[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

Good afternoon. Is the option of the two kikazaru better, or that of the essence worm? I tried the one of the two kiakazaru in standard and almost killed me to uber elder, with medium equipment. This season I'm testing the essence worm. What is your personal opinion?
soul mantle got fixed
totems in delves got fixed

500 fuses -> no 6L :(

but the build is rockin again
Marchosiae เขียน:
RushBone เขียน:

Do you mind to teach me how did you crafted those weapons?
I'm having serious difficulties to find a suitable one.

u need to have and be ready to spend (or lose ;)) like
1.5k alt
100 transmut
50 augm
35 scour
30 regal
2 ex
20 chaos

and have Elreon8 or some service-boy mastercrafter (10-20c)

get these then we talk :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RushBone#0065 เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2018 14:38:41
RushBone เขียน:
soul mantle got fixed
totems in delves got fixed

500 fuses -> no 6L :(

but the build is rockin again

Regarding the totems, how so?
TGGarrett เขียน:
RushBone เขียน:
soul mantle got fixed
totems in delves got fixed

500 fuses -> no 6L :(

but the build is rockin again

Regarding the totems, how so?

totems were not attacking in the darkness before last patch
I thought enemies couldnt be damaged in the darkness regardless of the source
TGGarrett เขียน:
I thought enemies couldnt be damaged in the darkness regardless of the source

also true
but totems were not attacking at all, at boss phases too
question re curse mechanic & this build...

We only have 1 curse available to us, but there is a manual curse and a separate CWDT curse. Do they overwrite each other or does the fact that the second curse is CWDT mean that we can have 2 curses as they are applied differently?

If they overwrite I dont see the value of having 2 curses unless the CWDT is temporal chains to slow mobs you cant be assed to kill as you are running passed them?
question re curse mechanic & this build...

We only have 1 curse available to us, but there is a manual curse and a separate CWDT curse. Do they overwrite each other or does the fact that the second curse is CWDT mean that we can have 2 curses as they are applied differently?

If they overwrite I dont see the value of having 2 curses unless the CWDT is temporal chains to slow mobs you cant be assed to kill as you are running passed them?
This is a good question. The defensive CWDT curse is for when you are taking damage and need to reduce the incoming damage - enfeeble or temp chains is the curse I like the most for this.

The other curse is an offensive curse which also doubles as a way to proc arcane surge. So usually you're in a safe position and totems are down and you can get that little bit of burst/power with the offensive curse. If you don't like running two and just want 1 curse on then consider doing a manually casted offensive/defensive curse of your choice.
thi3n เขียน:
question re curse mechanic & this build...

We only have 1 curse available to us, but there is a manual curse and a separate CWDT curse. Do they overwrite each other or does the fact that the second curse is CWDT mean that we can have 2 curses as they are applied differently?

If they overwrite I dont see the value of having 2 curses unless the CWDT is temporal chains to slow mobs you cant be assed to kill as you are running passed them?
This is a good question. The defensive CWDT curse is for when you are taking damage and need to reduce the incoming damage - enfeeble or temp chains is the curse I like the most for this.

The other curse is an offensive curse which also doubles as a way to proc arcane surge. So usually you're in a safe position and totems are down and you can get that little bit of burst/power with the offensive curse. If you don't like running two and just want 1 curse on then consider doing a manually casted offensive/defensive curse of your choice.

Ok - so no matter what the application method is we can still only run 1 curse, and we then use the curse most appropriate for the situation. I thought I may have missed a mechanic somewhere and we could have both curses applied to the mobs at the same time.

Thanks for the quick response!



