[3.2] The Snowblind Cospri CoC Assassin - Projectile based CoC

Riince เขียน:
Swagger_tron เขียน:
So, is this build 3.5 viable again? Maybe with some adjustments? :----)

The build was viable before the cospri/coc buffs- just not overly efficient or powerful if you're comparing it to the big meta builds of the time like arc/vd/mines/ele hit/pretty much anything with inpulsa's. It's the kind of build you played because you found it fun, not because it was the best thing ever, but now it is hugely stronger than it was. More spells, more fun, less FPS, and of course a lot more damage. Expect Cospri's and the amulet to be pretty expensive this time around.

Thanks for the detailed reply. But man, what build am I going to play now?
Problably start with enkis arc build, farm currency with her and then create secound "main" character..
CoC or Mjolnir?
Dayum. Hard decision. Apparently, I have to pause Uni for PoE.
Hi. Are there any changes to the skill tree in the guide in 3.5? Also are you gonna loose dps if you use 4 different coc skills instead of 2 freezing pulses and 2 frostbolts? Cheers! :)
Thank you for the build, I used ornament of the east+tabula after blood aquedact,and it was very good and fun even despite melee playstyle.

I was clearing tier 6 just fine with this claw, probably could do higher tier too, but got unlucky with map drop, so it's completely viable as league starter, I would even say strong.

After 2 days of playing I have cospri's malice and lycosidae, the pandemonius is around 50c, so I have almost all key uniques in 2 days.

I'm also using only Ice nova, it have great synergy with chill, doesn't require 2 jewel sockets and can be supported with concentrated effect for big more multiplier, aoe isn't a problem because we are assassin and herald of ice does all the job.

I got 2kk+ dps in POB with 177% lifep(overprice#2 tree): https://pastebin.com/trPMDYPK
Just respecced a standard league assassin back into this build after the patch. After running a few red tier maps, I think it's safe to say: CoC is back! Before, this was a fun, but not particularly powerful build, but with the CoC buff this could be a very real build. I've tested up to t14 maps so far and have been effortlessly destroying everything in sight.

I made some minor tweaks of my own. Since there are just so many projectiles being fired now, Frostbolt was just too slow, so I dropped it in favor of Arctic Breath (which doesn't get blocked by random short obstacles now!). I've also swapped Cyclone for Lacerate so I can take out packs from further away. Now, the build pretty much plays identically to the old Barrage CoC "CoC spray" build I used to play before the CoC nerfs lol!

Right now, I think the biggest challenge is that the build is a bit of a glass cannon. I don't exactly have optimal gear, but I'm sitting at around 5.1k hp and the life leech still feels a bit sluggish. Pretty much everything except bosses just instantly dies now though, and Lacerate lets me attack without having to get close, so it's not too much of a problem right now.

So yeah, welcome back Cast on Critical Strike!

PS: Also, for the tree changes, the main changes were in the Templar side of the tree. I basically just went through Divine Fervour on my way to picking up the extra power charge, jewel socket, and Devotion. Also dropped the two Frostbolt threshold jewels and just used rare jewels instead.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Soulcommando#0797 เมื่อ 9 ธ.ค. 2018 22:59:26
Testing out an updated version of the build on standard right now. The buffs combined with certain skill reworks are pretty crazy for this build.

An update to the guilde might come soon, or a bit later. No promises though..

Triggering over 30 spells per second feels great btw.. (used to trigger 10-12)
bängan is bängan.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Crovaxx#0048 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2018 01:54:53
I'm playing this as my starter on xbox. The claw suggested above is working for me now at lvl 59. Looking forward to an updated guide :D
Cool all ur comments but the uploader of build and alsmot rest of users in all pages in this thread talsk about Standard... not Betrayal.
@execreth - @eledhyr - @arthasspaw - @edherisctf - @douchebagontheway_hd

@the_pest - @ioneshotbosses_eightkai

Used to run this a few leagues back running it again feels better than ever, hyped to min-max it.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Alooren#0186 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2018 22:11:48

Forgot to mention, for anyone that feel like the Life leech is not enough on bosses get this flask, literally unlimited charges you'll be having constant flask upkeep, bleed removal & life leech ontop of that more than making up for the slow hp regen allowing you to facetank bosses.

Theres also a veiled mod that came out for belt, which gives you (2% Of your life regenerated per second while under a flask effect) I can craft this for you if you PM Me incase, itll also boost your survivability to a ton you can get to max hp almost instantly after u take a big hit.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Alooren#0186 เมื่อ 14 ธ.ค. 2018 00:40:27
Currently lvl 81 on betrayal. So far, everything melts(up to yellow maps). Basically the gameplay is using shield charge like autobomber and cyclone when mobs have high hp. Still working on my gloves and boots.



