane Surge

At this point I usually already buy 2x Kikazarus (2c each on 1st day of the last league)
- you want to level up your Faster Attacks
- life/mana regens start to be important
- decent lightning res

the tree depends on what you are aiming for.
after lot of checking I go for more life/survivability which means taking Devotion and Constitution:

Of course it is possible to focuse on DPS and do this:

both trees are 68 passives
as I am trying to do this build in HC last weeks, i take the first option
actually you got more than enough DPS to proceed so I advise to go life even in SC

Do Cruel Lab, take the 5th totem (while you don't need more totems atm, there comes a LOT of life/mana regen you will need very soon)


At lvl48 and higher, you must start to look for a cheap Soul Mantle
No need for 6sockets just now so buy an unlinked unsocketed one and make a 4L
this will be enough to carry you through story and white maps
there you will start to farm chaos recipe sets for 2c each
this will bring you to 30-40c very soon so you will be able to get 5L soul mantle
the 5L one will be enough up to red maps at least, or even higher

Mainskill normal mobs Soul Mantle 4L:
Glacial Cascade + Cold Penetration + Increased Crit + AOE

Mainskill bosses Soul Mantle 4L:
Glacial Cascade + Cold Penetration + Increased Crit + Conc Effect

Mainskill normal mobs Soul Mantle 5L:
Glacial Cascade + Cold Penetration + Faster Casting + Increased Crit + AOE

Mainskill normal mobs Soul Mantle 5L:
Glacial Cascade + Cold Penetration + Faster Casting + Increased Crit + Conc Effect

Utility1: Frost Bomb + lowlvl Arcane Surge + Increased AOE
Utility2: Vaal Haste + Increased Duration
Utility3: Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify
Utility4: Cast When Damage Taken + Enfeeble + Summon Lightning Golem + Immortal Call

For QoL, I strongly recommend Portal + Flame Dash + Faster Casting

as soon as you can, spend 2 points for any jewel socket you can reach
buy Self-Flagellation and insert there, 15-16% ones are cheap and enough to give a boost

Well... at the moment you got your 5L Soul Mantle, 2x Kikazarus, Self-Flagellation and capped resists after you finished the story, you are pretty much set.

Hrimsorrow + Goldrim will be able to bring you to red maps.
Look for 40% GC conversion helm enchants, buy one as soon as you feel rich, and switch to that helm + rare gloves with life and resists.

End build skill trees are in the original post from thi3n.

Nice little guide.

Rush, so GC is better than arc at single target right? Because I liked the way arc works with multiple targets when I followed your guide. Arc mines were all the rage and GC was never really mentioned last season.

I'm wondering if the gain in single target dps is worth the loss in directionless aoe of arc
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย FrodoFraggins#7603 เมื่อ 1 ก.ย. 2018 21:19:31
FrodoFraggins เขียน:

I'm wondering if the gain in single target dps is worth the loss in directionless aoe of arc

gc is probably the most versatile because it can be scaled much higher dps- and aoe-wise, it's a build you can play for months and still be growing in power and clearspeed, leaving arc behind.
arc, however, is very good at clear on middle-budget, but it will be less easy to farm mr. uelder or to get that deep into delve compared to gc. a good solution for couple weeks casual play without really farming bosses. also probably a faster way to lvl100.
the only reason i play now arc instead of gc is that i already played gc totems like 1k hours :)
RushBone เขียน:
FrodoFraggins เขียน:

I'm wondering if the gain in single target dps is worth the loss in directionless aoe of arc

gc is probably the most versatile because it can be scaled much higher dps- and aoe-wise, it's a build you can play for months and still be growing in power and clearspeed, leaving arc behind.
arc, however, is very good at clear on middle-budget, but it will be less easy to farm mr. uelder or to get that deep into delve compared to gc. a good solution for couple weeks casual play without really farming bosses. also probably a faster way to lvl100.
the only reason i play now arc instead of gc is that i already played gc totems like 1k hours :)

OK thanks.

I didn't even noticed you played arc, I just thought it was better at the same gear level right now. it also doesn't hide as much stuff on the ground as GC.

I put GC in my char name but haven't used it yet, but have been leveling it.
is it build still very good?

And can we use shimmerons ?
Drakgodx เขียน:
is it build still very good?

And can we use shimmerons ?

build is good
but shimmerons never had to do with it



