[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

Keylors เขียน:
In your Opinion is better drop HATRED (and lose 11k DPS) to equip 2 kikazaru and make me a "curse immune" to facilitate the boss fight ??

I use the dual kikazarus, but I don't know that it is specifically better for bosses. You can get a lot of uses on a curse removal mana flask, so you're probably not going to run out (if you do you can just refill with a town portal). Kikazarus are mostly a convenience thing.

and lose 250 HP for and 100 ES(from the shield), for another dagger/spectre on my off hand weapon ?? (to compensate the damage i lose without hatred).

You should definitely get a shaper weapon offhand, regardless of whether you choose to go with kikazarus or not. That's too much damage to just leave on the table. Adding more shaper phys as extra ele mods will make hatred less important though, that's for sure.
magicrectangle เขียน:
That's too much damage to just leave on the table. Adding more shaper phys as extra ele mods will make hatred less important though, that's for sure.

Have anyone of you any serious thoughts of any Aura that works better than Hatred once you get to that point where Hatred ist's not really worthy?

I had thougt about Haste (but to much Dex needed and maybe even it does not outpasses Hatred in terms of DPS)

What do you think about this question?

HC SSF Harbinguer : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 94 (RIP).
STANDARD : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 97 (ALL CONTENT DONE)
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HC SSF Harbinguer : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 94 (RIP).
STANDARD : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 97 (ALL CONTENT DONE)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย lourun_coria#4667 เมื่อ 24 ม.ค. 2018 12:02:31
magicrectangle เขียน:
Keylors เขียน:
In your Opinion is better drop HATRED (and lose 11k DPS) to equip 2 kikazaru and make me a "curse immune" to facilitate the boss fight ??

I use the dual kikazarus, but I don't know that it is specifically better for bosses. You can get a lot of uses on a curse removal mana flask, so you're probably not going to run out (if you do you can just refill with a town portal). Kikazarus are mostly a convenience thing.

and lose 250 HP for and 100 ES(from the shield), for another dagger/spectre on my off hand weapon ?? (to compensate the damage i lose without hatred).

You should definitely get a shaper weapon offhand, regardless of whether you choose to go with kikazarus or not. That's too much damage to just leave on the table. Adding more shaper phys as extra ele mods will make hatred less important though, that's for sure.

I has afraid to change my weapons because i have so much less currency, but the benefict is REALLY AWESOME.

I decide to change my Main Hand and off hand weapon and my damage scale from 69k to 106k (without a few buffs and flasks).

i buy these:
Main Hand


So i think i need only levelling more 4 ou 5 levels and are able to try guardians/shaper.

My updated pastbin: https://pastebin.com/Uhx9Ff58
Any Idea of another Aura to run instead of Hatred when it begins to be not that worthy?

I'd say Haste but too much Dex it's needed and in terms of DPS I think it does not Outpasses Hatred.

What do you have to say?
HC SSF Harbinguer : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 94 (RIP).
STANDARD : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 97 (ALL CONTENT DONE)
lourun_coria เขียน:
Any Idea of another Aura to run instead of Hatred when it begins to be not that worthy?

I'd say Haste but too much Dex it's needed and in terms of DPS I think it does not Outpasses Hatred.

What do you have to say?

There isn't a better aura. It is just a question of hatred vs rare ring (or kikazaru).
Everything is nice but with 2 kikazarus there is only 80% reduction of curses on you... Or im missing something?
qlasboy เขียน:
Everything is nice but with 2 kikazarus there is only 80% reduction of curses on you... Or im missing something?

Yeah that's right, as inquisitor you can't get 100% curse reduction.
To add to the Kikazaru discussion:

This option is cheaper and lazier but make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. You will still receive 20% of some very relevant curses:

  • Enfeeble: 5% reduced crit chance, 6% reduced crit multi, 6.2% LESS damage
  • Temp Chains: 5.8% slower attack and cast speed.
  • Elemental Weakness: -7.8 to all elemental resistances
  • Flammability/Conductivity/Frostbite: -8.8 to respective resist and chance to be inflicted with corresponding ailment when being hit.
  • Vulnerability: 7.8 increased physical damage taken and chance to be inflicted with bleed/maim when getting hit.

Kikazaru users need to plan for the case where you are cursed with both a level 20 Elemental Weakness and a level 20 Flammability/Conductivity/Frostbite. These can stack with any curses on the map itself. Finding sources to overcap 17% (or 25% depending on if you're avoiding ele weakness maps or not) can be difficult which often means losing Kaom's Roots which means losing Solaris for Brine King.

On top of the resist problem you can now have a much higher chance to receive ailments which means in the case of taking a lot of little hits you're still going to need to flask often to remove those (especially bleed).

On top of that, it may seem trivial to have such a slightly reduced attackspeed/movespeed but even a slight difference in response time with your movement ability can spell death in dangerous encounters. Similarly, having even slightly less damage can cause an inconsistent "feel" for damage. This can sometimes lead to backtracking or waiting while mapping if you placed your totem with/without enfeeble.

You might also consider dropping flask nodes in a version that utilizes Kikazaru's but those nodes do more than just give quality of life with flask duration. Flask effectiveness is huge too! Flask effectiveness means more crit, more Atrizi chaos conversion, more move/attack speed, etc.

Kikazaru's are a budget option but I highly recommend at least trying the curse removal flasks. Being curse-free 100% of the time gives you 100% consistency of movespeed/damage, more gearing flexibility, and optimal damage/survivability.
thi3n เขียน:
To add to the Kikazaru discussion:

This option is cheaper and lazier but make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. You will still receive 20% of some very relevant curses:

Enfeeble: 5% reduced crit chance, 6% reduced crit multi, 6.2% LESS damage

With my gear, with self flagelation, enfeeble vs not enfeeble works out to a net 3.6% damage loss from being cursed. It may vary slightly based on gear.

Temp Chains: 5.8% slower attack and cast speed.

With dual kikazarus temporal chains actually does nothing at all to you. I don't know why, but it doesn't. No reduction in move speed, cast speed, or attack speed. Test it yourself if you like. And no, I'm not running kaom's roots.

Kikazaru users need to plan for the case where you are cursed with both a level 20 Elemental Weakness and a level 20 Flammability/Conductivity/Frostbite. These can stack with any curses on the map itself. Finding sources to overcap 17% (or 25% depending on if you're avoiding ele weakness maps or not) can be difficult which often means losing Kaom's Roots which means losing Solaris for Brine King.

You need exactly 90% resist all in hideout. Curse maps make no difference, you can't have two different ele weaknesses on you, it just uses whichever is higher rank (which is the soul mantle one).

On top of the resist problem you can now have a much higher chance to receive ailments which means in the case of taking a lot of little hits you're still going to need to flask often to remove those (especially bleed).

I have not found this to be at all an issue. I do have bleed and freeze removal on my flasks, but I'm guessing you have bleed removal anyway, so I just have to run freeze removal where you run curse removal. Seems like a wash to me. I also rarely actually notice bleeds. Bleeds from little trash monsters don't outpace kikazaru regen, half the time I don't even flask them off.

On top of that, it may seem trivial to have such a slightly reduced attackspeed/movespeed but even a slight difference in response time with your movement ability can spell death in dangerous encounters.

Again this actually doesn't happen, might be a bug, but temporal chains does nothing with dual kikazaru.

Similarly, having even slightly less damage can cause an inconsistent "feel" for damage. This can sometimes lead to backtracking or waiting while mapping if you placed your totem with/without enfeeble.

I've never once noticed anything like this. Again enfeeble is a net 3.6% damage hit, it is irrelevant. There's far more variance in my damage because the curse-count varies (self flagellation), but that doesn't cause any kind of inconsistency in mapping that I've noticed. I have 300k damage without curses, 400k damage with curses. That's significant variance, but since totems keep shooting until stuff is dead, it makes no difference. Either way I'm moving forward towards the next pack while the totem is doing its thing. For bosses of course you can pre-stack curses.

You might also consider dropping flask nodes in a version that utilizes Kikazaru's but those nodes do more than just give quality of life with flask duration. Flask effectiveness is huge too! Flask effectiveness means more crit, more Atrizi chaos conversion, more move/attack speed, etc.

Actually it doesn't mean more crit. Diamond flask doesn't benefit from flask effectiveness. Flask duration is nice. but 3 points for 10% is pretty meh, I get 14% on my belt for free.

Most of us run life + mana + defensive (granite for me) + diamond + atziri, so the only damage difference is in atziri, and it is a pretty meager difference. For me it is a 3% damage increase to allocate those 3 nodes. For 3 points that is pretty meager.

Kikazaru's are a budget option but I highly recommend at least trying the curse removal flasks. Being curse-free 100% of the time gives you 100% consistency of movespeed/damage, more gearing flexibility, and optimal damage/survivability.

I'd make the same recommendation in reverse to you, based on this post I'm not sure you've spent much time trying the kikazaru setup.

I don't think Kikazaru vs flask is a budget question at all, I think it is a convenience question pure and simple. How much does it cost to make a curse removal mana flask, a few alts? It is certainly worth trying both options, but I think you're blowing the downsides out of proportion. The only actually noticeable down side in practice is the lower life total.

Edit: I hope I didn't come off as excessively negative here. I do think your setup is slightly better for bossing, with the higher life total. But as I mentioned before I've done all of the major bosses deathless with my setup (didn't even take out long winters for rare jewels), so there's not a massive difference.

One other slight downside to the kikazaru setup I didn't mention above is hexfont monsters. If you get silenced you can't flask it off since you don't have a curse removal flask (would be counterproductive with self flagellation). It doesn't happen often, but it is annoying when it happens. Usually though you already have totems active somewhere, so you just whirling blades towards your totems if you get silenced.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย magicrectangle#3352 เมื่อ 25 ม.ค. 2018 19:14:57



