[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

magicrectangle เขียน:
BuDiu เขียน:
On a side note, should I grow some balls and meta craft this dagger?

Do you think it is a good enough? It only has the two prefixes, you usually want 3 good prefixes if you're going to prefix lock it.

Personally I'm not even close to rich enough to think about that kind of crafting this league. =/

Well, it's currently 3x t1. But one is a suffix = /

I'd have to craft cannot roll attack mods + cannot roll caster mods and slam exalt and hope for the best. And then start the "prefixes cannot be changed slamming".

I torn, I guess the smart thing to do would be to continue saving up for an even better watchers eye / neck / mirror worthy dagger?
There's some people who do crazy amounts of crafting on reddit, I'd probably check in over there if you're looking to get into the high end crafting game.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย magicrectangle#3352 เมื่อ 19 มี.ค. 2018 16:55:34
hogscraper เขียน:
Exodus_820 เขียน:

Are you high?

Edit:I have a video for you. 65% ele res T12 and 69% increased monster life T14.

Considering you're not using the gear set he has shown for when he claims to have beat Shaper with Hiero, what does anything in that video have to do with what I typed? And I did put the wrong resists, those were the amounts below 75 values. He's showing gear with 34 fire res, 2 cold res and 34 lightning res and without the Essence Worm. You might as well post a pizza sticks video and tell me that shows why I'm wrong. In no way does that negate my experience with a similar build with better defenses.

Some puss reported my comments it seems OmegaLUL.
Anything to do with what you said? I thought you said you die all the time to trash mobs.
Did you see me die? Relevant much?
Same gear set? Why tf do i have to be using the same gear set? Soul mantle is pretty much the only shared common core unique for anybody playing the build. Rest is up for change.
Now, cap your resist, pretty please.
Learn to play the game before you come out and show people how bad you are capable of being.
And don't refuse to be informed when you see someone playing the game with ease on the same build.
BuDiu เขียน:
juntar เขียน:
Hey BuDiu,
Is the Crit chance really worth it with Hatred? I have upwards of 80-85% crit chance with my GC totems already so much so that it PoB actually suggests I replace the Increase Crit Chance Gem. I went with Cold Pen instead...



Trust me, it is INSANELY good.

You should use both the Crit Hatred Watchers Eye AND the Increase Crit Gem.

There are very few and rare sources of BASE crit for spells. This rare stat helps so much with scaling crit in general.

Since my damage is mostly cold, on PoB a 15% cold pen watchers eye gave me a bit more shaper dps than a crit watchers eye. And it was incredibly cheap. I now have 65% cold pen.

I recommend people without the currency to try going this pure cold/cold pen route with both weapons being a dagger with T1 extra cold+other normal caster mods, because it would be hard for them to get multiple gain extra fire/lightnings on weapons.
Exodus_820 เขียน:
BuDiu เขียน:
juntar เขียน:
Hey BuDiu,
Is the Crit chance really worth it with Hatred? I have upwards of 80-85% crit chance with my GC totems already so much so that it PoB actually suggests I replace the Increase Crit Chance Gem. I went with Cold Pen instead...



Trust me, it is INSANELY good.

You should use both the Crit Hatred Watchers Eye AND the Increase Crit Gem.

There are very few and rare sources of BASE crit for spells. This rare stat helps so much with scaling crit in general.

Since my damage is mostly cold, on PoB a 15% cold pen watchers eye gave me a bit more shaper dps than a crit watchers eye. And it was incredibly cheap. I now have 65% cold pen.

I recommend people without the currency to try going this pure cold/cold pen route with both weapons being a dagger with T1 extra cold+other normal caster mods, because it would be hard for them to get multiple gain extra fire/lightnings on weapons.

could you please advise the best way to craft a mirror worthy dagger ? I know I should alt untill 2 T1 as extra suffixes. but I'm unsure how the process goes after this. havnt really done that much crafting yet. thanks ex.
Exodus_820 เขียน:
Uber Elder Video, 1 bullshit death: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av20911678/

(Forgive me for my toaster PC, it lags my game like crazy when I record videos. Ppgrading to something nice this Iune.)

In this video I was using hypothermia. I feel like elder and shaper are not getting chilled consistently. Might record another run with faster casting instead of hypothermia next time.

My gear/spec is almost minmaxed at this point. So don't get overconfident with your character upon seeing this.

I've done this calculation before for shaper and found that chilling him is easily done with pretty modest gear. I just checked poe.db and it says uber elder has the same amount of life as shaper (18.3 million).

Importing you into PoB, the cold portion of your average hit should be 170k.

170k / (18.3mil * 0.1) * 30% = 2.8% chill, well in excess of the 1% minimum chill needed to apply the debuff.

That's before the increased chill effect from hypothermia, which bumps it up by 20% to 3.3% chill.

So you should definitely be chilling him.
Reading all these posts makes me realize I'm too dumb for this build I think.
dhise เขียน:
Reading all these posts makes me realize I'm too dumb for this build I think.

Every build has nitty gritty technical aspects if you drill down enough. In terms of gameplay though, this is one of the simpler builds to play (especially if you go the kikazaru route).
magicrectangle เขียน:
hogscraper เขียน:

Considering you're not using the gear set he has shown for when he claims to have beat Shaper with Hiero, what does anything in that video have to do with what I typed? And I did put the wrong resists, those were the amounts below 75 values. He's showing gear with 34 fire res, 2 cold res and 34 lightning res and without the Essence Worm. You might as well post a pizza sticks video and tell me that shows why I'm wrong. In no way does that negate my experience with a similar build with better defenses.

I try really hard not to use insulting or judgemental language and phrasing when responding to people doing stupid things in this thread, but in this case I just can't bring myself to adopt a neutral tone. As exodus said: Are you high?

I checked your profile to see if you are brand new to the game, but you've been playing since 2013. Which means either you have brain damage, or you're trolling us. Maxing resists for mapping is such a basic part of this game that people usually don't bother to explicitly state it in guides. If this was your first ever character I could of course excuse being confused about it, but you've been playing for 5 years, and have at least 5 mapping level characters, so wtf?

OP probably had resists on some jewels when he was using that gear set, FFS. Assuming he was using the same jewels then as now, and his bandit choice was alira, he was over cap on all resists (by 9%/7%/13%).

Out of curiosity I checked his profile. It seemed to me he is actually not understanding the game mechanism, despite the fact you listed.
As I saw, his gears are messed up. It is not like he didn't want to build, but just made the wrong choice on most of the items. Some gears have strange craft like ES, with no ES investment in tree. All jewels are magic. I guess he is just an "old newbie".
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย lostcoaster#3644 เมื่อ 20 มี.ค. 2018 02:07:32
Hey there need some n00b advice here

Just finished act10 yesterday and I'll do the labs and upgrade gear for mapping tonight. It's my first time with a soul mantle totem build and I'm not sure how to manage the curse immunity stuff. I mean I know the basics, I've even crafted a mana flask with 20sec duration curse immunity which sounded great in theory but half of the time I'm either capped with mana and the flask ends or I'm taking too much damage and the regen from the shitty flask is not enough. I also use a sulphur flask for full mana situations but I find it requires too much management.

Being not a great player, I choose a totem build thinking it required little management, but now I find myself trying to manage my flasks even at T1 maps not to die ( Kitava was especially difficult) and it slows me down.

So my question is, will the experience get better? (with my playskill probably no =P)

Is it better to

a) take 2 Kikazaru's and forget about the curses with some overcapped resists (which will disable hatred due to loss of Essence Worm ring)

b) Drop soul mantle and lose a free link, which on paper sounds too much of a dps loss.

With a well rolled self flagellation, option a sounds better. I know the best way to play is to git gud but I'm not sure I can get adjusted to the flask gameplay anytime soon.



