[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

broseidon07 เขียน:
Thanks OP for literally deleting the entire guide, what's up with the gear section totally being blanked out, not sure how this guide has 90+ pages if all OP does is put a POB link in. Cool.

Relax, last edit was less than an hour ago, he's probably just fixing it up. If it stays that way for days, then go ahead and get annoyed.
magicrectangle เขียน:
BdXtcvfSnv เขียน:
I'm running kikazaru's with self-flag and a 58% spell dmg clear mind. Seems to be pretty good so far, heiro. Dropped that bad boy last night on my first elder kill for the league so far, is it worth trying to build around or just sell for the monies?

I wouldn't run hatred with kikazarus, too much of a survival hit to reserve the mana, IMHO. If you swap to essence worm and flasking off curses then that would be fine, of course. With this approach you would break even damage-wise at 7 curses self-flag, 10 if one of them is enfeeble (which it probably is).

That said, I'd like to point out that running a unique hat AND unique boots (nice enchant by the way, that one is only 1.24% chance, I gave up trying to farm it) makes fixing resists with kikas an incredible pain. I highly recommend swapping the starkonja for something else. A rare, or if you can afford gg abyss jewels and don't mind losing the 2 gem sockets, a 2 socket lightpoacher.

Having resist rolls on your weapons is a big damage hit. You'd gain 11.5% damage just from fixing those to crit multi. If swapping away from kikas helped you fix that, it would be well worth it. But you can also fix it while keeping the kikas. Starkonja isn't that great anyway. If you got a rare hat and a better gloves you might also make room for yourself to get a better amulet, instead of being glued to those big resist numbers on that one.

Speaking of which, even with those weapon enchants, you don't have enough resists. With dual kikazaru you need 90 resist all in hideout to be capped under dual curse (which will be up on you most of the time). You can't rely on endurance charges to make up the difference, because you're running cwdt immortal call (also our endurance charge generation isn't that reliable anyway).

Yet another aside, your route into witch uses 1 more point than it needs to.

1. Thanks for taking the time to check out my char fully.
2. I sold that gem for 20 ex, might've been a little low but I'd rather sell it than sit on it for a month.
3. Upgrading gloves, however PoB is showing me the 40% glacial cascade conversion enchant is giving me ~9-10% more damage overall. Should I stick to just finding a helm that has that enchant+big resists then, or ditch the enchant and stick two of the threshold jewels in?
4. Fixed the pathing, didn't even notice that.

PS: I got that boot enchant like the first or second time I did uber lab with this character...guess RNG has been with me this league!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย BdXtcvfSnv#4450 เมื่อ 28 มี.ค. 2018 17:21:55
BdXtcvfSnv เขียน:
2. I sold that gem for 20 ex, might've been a little low but I'd rather sell it than sit on it for a month.

Yeah despite the nerf that clarity mod is still worth more than the hatred mod.

3. Upgrading gloves, however PoB is showing me the 40% glacial cascade conversion enchant is giving me ~9-10% more damage overall.

You're running cold pen, and you have penetration mods on both weapons and boots, all of which serves to make full conversion more important for you. The cold pen of course could be swapped, but the pen rolls still want ele damage.

If you swap cold pen for hypothermia (which PoB tells me is more damage for you anyway - don't forget to check the "chilled" checkbox before looking at gem rankings) then 40% conversion and 40% increased damage work out to be pretty similar damage for you, so you don't strictly need the conversion. The conversion is a more versatile choice though IMHO, doesn't mess with you on phys reflect maps, helps on ele resist maps where you'l want to swap hypo back to cold pen, etc.

Should I stick to just finding a helm that has that enchant+big resists then, or ditch the enchant and stick two of the threshold jewels in?

What I did was just buy a base and chaos spam it until it had resists I could work with. Admittedly I'm thinking about trying to do better, as the life roll is kinda medium, but I got this in not that many chaos (like 40ish):

BdXtcvfSnv เขียน:
PS: I got that boot enchant like the first or second time I did uber lab with this character...guess RNG has been with me this league!

Lucky dog. Although I do find that the regen enchant is really nice on the uber elder fight, which is part of why I stopped trying to farm the penetration one:

Helps with sustain a lot in that hectic fight. In mapping I use move speed boots with lightning warp in them to help me get around faster:

Speaking of which that's another way to, temporarily at least, help fix your resists. Though I do think it is important to be able to cap resists with kaom's roots on eventually, since they're pretty much mandatory for uber elder.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย magicrectangle#3352 เมื่อ 28 มี.ค. 2018 17:41:36
Thanks OP for literally deleting the entire guide, what's up with the gear section totally being blanked out, not sure how this guide has 90+ pages if all OP does is put a POB link in. Cool.

Woops I was copying the template of this guide over to my new guide and it must have saved over. Should be restored.
thi3n เขียน:
Thanks OP for literally deleting the entire guide, what's up with the gear section totally being blanked out, not sure how this guide has 90+ pages if all OP does is put a POB link in. Cool.

Woops I was copying the template of this guide over to my new guide and it must have saved over. Should be restored.

Seems fixed now
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Alcsaar0#2324 เมื่อ 28 มี.ค. 2018 18:00:04
Anyone running Yoke of Suffering neck?

Seems to be fairly popular on the GC mine builds.

They claim a shaper neck even with 2x phys as extra dmg mods + crit multi does not even come anywhere close to this neck.

I'm a bit skeptical.

Seems like the benefit is shock + 10% increased damage from 2x ailments.

Now assume you have 100% phys as lighting from 2x weapon and a shaper neck.

How much shock are we already applying in this scenario after all the calculations (ofc it will depend on someones specific gear)

And then account for the crit multi + life + and other possible stats from a shaper neck.

Just looking for some thoughts on this comparison.
It is a decent neck if you're willing to not have any life or mana on that slot.

Shaper / uber elder have 20 mil HP. With my gear that gives about a 3% shock. So the main attraction is the 15% increased damage taken. That's pretty close to being a "more" multiplier, since we don't really have any other "increased damage taken" mods (other than the aforementioned shock).

So, basically 18% more damage. Compared to no neck, my shitty neck:

Gives me ~12% more damage, but also life and mana. If you added a shaper conversion mod to my neck it would give me 22% more damage.

The shock may work out better for self cast / mines because they're not taking the totem damage penalty. They're casting fewer GCs that individually hit harder and therefor shock harder. I suppose if I swapped faster casting for a gem that scales per hit damage I could get my shock a little bigger, but 4% instead of 3% isn't going to make me use the neck.

If you need resists on your amulet, are willing to not have life/mana, and have phys as extra fire or phys as extra random element on your scepter for the ignite, it is a decent option.
Hi guys,

Any tips for the Chimera boss besides switching flasks?
I have a bad time when he pops his clouds and I can't buy maps as a SSF player.
Enfeeble + CWDT?
noisakrach เขียน:
Hi guys,

Any tips for the Chimera boss besides switching flasks?
I have a bad time when he pops his clouds and I can't buy maps as a SSF player.
Enfeeble + CWDT?

Don't think curses actually land on him while he's smoke. CWDT immortal call definitely helps for smoke phase though.

But mostly it is just the flasks. I've got 7k life+mana, and a granite flask, and find I have little difficulty with it. You just gotta be fairly quick finding him in the smoke. Unless there's absurd damage mods on the map you should pretty easily last long enough to find him. You could run both granite and basalt if you're having trouble though.

The rest of the fight is quite easy for us (I think it is the easiest guardian for this build), and since smoke phase always comes after add phase, you should have full flasks ready to go.
magicrectangle เขียน:
noisakrach เขียน:
Hi guys,

Any tips for the Chimera boss besides switching flasks?
I have a bad time when he pops his clouds and I can't buy maps as a SSF player.
Enfeeble + CWDT?

Don't think curses actually land on him while he's smoke. CWDT immortal call definitely helps for smoke phase though.

But mostly it is just the flasks. I've got 7k life+mana, and a granite flask, and find I have little difficulty with it. You just gotta be fairly quick finding him in the smoke. Unless there's absurd damage mods on the map you should pretty easily last long enough to find him. You could run both granite and basalt if you're having trouble though.

The rest of the fight is quite easy for us (I think it is the easiest guardian for this build), and since smoke phase always comes after add phase, you should have full flasks ready to go.

Thank you for your response.

I have alerady unlocked the map bonus so I will run alt-map only with no damage bonus (pussy mod on).

I think I will give a try with the granite + basalt flask combo when he pops his clouds.
Need a better life pool too but I have to praise to the RNG god :p

Apart from that, it's true that the fight is easy for us.



