[3.6] Zombiemancer - High Survivability - End Game Viable
" I see you're 79... I was feeling like you when I was 8x. Wait until you get to 90 in T15/T16 maps. Syndi members will 1 shot you and wreck you. I lost my Animate Guardian 3 times already (and I even have +20 Quality and 21 Corrupted Minion Life and the proper gear for Life on my AG, but crazy syndi mods in T15/T16 will still kill your AG and everything in 2 seconds. I played this build in 3.4 Delve and not once did my AG ever come close to dying) |
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Even with full zombie skels u still die to syndicate?
damn i tought this buuild cou;ld handle them, is there any build who can? |
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" You can't utilize skeletons in this build, because there's no gem link slots to buff your skellies up. A "Vaal'ed" skellie with no support links and no ascendancy nodes hits like a baby, tried this in 3.4 Syndi members are OK if the T15/T16 maps have no special mods, but some of the stupidly rippy moments were +90% elemental extra damage, and you can't "out-heal/leech" from syndi members because they burst through your entire ES/Life faster than you can blink. At this point, you either have to outposition your enemies, because having shield charge up + enfeeble on the enemy syndi guy won't stop him from 1 shotting-you if your immortal call cooldown is off (i run around like a chicken with speed flask+shieldcharge whenever my IC if on cooldown, and I even resort to portaling away when all my flasks are used up to refill in hideout). But running away/kiting risks other syndi members also running away, so at this point i'm considering skipping syndi members entirely if i'm focusing on leveling. Normal syndi members without any crazy mods I can handle fine, but the thing is, when youre trying to sustain T15/T16 maps, you need to be able to handle those type of mods, because you can't keep rerolling map mods just because of no-armour/reduced ele resistance/enemy do extra damage. I don't think the fault is in this build, but with 3.5 being way too rippy. if you're looking at my profile, i switch out item rarity for minion speed when i do t15/16 maps (still can't 6-link). i'm currently doing uber elder so i'm running aroun the atlas doing the elder blob with item rarity. Oh, my shield is pretty insane too, could be better but it's certainly better than my 3.4 one (still die to syndi guys tho) i was doing CwDT + Vulnerability + SO last night, with Enfeeble on hit with my AG, and I feel it helped, but just now I managed to get a cheap Quality +23 Enfeeble level 1 gem, so I'm gonna try and replace Vulnerabilty with Enfeeble on my CwDT setup to help lower syndi burst dps Will also be keeping an eye out on chaos resistance gear แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mjaaay#7640 เมื่อ 17 ธ.ค. 2018 00:03:08
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แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mjaaay#7640 เมื่อ 17 ธ.ค. 2018 00:02:31
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A little bit of a feedback after playing this build as "league starter".
I've played it last league in delve, because i wanted a -solution- in delve, to avoid to be ganked in the dark, while lurking around and getting fossils and stuffs. Having some decent Zombies was my idea. :p I loved the gameplay, and the "lazy" possibility of it, when you want to. I've played and tweaked it a little bit to try things, and as previously mentionned, the Syndicate is a real issue right now (at high tier map with many affixes. Things you want when you try to farm and get the most of your precious high tier maps). Could it be possible to have any feedback on my tweaking and ideas around? I'm quite sure it's not "optimized", but here we go. I removed Mon'Tregrul, to get a Shaper's Tiger Hook (dodge). Rolled with minions damages. In order to have all my zombies, more meat, more body to taunt/blind. Getting a rare weapon allows you to get fire/lightning on it to proc EE, more STR or resist. Even Faster attack, etc.. By getting a shield with Mana reservation (10-15%), we can add Hatred + Haste quite easily. I'm not having Generosity right now, but it's still not my "end game shield", working on it. By the way, Elem reflect map can be doable, by just turning down Hatred (and adding Grace or whatever) quite easily. We can add some -1 Mana reservation by corrupting some jewels too. Helping the mana pool for CWDT combo & such. You can add a Watcher's eye with Haste/Grace (without Generosity then), to gain Phasing, no Temp chain and some avoidance for the Syndicate. Or even tweaking the build (removing some resistance here and there) to get Purity of Elements and adding a little bit of phys damage taken converted to whatever elem. Next objective : Getting my Empower 4, squeezing Aspect of the Avian somewhere and getting a decent belt with minion life on it probably. Thanks for your ideas/feedback if any, and thanks again Clooney for the build/idea! :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ae_Evo#5363 เมื่อ 17 ธ.ค. 2018 02:58:49
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i droped haste and will recommend if i reach up t14+ and be able to handle it smooth with the syndicat. My opinion is that the vaalrechargebuff with increase duration hold ur ES up even if u get a bigshot on it. I will just stack so much survivebility as i can for this league. Ure right Haste is usually the musthave. But i try a bit out. My AG needs enfeeble too. Thx for this tip! But still i guess this one of the stronger builds to handle this league. So guys and lads, keep up to try it out. Only leveling is kinda weird because its like old RF builds u need high lvl before u can swap into ur meta.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Pilgerer#1953 เมื่อ 17 ธ.ค. 2018 01:36:27
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Great guide, having a blast but the Desecrate is driving me nuts... I cannot target the chieftains with summon spectre, for me it is a gamble right now if I can summon 2 spectre chieftains or some other random crap... am I doing something wrong?
Is there a way to reset the desecrate corpse pool? |
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You can hold "A" while you mouse over the corpses to see the name of the corpses, then press your Raise Spectre for getting him. :)
But you shouldn't have issue with your Spectres, they not dying that much (almost never?) normally. Try to raise them from a high level tier map with a high level Desecrate (if you can, ask to someone who's can do T15/Shaper to jump into his map to raise them ^^). You can spam Desecrate to get another pool of corpses too. |
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Good idea on switching out Haste for more survivability.
Is Discipline or Grace better for this build? Vaal Grace is 6sec, Vaal Discipline is 3 sec, but since we're focusing on ES, I'd guess Discipline is the choice here? edit: discipline is 35% reserved mana, grace is 50%, guess i'll look into grace since i'd want to use up my mana pool แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mjaaay#7640 เมื่อ 17 ธ.ค. 2018 03:09:47
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" For survivability i guess discipline would do it better, with ES scale on the build, and since you have 15% mana unreserved, you can go for war or dread banner (10% reservation) for a dps and survivability boost too (less accuracy or less physical damage from mobs in the banner area).Personnally i would go discipline + dread banner : compensate the loss of dps from haste, and add great survivability. |
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