[3.6] Zombiemancer - High Survivability - End Game Viable

Clooney_is_best_Batman เขียน:
ol_baid เขียน:
At this point I'm starting to question how much the stone golem is worth it. My character is sitting at ~300ES regen at the moment, 108 or so coming from the golem. For a pool of 5.3k ES that sounds rather meh. A lightning golem would be a nice touch, you get lightning damage so you wouldn't need that on a ring anymore and attack speed for the minions so their damage is better (PoB doesn't show that though). And faster Shield charging ofc.

The Stone Golem has the best helmet enchant for this build and is the best golem choice in my opinion.
The lightning golem doesnt add any lightning damage to you or attack speed to your minions, he only adds attack speed for your shield charge, which is nice to have, you can use him if you are fine giving up the life regen for it.

I should learn to read, the attack speed is indeed only for myself, not for my allies. The lightning damage is given, but only temporary ("casts a temporary aura that grants added Lightning Damage to spells and attacks used by the Golem and its nearby allies."), which is unreliable. So a big no to that idea.

The stone golem enchant is nice, but you first need to get it on your Baron, which can take a while in temp league. For now I'm running around with +3 corpses from Desecrate which I got myself enchanted, better than nothing.
ogloplol เขียน:
To resummon zombies you'll have to turn off an aura temporarily

or keep a pocket vaal clarity
Crimmson เขียน:
When we use a shaped shield then, we would have one more free slot to use. So we would be able to switch in Golem + empower into the shoes with cwdt2+spirit offering setup. Or would you rather use the Golem without empower and add something else to the cwdt setup? (I Plan to use enfeeble over immortal call in the other cwdt setup because I feel like immortal call would give such short buff and enfeeble would probably help more)

Thank you very much for explaining the spectre thing to me. I am quite a noob here, so that helps a lot really. So I will just lvl a second desecrate in my offhand.

About the raise zombie Gem. Would you rather use a 20/20 one or a 21/0 one? (21/20 is a bit to expensive for me atm)

PS: about the shield. I guess a -10% Manager Reservation would be absolutly enough wouldn't it? As it would lower the cost of both auras and it would still be more than one enlighten Gem

Yea, that sounds good. I guess using an extra link for the CWDT is better than getting two extra levels on the golem.

Im on a 5-link with 19/20 right now and i easily prefer a quality Zombie gem, it adds movement speed for them. I have no damage problems and Zombies have no survivability problems (They only died to a T14 Abaxoth so far).

The 10% is almost enough to be able to cast a 6-link Zombie, this means a 15% one would solve all the end game bossing problems you can run into where your Zombies can die. This is really fucking nice.

ol_baid เขียน:
For now I'm running around with +3 corpses from Desecrate which I got myself enchanted, better than nothing.

This is a really good one though, i would personally prefer that enchant over the Zombie ones. It almost maxes out the efficiency of your Spirit Offering in one trigger (9 corpses max).
Ok then i'll add a lvl 20 Golem (when I am at the lvl) and what Else would you add to the cwdt? Inc. Dur.for the spirit offering or immortal call/enfeeble (depends on what you have linked to the other cwdt setup) or something else?

For the shield, I will try to get one that helps cap/overcap my Res as good as possible, as much ES and Life as I can get and 10% or more lesser Mana. How much Mana do the 6l zombies cost? We should get about 160+ Mana to use with a 10% one or did I miscalculate here?

The good thing is, that I can now use the Chaos I gethered for a shaped shield instead of the pretty expensive enlighten Gem.
Clooney_is_best_Batman เขียน:

The 10% is almost enough to be able to cast a 6-link Zombie, this means a 15% one would solve all the end game bossing problems you can run into where your Zombies can die. This is really fucking nice.

One could also invest in reduced mana reservation on the tree - for 3 points you get 4%, for 5 points up to 14% (Sovereignty). But why do that if you can get an even better shield :) Really nice hint.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย olsev_baiden#2790 เมื่อ 16 มี.ค. 2018 08:55:07
Considerin that im usin necromantic aegis and on mapin i use this shield
what good alternatives could be for the shaper fight . ?


IGN = Tominsideeeee

i cant seem to get the generosity support gem from applying to both haste and hatred, i have a 4 link with 2 green 1 blue and 1 red, do i have to have them in the exact pattern you have with the red gem isolated in a corner and the greens not connected?
Those who stand should never out number those who kneel.
Setup changed to 2 CWDT and the reduced mana reservation shield. I decided to throw in a Desecrate for the remaining gem slot so I can produce corpses for my Zombies during boss fights. I'm very happy with this change, even though I lost ~1,3k ES.
after i massacred over 400 chromatic orbs getting the exact gem pattern you have on the boots

green -- blue

_________ |

red -- green

with both aura's activated i am still not getting the resistance bonus from my ascendancy, it shows no defense increase as if im not being affected by my aura due to generosity support applying to both aura's. am i doing something wrong? is it broken or what?
Those who stand should never out number those who kneel.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Virel_360#7130 เมื่อ 16 มี.ค. 2018 13:15:18
Virel_360 เขียน:
after i massacred over 400 chromatic orbs getting the exact gem pattern you have on the boots

green -- blue

_________ |

red -- green

with both aura's activated i am still not getting the resistance bonus from my ascendancy, it shows no defense increase as if im not being affected by my aura due to generosity support applying to both aura's. am i doing something wrong? is it broken or what?

Is generosity linked to BOTH auras?



