[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

Those new veiled mods have extra max totems, looks nice for this build
Monti_Jones เขียน:
Hi there!

I am considering this build as my league starter for 3.5. This would be my first time playing totems, as well as my first time using GC, and I have a few questions.

With the recent announcement of returning league mechanics - namely Bestiary, Incursion and Delve - how well is the build performing in the various scenarios? Would I be able to have a single setup and roll with it, or do I need some changes (e.g. gem swap, weapon swap, special vaal gems,...) to get through the respective content smoothly?

I like to have some variety while playing, so I like to do lab runs once in a while. Similarly to my question before, is there a special setup necessary to make lab not the usual pain in the butt?

On top of that, how does MF gear fit into the build? What level of content could I farm with a full MF setup?

Your flask recommendations involve a mana flask and a silver flask. I don't use those flasks very often as I tend to get their effects through other means. I would like to hear your reasoning behind chosing them and maybe their benefits over other options.

Finally, just in case I get bored of the GC graphics, how easy or hard would it be to transition into another skill?

Thank you for your detailed guide, looking forward to test this next league :)

Not the OP, but probably experienced enough to answer most of these. Just a warning, totem builds aren't for everyone. I'd probably suggest trying it before Betrayal launch, or at-least watch several videos and make sure the playstyle seems fun to you.

No gem swap required for these master missions, conc for AoE for bosses are the only swap I would really do.

Lab run is super safe, I'd keep current gear but look into BloodGrip and Preservence if possible and resistances allow for it. It's a MoM build so it's already pretty strong when it comes to surviving the traps and Izaro, and you'll basically insta-phase with a small gear investment.

I'd say MF is questionable. A lot of the build already depends on rares so resists are a bit tight. You'd probably need to modify the skill tree or seek out Alira for the extra resist.

Mana flask is borderline mandatory since the build is MoM. It's pretty hard to get Onslaught as a totem hierophant, I'd say it's a higher QoL and damage increase than basically anything you'd replace it with.

GC is super easy to switch out, most skills it's just a single gem or two. The build functions basically the same and there's nothing lightning specific.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย era_inferno#4310 เมื่อ 16 พ.ย. 2018 15:29:42
To expand on the flask point, basically with Mind over Matter there will be situations where your mana gets drained to zero. At that point you won't be able to A.) Absorb more damage via MoM B.) Cast movement or defensive skills or C.) Cast Totems for Offense

Yeah, I consider Pseudo-Instant Mana Flask mandatory for this build.

I switch it out for Mapping when it's not very rippy but for Bosses it's not an option, we have to use it.
HC SSF Harbinguer : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 94 (RIP).
STANDARD : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 97 (ALL CONTENT DONE)
Hey, started delve league about 3 days ago, I'm trying to do at least 24 challenges and kill some end game bosses, but I'm kinda stuck, don't know what to upgrade besides getting a 6link and a better belt, any tips? I have about 8ex budget. Ty!

seaside เขียน:
Hey, started delve league about 3 days ago, I'm trying to do at least 24 challenges and kill some end game bosses, but I'm kinda stuck, don't know what to upgrade besides getting a 6link and a better belt, any tips? I have about 8ex budget. Ty!

Hey man, if you're going Kikazaru's, shouldn't you have self-flagellation in there somewhere? Maybe it's there and I don't see it.
Huh, totally forgot about it. Thank you.
Not the OP, but probably experienced enough to answer most of these. Just a warning, totem builds aren't for everyone. I'd probably suggest trying it before Betrayal launch, or at-least watch several videos and make sure the playstyle seems fun to you.

No gem swap required for these master missions, conc for AoE for bosses are the only swap I would really do.

Lab run is super safe, I'd keep current gear but look into BloodGrip and Preservence if possible and resistances allow for it. It's a MoM build so it's already pretty strong when it comes to surviving the traps and Izaro, and you'll basically insta-phase with a small gear investment.

I'd say MF is questionable. A lot of the build already depends on rares so resists are a bit tight. You'd probably need to modify the skill tree or seek out Alira for the extra resist.

Mana flask is borderline mandatory since the build is MoM. It's pretty hard to get Onslaught as a totem hierophant, I'd say it's a higher QoL and damage increase than basically anything you'd replace it with.

GC is super easy to switch out, most skills it's just a single gem or two. The build functions basically the same and there's nothing lightning specific.

I tend to level with arc totems most of the time, so I am kinda familiar with the totem play style.

Sounds great! I really like it when skills perform well in multiple situations!

Bloodgrip is a great idea. I think I'll try out having a rejuv totem too, didn't use one in ages.

I turned a few crit caster builds into MF farmers already, just wanted to know if there is anything particular that would completely stop me from doing it. If capping resists is the only concern here, I should have no problem finding a working MF setup.

The flask situation seems interesting. The few times I played with MoM was when I also had a source of mana leech and was never concerned with running out. Seeing how that could be hard to get on a totem build I can understand now why a mana flask is that important. Not quite sure on the onslaught part though. I think I will have to test different flasks to come to a satisfying conclusion for me.

Thank you all for your answers and your concerns. This clears up pretty much all of my worries. I will come by again when I get this build rolling next league!
any1 tried using indigon with this build? As the very high mana cost of totem, we can get a bunch of spell damage (potentially >300% increased spell damage from it).
and can s1 with a proper build upload their pob. thi3n's pob is not update with the final end game one.
Is there any merit to taking power charge nodes and running void batterys? Or is a shaper stat stick just better? Likewise do we think the +1 totem shield mod is going to be worthwhile?

(I welcome idle speculation)



