[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

Would also like to know about the new GC jewel... what exactly does it even do?

Also, what stats you all think for the abyss jewels themselves?
Would also like to know if the jewel is worth it since it's like 20c in Abyss league right now.
@thi3n Thank you for the guide! Great work! I will do this as a league starter after playing around with it in turmoil and theory crafting A LOT in path of building! Also curious if the Threshold Jewels will be worth it (I suspect it won't).

I have a two suggestions/questions if you don't mind:

1. What do you think about Hrimsorrow in this build?

I think it's the best conversion for us. I would argue it's better than using Phys to Lightning gem because

a) It gives us 100% Cold Conversion, so we can use +% Cold Damage on gear and can freeze/slow monsters up to a much higher HP

b) We can use Controlled Destruction, which gives me +40% DPS. Phys to lightning is 15-25% for me depending on exact tree. Other alternatives are LVL 4 Empower or Increased Crit Damage Support. Those are up to ~30% more dps depending on how much crit multi I have in the tree.

c) Bonus: due to low dex requirement you can color hrim cheaply for CWDT Immortal Call (3-4 red). Also possible to find good vaal versions (curse on hit for example, works with totems afaik).

Best other gloves would probably be Maligaros (~8% DPS for me) or some sick Fingerless Silk Gloves for for HP/Resist. Once you get the Helm Enchant (or if the new Threshold Jewels are worth it) you could ofc swap into one of those anyway OR go for the 40% DMG enchant instead and keep Hrim.

2. Have you considered using Herald of Ash?

HoA provides 8-10% additional DPS for me in exchange for a 35% mana reservation (due to Essence Worm). A perfect Clear Mind (60% Spell Damage) also gives me 8% DPS, but steals away a jewel slot, which we can use for some life and damage (2 dmg mods: 5%, 3 mods: 7.5%). At least for soft core I think it's pretty nice.

Works out on my sockets pretty well, even with Kaoms Roots.


3. Kaoms Roots
In the guide I can only see corrupted versions. I strongly recommend getting non corrupted and enchanting for the +120% Crit if you haven't crit recently or the +flat lightning damage. Both are big boosts!
Hrimsorrow is an option for a unique but low on the list of uniques that make this build good. As I've mentioned in the past - Phys to Lightning is just a great gem. On top of converting the rest of your damage to elemental it also gives an added bonus similar to added fire damage. Do not underestimate lightning damage either. There exists a shock component for trash clearing that's actually very nice as well. If I used HoA I would probably just move away from MoM alltogether and just stack life instead of mana and drop the clear mind for another rare jewel.

Wouldnt going Hierophant for more totems be good?
You can try this with another ascendancy if you'd like. I settled on Inquisitor because of the perk of to ignore resists on crit. Lets you focus on stacking crit and crit multi as sources of damage and not worry about things like offensive curses.

I ran this last league as hardcore, in case anyone wants a HC variation.


Managed to do all content, however you need to swap out some Survivability for Damage for the end-game bosses, bursting shaper/uber atziri is important.
Great to know! Someone doing the work of testing hardcore viability!

How do you keep up curse immunity for long fights like Shaper?
I have made some pretty big changes to my flask setup this league. I'll explain this in the main guide.


I did Uber Atziri at my second try. In the first try I got to Atziri's room deathless but the Atziri Clone Phase wrecked me several times and all my portals finished while having Atziri at 33% health. Most of my deaths (90%) because of Atziri Throwing Spear (i tried to dodge it in my second try but even then it killed me two or three tiemes).

At the second try, I managed to kill Uber Atziri in my last portal, here's a video of this run, learn from my mistakes! :


thi3n => Empower lvl 4 gem gives me more DPS than Added Fire Damage.

And comparing Added Fire vs Controlled Destruction, then CD wins.

I suggest you to test this.

And another question, have you tested the new Glacial Cascade Jewel yet? What are your thougts?

Level 4 Empower giving more damage than Added Fire is interesting - this will depend on your build but I'm glad you found another jewel that can work with the build. I mention this all the time but it will be individual based on your gear on what will be better for you. If you have a lot of %elemental damage then that will benefit your converted damages. Empower works off the base level of the gem which as we know for spells gives a ton of damage. Thanks for posting an Uber Atziri video!

Regarding the Threshhold Jewel -
I am currently not using it and am blasting red maps no problem on a 5-link. I have high praise for the Phys to Light gem as I think it's super strong because of reasons I mention above. I will invariably test it but honestly I think it's not going to be competitive with Life/Multi jewels or maybe the new Abyss Jewels...

Regarding Abyss Jewels -
For early gearing these are going to be competitive with the "old" jewels (%Life/Multi/CastSpeed jewels). In the late game the "old" jewels will be better value.

What's more life? 7% life or 50 flat life? What's more damage? 18+ multi or 5-10 flat phys to my spell? These are questions that are (you guessed it) individual to your current gear. The easiest way to explain this is taking a simple example. If you have 100 flat life and you can go from 100% to 107% then your final health will be 100*(1+1.07) = 214. If you have the choice of getting 10 flat life instead and you go from (100+10)*(1+1.0) = 220 life. The short answer is you need both flat and % working together for it to be good. This works similarly to Crit and Crit Multi. Having 1,000,000% Crit Multi doesn't matter if you have 0% Crit Chance. Path of Building and offline tools are great for people who don't want to get into the math.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thi3n#0446 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2018 14:44:48
Apologies, someone messaged me saying my import was wrong, they were right.

This is for Hardcore only;


Rush the scion life tree after getting essentials, then the left hand side life nodes.

I ended up self casting GC until Tabula, farmed my own act9 blood aquaduct then immediately swapped to totems.

Had an unfortunate dumb death to merc lab spike trap trying to carry someone through (lol) so on second run now, just got to mapping and going at a nice pace. This build (and GC in general) is amazing for HC as it's very, very safe.
Massive Guide Update - Also going live with the Templar now on Twitch. Mapping Shaped Vaults with Biscos!
Thanks for this superb build and for keeping it updated -- it's fast, easy, and fun!
Has anyone played with the new GC gem enough to tell me will 5L be a bigger upgrade (more with beating bosses in mind)? Assuming yes, but wondering.

Second time starting this build. Fucking favorite new starter, this will be my second with it as go-to. Took it to guardians and shaper last league (lost all, got backup - bad gear) with dual kikas and self flag.
I know that this character can be played very safe by staying behind your totems but I like to play very aggressively, am often in front of my totems, and was finding my survivability lacking. To combat this I took the +1 curse node at the top of the tree and spec'd into CWDT-IC-Enfeeble-TempChains. This has allowed me to run every red maps with insane mods easily and aggressively. Just a thought for those who like to play aggressively and any one who wants some more survivability. Looking forward to 6 linking my Soul Mantle and taking this fellow to Shaper soon.
pathofexile003 เขียน:
I know that this character can be played very safe by staying behind your totems but I like to play very aggressively, am often in front of my totems, and was finding my survivability lacking. To combat this I took the +1 curse node at the top of the tree and spec'd into CWDT-IC-Enfeeble-TempChains. This has allowed me to run every red maps with insane mods easily and aggressively. Just a thought for those who like to play aggressively and any one who wants some more survivability. Looking forward to 6 linking my Soul Mantle and taking this fellow to Shaper soon.

HAHA, ok i´m not the only one who´s thinking about double-curse :)

i like to play aggressively so i will give it a try, TY for your experience
Anyone try the rain of splinters unique jewel?

42% reduced totem damage
Totems fire 2 additional projectiles

That usable at all?



